
Wu Ritian ascended to the top of Sang Qiguoyi and maintained a full auxiliary national uniform, which is worthy of being an auxiliary pillar force

Recently, the king glory S27 season officially opened, I believe many small partners have begun to impact the king. After this S27 season update, the game content has added a lot of things, not only some hero changes, but also a new auxiliary hero Sang Qi. He is a cute little boy who is positioned to be functionally assisted. His launch has attracted the attention of many players and has become a non-mandatory auxiliary in the current qualifying competition.

Wu Ritian ascended to the top of Sang Qiguoyi and maintained a full auxiliary national uniform, which is worthy of being an auxiliary pillar force

After a few days of actual combat, Sang Qi is indeed a T0-level auxiliary, not only very maneuverable, can quickly support the whole field with rhythm, as well as a wide range of control and treatment effects, it can be said that the function is very comprehensive. Many anchors also began to get started with this new hero, among which Wu Ritian, as an auxiliary pillar force, with his amazing talent, quickly understood Sang Qi's gameplay. Through just three days, he was marked with Guoyi Sangqi, which showed his strong strength. After all, Wu Ritian's understanding of the auxiliary is very deep, and he has already won 22 auxiliary national uniforms, and as Sang Qi hits the national one, Wu Ritian still maintains the achievement of the full auxiliary national service.

Wu Ritian ascended to the top of Sang Qiguoyi and maintained a full auxiliary national uniform, which is worthy of being an auxiliary pillar force

For Sang Qi, Wu Ritian created his own outfit and playing style - ice rod endurance stream. Outfits are CD shoes, holy grails, ice rods, ominous signs, guards glory. The Holy Grail provides blue battery life, and the Ice Wand is better control. Thus allowing Sang Qi to better fly enemies. In addition the inscriptions carry fate, reconciliation and emptiness. Judging from the actual combat effect of Wu Ritian, this outfit has been able to withstand the test of actual combat, and the advantages of Sang Qi have been perfectly played out, and at present, Wu Ritian's outfit has been officially recommended and has become a popular outfit recognized by players.

Wu Ritian ascended to the top of Sang Qiguoyi and maintained a full auxiliary national uniform, which is worthy of being an auxiliary pillar force

I have to say that Wu Ritian's understanding of the auxiliary gameplay is in place, and he can quickly summarize his own set of ideas, which is the game understanding of the top boss. For Sang Qi, the game is another strong functional assistant after Sun Zhen and OniGuzi, which integrates treatment control and has become a hot spot in recent qualifying.

Wu Ritian ascended to the top of Sang Qiguoyi and maintained a full auxiliary national uniform, which is worthy of being an auxiliary pillar force

In short, Wu Ritian's Sangqi gameplay is worth learning a wave, you can take advantage of the new season on a wave of big scores, and Sangqi's operation is not difficult, what is needed is the overall situation. If you want to get to the king's position as soon as possible, Sang Qi is indeed the best choice. Everyone can go to Wu Ritian's live broadcast room in their free time to learn Sang Qi's playing style, etc., he will teach the new hero's play routine, and learn to be able to score a big score.

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