
Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

Recently, Superman has given many pregnant women a pregnancy test, and many women will ask me, doctor, is the baby's kidneys separated? After asking more questions, Superman gradually understood that this was a "gender identification method" circulating among mothers. Ultrasound B shows fetal renal pelvis separation, must be a boy, is it true?

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

I've heard of many ways to identify the sex of a fetus, but is this really the first time I've heard of it? Before revealing the answer, let's first understand what fetal renal pelvis is.

What is a renal pelvis?

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

The renal pelvis is simply where the kidneys and the ureters are connected.

What is renal pelvis separation?

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

Renal pelvis isolation usually occurs at the fetal stage. The main causes of renal pelvis dilation and separation are kidney stones, ureteral malformations, etc. These diseases can lead to the patient's urine can not be discharged normally, and the renal pelvis becomes larger under the filling of urine, resulting in renal pelvis separation. The fetus is naughty and holding urine is the main reason for its separation.

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

What is the difference between renal pelvis separation and pyelecta?

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

Both belong to the same imaging concept. Pyelecta is defined as an anteroposterior diameter of the renal pelvis exceeding the normal range, also known as hydronephrosis, renal pelvis dilation; it is the most common abnormality in prenatal ultrasound screening.

Most of them are mild renal effusions, and if the pyelecta alone is not accompanied by other abnormalities, it is called "isolated pyelectasis", and there have been many studies in recent years. At present, there is no uniform standard value for distinguishing between mild to severe effusions in renal pelvis.

In 1996, Stocks et al. used antero-posatic diameter (APD) before 33 weeks of pregnancy to ≥ 4 mm, and ≥ 7 mm after 33 weeks of pregnancy as the diagnostic criteria for pyelectasis, while in 2004, Toibiainen-Sal et al. defined the boundary value of aggregation system separation as APD > 4 mm before 24 weeks, and > 10 mm after 33 weeks. In 2006, pates et al. diagnosed mild hydronephrosis based on APD 4 to 7 mm before 30 weeks of pregnancy and 5 to 8 m at 30 weeks of pregnancy.

It should be noted that the grading of fetal pyelonephrosis is different at different gestational ages.

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

However, the following points need to be noted:

1. If the fetal bladder is relatively full, the measurement error is relatively large at this time;

2. With the increase of gestational age, whether the degree of pyelecta is increasing;

3. If the degree of hydronephrosis in the fetus increases with the increase of gestational age, and has affected the size of the kidneys, compressing the kidney parenchyma, making the renal parenchyma thinner, and accompanied by malformations of the digestive tract, further genetic prenatal examination is required at this time.

What should I do if my baby's renal pelvis is separated?

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

If the fetus's renal pelvis is separated during pregnancy, a mild dose of less than 1 cm can be followed up, if it is larger, greater than 1 cm, and accompanied by gastrointestinal and nervous system abnormalities, it is necessary to follow the advice of the obstetrician for amniocentesis or genetic testing.

Minor renal pelvis isolation after birth can be absorbed by itself after birth and continues to enlarge, which needs to be ruled out for urinary tract obstruction.

Does renal pelvis separation have to be a boy?

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

Some scholars have done statistics, the ratio of men and women in babies with renal pelvis separation reaches 4:1.The urethra of male babies is usually 3 times longer than that of female babies, so in the case of holding urine, male babies are more likely to have hydrops in the kidneys. But this does not mean that the renal pelvis separation must be a baby boy.

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

First of all, the sex of the fetus is determined from the moment the fertilized egg is formed. Generally, the external genitalia of the fetus begin to develop after 3 months of pregnancy, at which time the sex of the fetus can be determined by ultrasound technology. Of course, there are also earlier genetic blood draw identification methods.

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?


According to the "China Statistical Yearbook 2021", data on population and other aspects are disclosed. Among them, the national rural population sex ratio is 107.91, that is, 107.91 male babies correspond to 100 female babies, in the rural areas of 31 provinces across the country, there is an imbalance between men and women, and the mainland is now the second largest imbalance between men and women in addition to India.

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

As early as September 2014, the Health and Family Planning Commission, together with the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and the State Food and Drug Administration, drafted the Provisions on Prohibiting Non-Medically Needed Fetal Sex Identification and Artificial Termination of Pregnancy by Sex Selection, which prohibits any unit or individual from introducing or implementing non-medically necessary fetal sex identification and sex-selective artificial termination of pregnancy.

Therefore, dear mothers-to-be, do not over-interpret the obstetric report, whether it is a male treasure or a female treasure, coming to this world safely is an angel worthy of being cherished.

Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

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Ultrasound B shows renal pelvis separation, must it be boys?

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