
Deng Jianxiang: Strengthen the governance of urban villages and serve the economy of business districts

author:Guangzhou Huadu released

Opening remarks

They are deputies to the people's congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and they come from different fronts and fields. Over the past year, they have lived up to their original intentions, performed their duties conscientiously, and shouldered their missions and responsibilities with iron shoulders. They care about urban construction and development, the social conditions and people's livelihood of Huadu, and they actively make suggestions and contribute wisdom and strength to promote the high-quality development of Huadu in the new era.

Huadu District Financial Media Center has launched a series of reports on "Demeanor of Representatives and Members", please see below: Deng Jianxiang: Strengthen the governance of urban villages and serve the economy of business districts.

Representative style [representative style] Deng Jianxiang: Strengthen the governance of urban villages and serve the business district economy

Deng Jianxiang, deputy to the 17th People's Congress of Huadu District, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tianmei Village, Xinhua Street. This is a local post-90s generation who responded to the call to return to the village to serve, and he is also a college student village official rooted in the grassroots.

Deng Jianxiang: Strengthen the governance of urban villages and serve the economy of business districts

Tianmei Village is a typical urban village, adjacent to the Huadu District Government, crossed by Tiangui Road, Fenghuang Road, Xindu Avenue, Yunshan Road and Commercial Avenue, and surrounded by three parks: Huaguoshan Park, Ma'anshan Park and Huadu Lake Wetland Park. It covers an area of about 5.7 square kilometers, with 7 economic cooperatives, 28 production teams, more than 12,000 registered villagers and about 47,000 foreigners. The commercial economy in the village area is relatively developed. How to serve the business district economy and help the governance of urban villages while focusing on social conditions and people's feelings? It is a major event that Deng Jianxiang has been concerned about in the past three years since he was elected as a deputy to the District People's Congress.

"The liaison station of the eastern area of the Xinhua Street People's Congress is located in our Tianmei Village, and I am one of the 10 representatives stationed there." At the Tianmei Village Party and Mass Service Center, Deng Jianxiang gave reporters a detailed introduction to the structure and functions of this liaison station in the eastern area. Through this new carrier for people's congress deputies to connect with the masses, the deputies actively perform their duties, visit enterprises, go deep into communities, listen to the demands of the masses, comfort and help families in difficulty, take the initiative to find problems from point to point, coordinate and solve the problems of the people's "urgency, difficulty and longing", and timely report to all levels and channels the "old and difficult" problems in the governance of urban villages, actively play the role of people's congress deputies, and continue to promote the effectiveness of urban village governance.

Deng Jianxiang: Strengthen the governance of urban villages and serve the economy of business districts

On the day of the interview, Deng Jianxiang took the reporter to the newly opened Baohua Road section. This large road connecting Tiangui Road and Shuguang Road is flat and wide, with neatly trimmed grass and trees on both sides of the road, and red lanterns hanging high on the branches, making the whole section of the road look new and beautiful. Deng Jianxiang said: "This was originally the last dead-end road in Huadu City, and they were all old houses, and the environment was relatively poor. After the proposal of our district people's congress deputies, it was included in the practical content of the people's livelihood in the 2022 Huadu District Government Work Report, and with the efforts of many parties, this section of the dead-end road was opened on June 30 last year, and at the same time, the houses and ground on both sides of the road were transformed accordingly. The opening of the broken road of Baohua East Road has improved the traffic environment in this area of the city and the life and travel of the surrounding residents. ”

Deng Jianxiang: Strengthen the governance of urban villages and serve the economy of business districts

Deng Jianxiang also took the reporter to the Xincun Economic Society on Fenghuang South Road, but saw that the village roads along the way were clean and tidy. Deng Jianxiang said that as one of the "2023 Guangzhou Sanitary Villages" (a total of 10 villages in Huadu were selected), Tianmei Village has made great efforts to carry out environmental governance: first, regularly carry out human settlements improvement actions to improve the appearance of the village; the second is to earnestly implement the river chief system and forest chief system, and strengthen the water environment of the Tianmei River and the greening management of the jurisdiction; the third is to strengthen publicity and mobilization, mobilize the masses to consciously clean up the garbage in front of and behind the house, and actively participate in environmental governance; Fourth, according to the existing problems reported by the masses, such as the random parking of vehicles and the random stacking of sundries, the village committee will set up full-time personnel to follow up and deal with them and solve them in a timely manner.

"It is very important to strengthen publicity and education in ordinary times, and organize villager representatives to preach through the publicity of commercial entities and villagers, so as to enhance the awareness of villagers to care for the environment. In addition to implementing the responsibilities of the cleaning company and setting up full-time and part-time health supervisors among the villagers to strengthen supervision, our village also incorporates environmental sanitation into the management of the point system, and links it with dividends from various aspects such as human settlements improvement, rental house management, fire protection, etc., so as to guide the villagers to consciously fulfill their obligations to care for the environment. In addition, we also plan to use the vacant land in the village to rationally plan greening and improve the appearance of the village. Deng Jianxiang put out his practices and ideas.

Deng Jianxiang: Strengthen the governance of urban villages and serve the economy of business districts

The "two sessions" are about to be held, and I was asked what good suggestions I have as a representative of the Huadu District People's Congress? Deng Jianxiang said that he will, as always, go deep into the grassroots, contact the masses more, listen to the voices of the people, and collect good suggestions and opinions; Give full play to the role of supervision to ensure that the livelihood and welfare of villagers in all aspects of children's education, elderly welfare, and medical security are implemented; At the same time, more and better proposals and suggestions were put forward in combination with the actual situation, such as how to do a good job in the "night economy" in the area of Bixiu Road in the jurisdiction, build a new immersive consumption scene of "Tianmei Xinli", and create the first "experience-based business demonstration area" in Huadu. In short, my wish is not only to conscientiously do my own work well, but also to actively perform the duty of "people's deputies for the people."

A simple village-level grassroots representative, a simple representative wishes to perform his duties, and a feeling from a college student village official for his hometown, this is the true portrayal of Deng Jianxiang, a representative of the Huadu District People's Congress.

Source: Huadu District Rong Media Center

Photo: Wang Fang, Jiang Shaocheng

Editor: Sui Qi

Reviewer: Gong Yaodong Wu Minna

Proofreader: Jia Yu Peng Tianyang

Review: Deng Biyan

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