
Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

01 Rhododendron

Many years ago, I was teaching at a university. By the spring, I didn't want to teach, and the students didn't want to be in the classroom.

So we went to the mountain together to see the flowers, and the mountain was full of cuckoos.

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

There was a student who didn't like to read much, and literature wasn't very good, and he didn't know how to describe the rhododendrons in the mountains. He said he felt as if the mountain was spitting blood.

What is this description? But then I was very impressed. For spring is the moment when every life blooms.

For example, if I were a tree that should blossom, and I was going to bloom myself in the spring, to allow myself to bloom to the most grand state, suddenly it really seemed like the process of vomiting blood.

The tree is going to exhaust its own life, to show the best part of its life.

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

Sometimes Wen Qing's sentences are too contrived, and this student is very direct. The poem "Wish" is probably the most direct of my poems.

Mountains full of cuckoos, just for a regretless spring.

Live well, live well in a flower season, open yourself like a flower, it is no regrets. I don't have any regrets this spring.

It's spring, and the spring breeze is blowing, so I want to talk to you about spring.

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

In the spring, I would love to ask you a question: When you were young in your twenties, what did you like? What have you ever dreamed of? What have you ever been obsessed with and mad about?

Why did this thing slowly disappear after you entered the workplace?

Does it have to be missing? Or do we still have the most beautiful things in our twenties, no matter what age we are? Because 20 years old is spring.

02 Neem tree

A while ago I went to Taitung, Taitung has a 75-year-old national primary school, called Kangle National Elementary School. There is a tree there that is fortunate not to have to be pruned, and it blooms like a crown of consummation.

When I saw this tree at the scene, I froze. This year I went to see the tree I saw last year.

If you have time to pass through Taitung, then be sure to go to Kangle Elementary School to see the neem tree. It's only two weeks a year, so pretty, so gorgeous.

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

Suddenly, I felt that the crown of the king of every nation was actually a flower tree. They want to decorate themselves as a blooming flower.

But so far, I have not seen a crown that blooms more than that tree.

In this spring, I hope that everyone can find the best part of their lives, and ask again what they have ever loved? Ever been crazy about something?

If reality is a very torturous process, your dream at the age of 20 has 98 points, and the 30-year-old grinds out ten points, how many more do you have? At 40 years old, you grind off ten points, how many more do you have?

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

I think the deepest and deepest part of the human heart, the seed of beauty has never disappeared. It's just that you're going to give him a spring environment, let him germinate, let him blossom.

03 Small leaf olive kernel

I was recently at the intersection of Chongqing South Road and saw the small leaves of olive kernels there, which began to sprout and grow new emerald green leaves, and I was very excited to see them.

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

I think that thing is reminding me, "Have you ever been young?"

If you were young, you should never forget the brilliance of your youth. No matter how old you are, you have to get this brilliance back.

Because I think aging is definitely not about your age, saying that you are 60, 70, 80 is aging. Aging is when you forget your youth, forget the most beautiful dream you ever had.

When you see the sky full of stars, you really feel that you can give your whole life to it for such a summer night. The sky is full of stars, and the vibration it gives you is incomparable.

Maybe one of the missions I have in my life is to tell everyone that the seed of beauty in your heart has not disappeared.

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

Try to love the seed a little more and let it germinate again. After germination, it can become a splendid flower tree.

In fact, many people have recently talked about the fact that the world has been trapped in a new crown pneumonia for two years, and more than 7 million people have died.

You open all the media and newspapers and all you see is something that frustrates you, makes you feel like life is alive, as if it were a meaningless thing.

These media, they have no responsibility to the world? In addition to reporting a real phenomenon, can they report that spring is coming and the flowers are blooming?

Jiang Xun: In spring, life should bloom like a flower

Can they report a little bit about things that make everyone feel that life can have courage and enthusiasm and continue to live?

Are we going to continue to talk about those very unpleasant things?

We can really try it, sing a song, read a poem, and let everyone hear how beautiful it is to hear the sound of spring.

Edit: Wang Yun

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