
"Anding Mulberry" is produced in the hometown of Chinese mulberry

author:Green Island

Anding Town, Daxing District, is the hometown of Chinese mulberry trees and is famous for its mulberry tree cultivation. The sand is clean and breathable, making it ideal for mulberry growth. Mulberry trees are drought-resistant, do not get sick and pests, do not need to prune and spray, and the mulberries produced are real natural foods, rich in vitamins and carotene, which is conducive to human health and longevity.

Under the unique natural and corresponding production technology conditions, Anding mulberry has formed special quality characteristics: the fruit is full, uniformly colored, glossy, with an average single fruit weight of 3-5 grams; the taste is pure, sweet, and slightly dregs after chewing.

"Anding Mulberry" is produced in the hometown of Chinese mulberry

On November 15, 2010, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China approved the registration and protection of geographical indications of agricultural products for "Anding Mulberry".

The scope of protection is Anding Town, which is mainly distributed in the northeast belt with Gaodian, Qianyechang, Houyechang, Tongzhou Mafang, Shahe, Houding and other villages as the main line; Qianxinfang, Magezhuang, Daqu, Tongying, Zhouyuanzi and other parts of the area are distributed in small quantities.

"Anding Mulberry" is produced in the hometown of Chinese mulberry

Mature mulberry fruit is rich in nutrients, rich in glucose, sucrose, fructose, carotene, vitamins, malic acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid and calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and other mineral components such as phosphorus, soluble solids content of ≥ 17%.

Mulberry is the fruit of the highest iron content, its phosphorus content is also among the best, as a health food, mulberry in addition to fresh food, can also be made into mulberry wine, mulberry sugar, mulberry candied fruit, honey paste, etc., with nutritional and immune-enhancing effects.

"Anding Mulberry" is produced in the hometown of Chinese mulberry

Mulberry is called mulberry in the ancient book "Erya". Mulberry trees are a common tree species in rural China, and planting mulberry silkworms has a long history in China. There are already verses in the Book of Verses describing mulberry trees. In his recital to the imperial court, the western Han agronomist Shun Shengzhi specifically talked about the method of planting mulberry and the importance of sericulture, and later generations also compiled his exposition on planting mulberry into the "Book of Victory".

According to the "Daxing County Chronicle", in the ninth year of the Northern Wei Dynasty (485), there was a historical record of mulberry cultivation in Daxing District, which has a history of more than 1500 years.

"Anding Mulberry" is produced in the hometown of Chinese mulberry

Mulberry is known as the "sacred fruit of summer", and the history of mulberry cultivation in Daxing Anding Town has been for thousands of years, and it was once used as a summertime tribute to the imperial palace. According to legend, in the last year of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang usurped the throne, and Liu Xiu raised an army to fight, but eventually defeated Youzhou. He was alone, injured and lost in a mulberry forest in today's Daxing Beiyechang Village, relying on mulberries to fill his hunger for a long time, later, Liu Xiu became emperor, and never forgot the mulberry forest in Youzhou, especially the tall and large mulberry tree, which had shielded him from the shade and rain, which was really a meritorious "rescue driver", so he passed on the decree: He was named "Sanghou" and sent someone to put him on a yellow ayako and let people take good care of him.

Since then, the mulberries produced in the ancient mulberry garden around Daxing Kitano Factory and Gaodian Village have always been used as "tributes" to the imperial palace, and every midsummer, the imperial court will send people to pick fresh mulberries here, thinking that the emperors and queens have seasonal food.

"Anding Mulberry" is produced in the hometown of Chinese mulberry

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the white wax-skinned mulberry produced in Anding was once used as a "tribute". Yulin Ancient Mulberry Garden is located in Maenochang Village in the northeast of Anding Town, covering an area of 350 acres. There are nearly 1,000 ancient mulberry trees in the garden, and their trees are more than 100 years old, of which the ancient mulberry trees listed as second-class protected trees in Beijing have been more than 240 years old. The park is the largest ancient mulberry garden in North China and unique to beijing, and this thousand ancient mulberry plants have become a major scenery.

"Anding Mulberry" is produced in the hometown of Chinese mulberry

At the end of 2003, Anding Town was recognized by the China Quality Agricultural Products Development Service Association as "the hometown of China's mulberries".

In 2003, Anding Town was recognized by the China Quality Agricultural Products Development Service Association as "the hometown of China's mulberry" and the organic food base of fruit mulberry.

In April 2007, the Yulin Ancient Mulberry Garden in Anding Town officially became a district-level intangible cultural heritage of Daxing District through expert demonstration.

On November 15, 2010, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China approved the registration and protection of geographical indications of agricultural products for "Anding Mulberry".

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