
Signs that dare to love and dare to hate, take the initiative to pursue happiness, and can also say goodbye freely, without dragging mud and water

In a relationship, are you a person who is free enough? Is it a person who will take the initiative to confess when he is moved, and give up decisively if he does not love? In fact, such an attitude is simple to say, but it is very difficult to achieve.

Indecision is the norm for many people in their feelings, but such indecision will actually bring more harm to themselves. So which are the constellations that can really be free and free, and do not drag mud and water?

Signs that dare to love and dare to hate, take the initiative to pursue happiness, and can also say goodbye freely, without dragging mud and water

01 Sagittarius

Sagittarius has always been a person with a more crisp personality and a more neat way to do things. Their hearts like to pursue unrestrained freedom, everything is as they like, they are happy, there is not much to worry about.

In the relationship, they will hardly change their attitude, they are still relatively dashing. If you like a person, you will boldly confess and hide your heart without hiding your heart.

Regardless of the outcome, they must also express their intentions and are not willing to hide them. And if two people have been together for a while and find it inappropriate. Sagittarius will also say goodbye generously, not reluctantly or willingly. And their freedom and directness are actually difficult for ordinary people to do.

Signs that dare to love and dare to hate, take the initiative to pursue happiness, and can also say goodbye freely, without dragging mud and water

02 Aquarius

Aquarius has always been a constellation that follows the heart, living with its own heart. Their personalities have always been relatively low-key, more introverted, and like to wander the edge of the crowd, silently doing that impenetrable little transparency.

Then hide in the corner to observe the direction of things, but also to observe the human heart. So, a lot of times, in one thing, they will seem to be in a passive state, but in fact the initiative is often in their hands.

Just like in feelings, when many people are thinking about problems with emotion, they can still see through. If they are touched by a person, they may not be able to make a public statement, but they will also bravely express their hearts.

And when the other party wants to leave, when the relationship comes to an end, they will not be begging for anything, but digest it themselves, and then return to their own world and enjoy their own life.

Signs that dare to love and dare to hate, take the initiative to pursue happiness, and can also say goodbye freely, without dragging mud and water

03 Leo

Unlike the previous two constellations, Aquarius and Sagittarius pursue a kind of freedom. But Leo shows an attitude of life that dares to love and hate.

Leo is a sign that has no fear in their hearts, they have a lot of courage, and they have enough courage when facing things.

And in the relationship, they are a person who dares to pursue their own happiness and can also talk frankly and accept the end. When they are touched by a person, they can express their hearts directly and clearly.

But they will not chase after each other, if they know that the other party does not mean that to themselves, they will choose to give up with dignity.

Signs that dare to love and dare to hate, take the initiative to pursue happiness, and can also say goodbye freely, without dragging mud and water

And if they don't like a person, no matter how good that person is and how deeply he or she has a heart for himself, Leo will not accept it. They are always able to make love and hate so calmly.

04 Libra

There are always people who say that Libra is a more indecisive type in relationships, they can't take the initiative to express their hearts when they like someone, and sometimes it is easy to miss the happiness within reach.

They also can't end a relationship that doesn't belong to them directly, and they are always afraid that they have hurt each other, or they will regret it.

But in reality, such a view is just a misunderstanding of most people about them. They themselves are still more rational in the face of a relationship, and their IQ has always been online.

And they have always been reluctant to aggrieved themselves and force themselves. If two people are in love, they can accept the relationship with joy.

But if two people are not suitable, or if it is their own wishful thinking, Libra can also give up decisively.

It is a very precious thing to be touched by a person, and to love a person again must have its own dignity. And in the feelings, free and neat, is their style.

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