
Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Released in 2008, Grim Reaper vs. Naruto is one of the oldest games on 4399. The characters in the game come from the two major migrant manga, "Grim Reaper" and "Naruto", just like the name of the game, "Grim Reaper VS Naruto" brings together the characters from the two anime to fight. To this day, it still has a very high popularity among the player base.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

The game perfectly restores the moves of the anime characters, and the signature skills of each character are reflected in the game, and the BGM of the anime will be played during the battle, coupled with the original lines of the anime characters that make people boil with blood, making the game "Death VS Naruto" still has a high popularity to this day.

In this issue, we will talk about the moves of the character Uchiha Ban in "Death VS Naruto" to see if the game is restored and whether the player is satisfied:

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

General Attack:

General Attack KEY.

Ban's general attack can attack five times, the fourth blow will knock the enemy away, the fifth use of Susanoo down split, dealing a lot of damage and directly knocking the enemy down, the full set of general attack can directly consume 1/5 of the opponent's physical strength.

If the opponent uses defense, after playing two sets of general attacks, another general attack can cause a breach of defense.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

"Up + General Attack"

Teleport skill, regardless of distance, can teleport across the screen. Teleport behind the enemy to attack twice, the first attack will pick the enemy fly, and the second attack will kick the enemy down and hit the hard straight, which can reduce the opponent's physical strength by about 1/10.

Because it is attacked from behind, when fighting with the player, the opponent will sometimes block in the defensive state, and sometimes directly break the defense.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

"Down + General Attack"

Teleport skill, can only teleport to the same horizontal line, can not full screen teleportation. Before teleporting to the enemy side, use the wooden escape to wrap the wood around the hand and attack forward to hit the hard straight, use the "down + general attack" and then click the general attack will become a group fan attack, which can knock the enemy away.

In the defensive state of the opponent can be directly defended, and this move is more swinging, will be seized by the other party to seize the opportunity to fight back.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Use a general attack or "jump + general attack" when in the air

Spot uses a wooden escape, sticking out of the tree from the arm to attack forward, with a small range and low damage.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Long-range attack:

Long Attack Key - Fire Escape Dragon Yan Song

Used during the battle against the Five Shadows, when the rebirth of the dirt is about to be unlocked, he uses the Dragon Yan Song to attack the Five Shadows, and is blocked by the Tsunade, who has consumed the Chakra of the Hundred Heroes Technique, and is about to give the Tsunade a fatal blow, Kato cut off the possession of the Tsunade to save it.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Long Yan song is set in the game as a long-range attack skill, ban spit out three dragon-shaped fireballs to attack the enemy, causing three pieces of damage and knocking the enemy down, full of defense four to five long-range attacks can break the defense. Is bane's main range-consuming skill.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

"Up + Long Attack" - Mu Shu Mu Long Technique

The Wooden Dragon Technique was originally a trick between the pillars, and the pillars used this trick to clamp down on the nine tails, and the spot could also use the wooden dragon after transplanting the cells between the pillars, and during the Ninja War, the spot used the wooden dragon to contain Naruto's nine tails.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

In the game, Ban can use the Wooden Dragon Technique to attack obliquely upwards, and the Wooden Dragon will knock the enemy away, deal a piece of damage and fall to the ground, the attack range is larger, and will be defended by the opponent:

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

"Down + Long Range"

Break defense skill, use Susanoo to slash downwards, deal two pieces of damage, and directly knock the opponent down. The opponent's defense value can also be directly broken in the state of full defense to play hard straight.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Use a long-range attack or "jump + long-range attack" when in the air - Fire Escape, Howe Fireball/Phoenix Immortal Fire?

Used against the Ninja Alliance, Ban jumped into the air, countless fireballs appeared around him, attacking the Ninja Alliance, and there is no name for the move in the anime, so what the name of this move is unknown, a bit like the Uchiha family's commonly used fireball or Phoenix Fire.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

In the game, Spot uses a long-range attack when in the air, fires a fireball downwards, causing a period of damage to the enemy will be hit directly to the ground, the range is very far, can be full screen attack, Spot standing at the highest point can be used directly to the bottom of the map.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Big Moves:

The Great War ------------

In the Naruto anime, Bane is used against the ninja alliance after being reborn in the dirt, and the range of the technique is extremely large, and the ninja alliance is joined together to release the water ninja to compete with it.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

In the game, the fire is set as a big move, click "I" to release, the attack range is large, the damage is high, and the defense can be broken. Damage can directly consume 1/4 of the amount of health, which is one of the main output means of the spot.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

"Up + Big Move" - Susanoo

First use Susanoo to fly the enemy and deal a piece of damage, then enter the second order of Susanoo, conjure up four hands, and the remaining three hands are slashed once, causing a total of four damage, and the damage is slightly higher than the fire extinguished, which can be used to attack the enemy above. The distance should be close enough when using, otherwise it may be empty, if the damage of the first stage of the fly is blocked, the skill will be interrupted, the subsequent damage cannot be played, and the use of the skill should seize the opportunity.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Use a big move or "jump + big move" when in the air - eight feet of Qiong Gou Yu

In the anime, Ban uses the eight-foot Qiong Gou Jade to be blocked by the Defense of Sand and the Stone Giant of I Love Luo when fighting the Five Shadows, and in the game Ban uses a big move in the air to throw eight feet of Qiong Goyu to the opposite side, directly from the top of the map to the bottom. Damage is comparable to fire extinguishing, and can be blocked by the opponent, but can consume more than half of the opponent's defense value.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Three Grids, "Down + Big Move" - Complete Body Susanoo

Spot summons the full body of Susanoo, draws the sword forward, causing huge damage, the energy wave caused by the sword qi surges from the ground, causing subsequent damage, a total of four damages, full can consume 3/5 of the opponent's health, the first damage can be defended, and at the same time will cause a breach of defense, unable to resist subsequent damage.

This is Uchiha Ban's strongest move in the game, with a large range that can attack enemies directly in front of and above, but not enemies below.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Summary: The Uchiha Ban skills in the game are still relatively restored, because there are too many skills in the anime, so the game picks more iconic skills: Fire Escape, Susanoo, Kisuke and other skills are basically done, and the damage is not bad, the playing style is strong, and the oppressive attack is very in line with bane's style.

Wood, Fire, Susanoo! How many spots of skills were restored in Reaper VS Naruto?

Although there are always new games coming out, Death VS Fire Shadow is still a god in the hearts of many players, and other character skill introductions will be introduced later.

Okay, the above is the content of this issue, what views are welcome to leave a message in the comment area, interested in the small partner click to pay attention to it, I am bored to say the game, we will see you in the next issue!


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