
What should I do if I am in a hurry, online, etc., and I am about to take the exam, but my mind is empty?

author:Popular Science China

Ma Dong what?

What winter plum?

Horse what plum?


There are always times when we forget, we can have fun when we encounter something in life, and we will be in a hurry when we encounter it in the examination room. In order to avoid this situation, as a student, on the one hand, we should listen carefully in class, complete homework independently and review well, on the other hand, we should also learn a little knowledge about the brain, understand the laws of brain work, and consciously make our learning arrangements more in line with the laws of the brain, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

What should I do if I am in a hurry, online, etc., and I am about to take the exam, but my mind is empty?

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However, brain science is still relatively complex and difficult to understand after all, and it is a little laborious for the majority of primary and secondary school students to learn, so the content related to memory has been refined and simplified here to make a long picture. Next, let's turn our phones sideways and explore the little mysteries of memory together!

What should I do if I am in a hurry, online, etc., and I am about to take the exam, but my mind is empty?
What should I do if I am in a hurry, online, etc., and I am about to take the exam, but my mind is empty?
What should I do if I am in a hurry, online, etc., and I am about to take the exam, but my mind is empty?

Image from the book "Our Brain Science"

However, it is not enough to understand how the brain works, the so-called "not only want the horse to run, but also to the horse not to eat grass", in order to make the brain work efficiently, there are many things worth noting, let's summarize it below.

Sleep less and learn more? Pay for one's whistle

Have you ever said something like "If you don't memorize the text today, you won't sleep"? Oh my God, you've really lost your watermelon and picked up sesame seeds!

In fact, while you sleep, your brain will study and work quite hard. A good night's sleep is a great help for memory processing and learning new knowledge. For elementary and middle school students, in addition to ensuring adequate sleep for about 8 hours every night, we should also take a nap at the right time during the day. So, staying up late can be said to be the opposite thing. Remember to go to bed on time at night to give your brain a chance to show itself!

The brain loves sugar, so you don't need to eat too much

It's not just your stomach that loves food, it's your brain as well. An abundant and plentiful supply of food will give your brain a boost of energy. Conversely, if you lack food, not only will your stomach protest against you, but your brain will also behave erratically.

If you want brain cells to work actively, you need to feed them. Glucose is the main source of energy for brain cells. So, if the glucose supply is low, the brain is in "low power mode" and is looking for ways to save energy. For example, scientists believe that images that people see when they are hungry will have a lower resolution.

It's true that our brains rely on glucose to work, but the sugar we consume every day from fruits, grains and other natural foods is enough to keep our brains functioning properly. If you eat too much candy, drinks, pastries and other foods, although it can satisfy your cravings, it is not conducive to brain health and normal functioning.

The combination of work and rest is not empty words

The brain governs our movements, which in turn affect our brains. So, if you want to improve your memory and learning skills more easily and quickly, be sure to take every PE lesson seriously!

A scientist once experimented with a group of mice. He put a portion of the mice in a small "gym" with running wheels and let the mice exercise in it, while the mice next door did not do any exercise. After 28 days, two groups of mice were tested and found to have much stronger hippocampuses in the brains of those who participated in exercise than those who did not. The hippocampus function is enhanced, which contributes to the improvement of long-term memory.

Exercise not only makes the hippocampus stronger, but it also improves other brain structures involved in learning. Exercise enhances the function of the prefrontal cortex and improves the ability to concentrate and think analytically.

Therefore, you must remember that in addition to studying, you must arrange time to do exercise.

Let's grow up healthy and play together!

In addition to eating, sleeping, and exercising, there is another activity that is inseparable from brain health – socializing. Imagine spending a day in an empty room with no one to talk to or interact with, how would you feel? Scientists have experimentally proved that there is no social interaction, and it is not just a matter of feeling lonely.

Scientists have found in mouse experiments that social deprivation can cause abnormal functional structure of neurons and nerve cells in the brain of juvenile mice, resulting in a series of changes such as neurotrophic factor reduction and neural circuit dysfunction, which in turn induces anxiety, depression and mania and other behavioral abnormalities.

For us humans, a lack of socialization likewise affects brain development. Childhood and adolescence are critical stages for healthy brain development and maturation. At this stage, lack of social activity may affect the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, alter hormone secretion levels, and lead to anxiety, depression, and poor cognitive development.

Finally, to sum up, students and friends want to play freely in the examination room, in addition to the usual hard work, we can also learn a little more about the way the brain works, and know which good habits are usually conducive to brain health and make the brain work more efficiently.

Our Brain Science

What should I do if I am in a hurry, online, etc., and I am about to take the exam, but my mind is empty?

Our Brain Science

When you look around at the beautiful scenery, it is the brain that processes the information from the outside world; When you move forward with your head down, it is the brain that controls the balance of movement; When you reminisce about the past, it is the fragments of memory in your brain that keep flashing back; When you look to the future, it is the brain that allows you to imagine infinitely. This book is full of childlike pictures and words, rich in cutting-edge knowledge, to help you open the door to brain science, and let you understand the contributions made by Chinese scientists in the field of brain science.

Planning and production

Source丨"Our Brain Science" Science Popularization Press

Planning丨Ding Kun

Editor丨Ding Kun

Reviewer丨Xu Lai Linlin

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