
7 details indicate that the twelve-star man is "playing" you

Detail one: Not every day to contact you

Mean men represent: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

If he loves you, why doesn't he call you every day? Busy? That's his excuse for you, and it's your excuse to comfort yourself! He was really busy, too busy with other women to remember your existence. Finally remembered to contact you, that is also he is idle, occasionally change back to your taste should be time and loneliness!

Detail two: There are always inexplicable phone calls when I am with you

Mean men represent: Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces

When he's with you, there are often calls coming in, either vaguely or inappropriately in front of you, then simply don't answer, and tell you that the call is unimportant or wrong. You have to pay attention, the other end of the phone is definitely a woman who is close to him. He is so careful that he just doesn't want the other person to know that you exist, for fear that your voice will spoil his good deeds.

7 details indicate that the twelve-star man is "playing" you

Detail three: Very little mental communication just wants to take advantage of you

Mean men represent: Aries, Leo, Scorpio

When you are sick, he does not care; When you are sad, he has no greeting. When he comes to you, the goal is so clear – on... Bed, only when he wants to get your flesh and wants to take advantage of you, he will think of "communicating" with you and communicating with his body! Do you think this is also a kind of love for him? Indeed, He loves your body!

Detail four: not too willing to spend money for you

Mean male representatives: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Don't say he's not financially wealthy, don't say he's naturally thrifty, a man who really loves you, is willing to save himself, rather than stingy with his girlfriend! There are a bunch of women behind him waiting for him to spend money, how can he be willing to spend all the money on you? Of course, Kuo Shao is willing to spend money, but he will not bother to choose a gift for you, because you are just a toy he paid for

Detail Five: There are many numbers on the chat tool friend list, and most of them are female

Mean men represent: Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini

When you occasionally log in to his computer, find that there are many QQ numbers in the QQ login box drop-down menu, and all the girls' avatars appear, then tell you that the girl he brought home is definitely not only you, you are just deceived by him... Bed one of the many girlfriends. If you don't want to get the "love death disease" one day inexplicably, it is better to stay away from him immediately!

7 details indicate that the twelve-star man is "playing" you

Detail six: important holidays, especially Valentine's Day, do not accompany you

Mean men represent: Cancer, Taurus, Leo

Whenever there is an important holiday, does he always have a bunch of reasons to tell you "sorry, I can't spend it with you"? As long as you complain a little, he will blame you for not understanding him, not supporting him, making you wonder if you are asking for too much, too willful! In fact, the ghost in his heart is himself, he just wants to hide himself by scaring you!

Detail Seven: I will not confirm my relationship with you for a long time

Mean male representatives: Cancer, Pisces, Libra

What bullshit does not know how to take care of people, afraid of hurting you, has no economic foundation, wants to concentrate on career... To speak so grandly, to be so great and sincere, in the final analysis, is not to be responsible, not to establish a relationship with you. And what is even more hateful is that he does not break up with you, and occasionally cares about you when you are lonely, which makes you very moved, and has been dragging you along.

Note: (This article is sorted out by the xiaobian network, the copyright belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact me, I will delete it at the first time!)

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