
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting

May is fragrant and fragrant, and the flowers and fruits are fragrant. In order to further strengthen the management of teaching quality, timely feedback on the deficiencies in teaching work, continuously improve the quality of teaching, and create a positive and enterprising learning atmosphere, on the morning of May 16, Wangguanying Middle School in Fengrun District held a grand mid-term examination commendation meeting. Comrade Wang Xiaobo, Secretary of the Party Branch and President of the school, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The school leadership team and all teachers and students attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Vice President Comrade Wang Lijun.

Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting

After raising the national flag and singing the national anthem, Liu Dongmin announced the champion of the first grade of high school; The list of the top students in the second and third years of high school and the top students of Lip and Pu and presented awards.

Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting

Director Liu Zeqing announced the list of online students and winning classes, and presented awards to the first prize winners and winning classes.

Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting

Director Li Jiayong announced the list of teachers, subject groups, and teaching and research groups who received excellent results in the mid-term examination, and presented awards.

Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting

Outstanding student representatives and outstanding teacher representatives made speeches respectively.

"There are no two leaves in the world that are the same, and striving to improve is to achieve a better version of yourself." We must set goals and go all out, through the accumulation of today's days, in exchange for tomorrow's others' reach; Improve efficiency, grasp time, and develop good habits of focus.

Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting

Li Xiaoyu, a representative of outstanding teachers, said that she hoped that students would prepare for the exam with confidence, perseverance and concentration; With determination, perseverance, and energy, go all out, and bless the senior high school students to win the title of the gold list!

Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting
Commend the role model and build momentum to climb the peak Fengrun District Wangguanying mid-semester examination summary and commendation meeting

Comrade Wang Xiaobo, Secretary of the Party Branch and President of the school, delivered a speech, in which he affirmed the hard work of the teachers and students of the school and congratulated the award-winning teachers and students. He also instructed the students in the basic grades to build up their self-confidence and make up their minds to strive for excellent results at the end of the semester. Encourage senior high school students to actively prepare for the exam, be confident, win the college entrance examination, and create new achievements and brilliance. (Recorded by: Li Yinfeng)

Editor in charge: Wu Di

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