
10 reasons why children cry at night, and then attach countermeasures, you will know what to do

In general, there are two kinds of babies crying at night, namely physiological crying and pathological crying. Such as nightmares, frightened, etc. belong to physiological crying, its crying is louder, and the baby's mental appearance is better. Therefore, adults must learn to distinguish and take corresponding measures against "symptoms".

10 common causes of night crying in babies

First, the stomach is uncomfortable

Newborns crying in the middle of the night more than often stem from stomach pain, often said intestinal colic, because the baby can not speak can only be expressed by crying, so parents can gently press the baby's stomach, if the baby stops crying, the note at the same time full of red face, lower limbs curled up on the stomach, indicating that the stomach is uncomfortable.

10 reasons why children cry at night, and then attach countermeasures, you will know what to do

Countermeasures: Pick up the baby and shake it gently, pay attention not to shake it vigorously, and then use a warm towel to apply to the baby's stomach or take a warm and hot bath to alleviate the baby's uncomfortable condition.

Second, flatulence

Because the feeding method is not correct, the baby inhales too much air, and the baby's gastrointestinal function is not perfect, the stomach will be flatulent and uncomfortable.

10 reasons why children cry at night, and then attach countermeasures, you will know what to do

Countermeasures: when crying and usually in the gap between feeding the baby and after feeding can be patted back, on how to burp the baby we have also introduced before, you can find the relevant articles we sent, help relieve flatulence.

Three, eat too much or too hungry

Babies crying must have a reason, in general, small babies may have to eat milk every 2 to 3 hours, but some mothers like to fix 3 or 4 hours before letting the baby eat milk once to develop regular living habits.

For babies who can't stand hunger, this method is undoubtedly very painful, so they often cry a lot, and they will gobble up and drink when they are breastfeeding, so that they drink too much air, but they cause stomach pain, so that they have to cry again.

Countermeasures: In the end, you should feed the milk every few hours, depending on the specific situation of the baby, as for the baby who is always fast and urgent every time he drinks milk, you can give it a back to vent when feeding halfway, so as not to inhale too much air. In addition, mothers are reminded not to give their babies night milk too early.

Fourth, the diaper is wet

Wet diapers will make the baby uncomfortable so crying, which is also a good judgment problem, and now many of the diapers on the market have a prompt function.

10 reasons why children cry at night, and then attach countermeasures, you will know what to do

Countermeasures: pay more attention to observation, change into a dry diaper, and give the baby a comfortable and dry sleeping environment.

Fifth, the environment is noisy, room temperature discomfort

The environment is too noisy to stimulate the baby's nerves, causing the baby to be nervous, and there is also a nervous tension during the day when the baby receives fright, and cries at night; the indoor temperature is too hot or too cold, which will also make the baby uncomfortable.

Countermeasures: Create a quiet sleeping environment for your baby. During the day, be careful not to scare the baby, do not let too many people noisy the baby; maintain a good indoor temperature.

Sixth, calcium deficiency baby

Baby calcium deficiency is not actively treated is likely to suffer from rickets, calcium deficiency baby is often restless at night, but also will appear sweating, occipital baldness, square cranial, fontanelle closure late, rib beads and other symptoms.

10 reasons why children cry at night, and then attach countermeasures, you will know what to do

Countermeasures: Calcium deficiency caused by children crying at night, mothers need to supplement vitamin D and calcium for the baby, take the baby to the sun, the baby's night crying phenomenon will be improved. If there are signs of severe rickets, seek help from a professional pediatrician.

Seven, want to sleep and can not sleep the baby

Some babies appear irritable before going to bed, and if their eyelids appear heavy or they keep rubbing their eyes, it means they want to sleep.

Countermeasures: Please provide a warm and quiet sleeping environment for your baby.

8. The baby who is awakened by urine

Drink too much water before going to bed, or the milk powder is too thin, and the baby is awakened by urine at night, and cannot be expressed by words but with crying. In addition, wet diapers irritate the baby can not fall asleep.

Countermeasures: Mothers should consciously train the baby's urinary law, and mothers should gradually train the baby's urinary law so that the baby can gradually control the urination. Do not give your baby too much water 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. If the baby is crying because of the urgency of urination, the mother only needs to urinate for the baby, and the baby can continue to sleep.

It is recommended that mothers prepare a small night light that is not too bright, and turn on this light when the baby is not wet when the urine or diaper is not wet, so that the baby will not lose sleep because of the stimulation of the strong light.

Nine, look for a sense of security

After birth, the newborn baby will be nostalgic for the warm and quiet environment in the womb because it is not adapted to the external environment, so it will also seek the comfort of the mother, hoping that the mother's embrace can create a sense of security.

10 reasons why children cry at night, and then attach countermeasures, you will know what to do

Countermeasures: No matter how tired, the mother must hold the baby more, and the mother's embrace is the warmest harbor, isn't it?

10. Breast milk deteriorates

Breastfeeding mothers eat food, how the physical condition will be transmitted to the baby through breast milk, if the mother eats what heavy taste of food, spicy and stimulating food, drink coffee or alcohol, will make the baby perceive that breast milk has become worse, taste sour, etc., eat bad only with crying to protest.

Countermeasures: During breastfeeding, the mother's diet should pay attention to, can not eat spicy and stimulating food, try to eat light, and many other foods can not be eaten.


If the above reasons are ruled out, the baby is still noisy, it may be otitis media, gastroenteritis, or hernia and other factors of these diseases, causing the baby to be unwell.

Countermeasures: Quickly take the baby to the hospital for treatment.

Knowing the reasons for the above 11 babies crying at night, whether it is a physical disease or a psychological dissatisfaction, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine to completely solve it.

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