
If you don't eat broad beans in summer, you will lose money, dispel dampness, reduce swelling and strengthen the spleen

author:The popular science lecture hall was opened

Now is the season when broad beans are ripe, and the broad beans at this time are full and the most tender, which is an indispensable seasonal dish on people's tables.

Fava beans are quite nutritious, it is rich in protein, phospholipids, choline, vitamin B, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that broad beans have a sweet and flat taste, and have the effects of strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, diluting dampness and reducing swelling. "Materia Medica" believes that broad beans "nourish qi, astringency, and solid intestines", and "Food Materia Medica" says that broad beans "fast stomach, and viscera".

There are many ways to eat broad beans, whether they are used in soup or pasta snacks, and here are 4 healthy dishes containing broad beans.

Stir-fried chicken with broad beans and rice and red peppers

If you don't eat broad beans in summer, you will lose money, dispel dampness, reduce swelling and strengthen the spleen

Ingredients: 200 grams of broad beans, 150 grams of chicken breast, 2 red peppers.

Seasoning: cooking wine, green onion, ginger, salt, white pepper, starch, soy sauce.

Method: 1. Wash and dice the chicken breast, marinate it with cooking wine, green onions, ginger, salt, white pepper, starch, etc.; 2. Remove the seeds of the red pepper and cut it into cubes, boil the broad beans and rice in boiling water for 2 minutes, then remove and set aside; 3. Put cooking oil in the pot, and stir-fry the diced chicken until the meat turns white; 4. Put broad beans and diced red peppers into the pot together, add salt, soy sauce and other seasonings, stir-fry with the diced chicken for a while, and then put it on a plate.

Efficacy: Warm and invigorate qi, invigorate blood circulation and dispel blood stasis.

Broad bean and lotus root pork rib soup

If you don't eat broad beans in summer, you will lose money, dispel dampness, reduce swelling and strengthen the spleen


Ingredients: 500 grams of pork ribs, 1 section of lotus root, 100 grams of broad beans.

Seasoning: cooking wine, pepper, Sichuan pepper powder, green onion ginger, soy sauce.

Method: 1. Wash the pork ribs, blanch them with boiling water, skim off the foam; 2. Wash the lotus root and cut it into large pieces, put it into the pressure cooker with the pork ribs, add cooking wine, pepper, pepper powder, green onion and ginger, etc., and simmer until it is cooked for eight minutes; 3. Pour into a casserole, add broad beans and rice and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes; 4. Add salt, soy sauce and other seasonings, simmer for a while, and then serve in a bowl.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and muscles, strengthen muscles and bones.

Broad bean buckwheat cake

If you don't eat broad beans in summer, you will lose money, dispel dampness, reduce swelling and strengthen the spleen


Ingredients: 250 grams of soba noodles, 200 grams of broad beans.

Seasoning: baking powder, orange powder, sugar.

Method: 1. Broad beans are processed into bean paste with a food grinder for later use (no food grinder, boiled bean paste can also be crushed with a spoon);2. Add broad bean paste, baking powder, orange powder, and sugar to the buckwheat noodles, and knead well; 3. Put on a plate and basket, steam over high heat for 20 minutes; 4. After the cake has cooled, cut thick slices with a flower knife and serve.

Efficacy: appetizing and widening the intestines, eliminating food and relieving stagnation.

Tips: Although broad beans are delicious and nutritious, parents should pay attention to whether their children will be allergic to fava beans before giving them to their children, as broad bean disease is caused by a lack of an enzyme in the body, which is more common in children under the age of 10. Severe cases can lead to severe anemia and shock, and severe cases can lead to heart failure, hemolytic uremic syndrome and even death! In addition, gout patients should also eat less broad beans to avoid eating too many broad beans and causing uric acid to rise, which will lead to the occurrence of gout.

Source: Wuhan Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Preservation

Editor-in-charge: Summer

Editor: Wang Jun