
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

author:Qingjiang crane

The last time Qingjiang Crane passed by the Fengyuqiao Riverside Park, he found that the azaleas in the park were in the early budding stage, and only a few azaleas were in full bloom to attract the greedy eyes of passers-by, and most of the azaleas were still in the budding stage of the flower bones.

Yesterday, when the Qingjiang crane passed by the Fengyuqiao Riverside Park, he found that the azaleas in the park had bloomed. I occasionally remembered that the effects of low temperatures and rainfall in recent days have caused the azaleas to wither.

Picture 01~02): Rhododendron in full bloom

Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

Spring is both the season of nature's awakening and the season when rhododendrons are in full bloom. The blooming period of the Takayama 2 Takayama Splendid Rhododendron is from mid to late April to early to mid May.

At this time, the rhododendrons all over the mountains bloom one after another, red like fire, pink like the glow, decorating the earth with poetry and picturesqueness. However, just as the flowers bloom and fall, the beauty of the azaleas will eventually pass away with the wind, ushering in the moment of thanksgiving.

In this issue of pictures and texts, Qingjiang Crane will continue to pay attention to and chat about azaleas with all of you and teachers, and hope that you like and actively participate in the interaction, and forward this issue of pictures and texts.

Picture 03~04): Withered azaleas

Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

The colorful rhododendrons enjoy many reputations such as "Earth Ribbon", "World Garden", "Natural Garden" and so on:

Rhododendron is the common name for the genus Rhododendron in the Rhododendron family, and there are about 900 varieties in the world. The mainland is also a place where there are many varieties of rhododendrons, with about 350 species, accounting for about 59% of the world's total, and it is the distribution center of the world's rhododendrons.

Therefore, in many mountains and fields in the countryside, there are all kinds of wild rhododendrons naturally distributed. There are many kinds of flowers and colors, flowers and leaves are beautiful, ground plants and potted plants can be used, which are deeply liked by people and are one of the famous traditional flowers.

However, careful people will notice that the rhododendrons in the mountains are slightly different from the artificially improved azaleas cultivated in urban parks, flower beds, and green public areas. The flowering period of azaleas in the mountains is earlier than that of rhododendrons after artificial modification planting.

Picture 05~06): Colorful azaleas

Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

Judging from the current findings, the rhododendrons on the mountains are mostly distributed in hilly areas with more rain and suitable acidic moisture in loam soils. Rhododendron grows at high altitudes and is found in arid and semi-arid areas, while deciduous or semi-deciduous azaleas are mainly found in alpine or hilly areas. Rhododendron has a wide range of adaptability in growth and development.

Therefore, azaleas enjoy many reputations such as "Earth Ribbon", "World Garden", "Natural Garden" and so on.

Rhododendron Xie is also a unique serene beauty:

When we admire and talk about azaleas, the first thing that comes to mind is the brilliant flowers and charming colors of azaleas, and few people talk about the beauty of their flowers.

Image 07~08): Rhododendron in a riverside park

Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

However, the withering of azaleas is also worth savoring and appreciating. As the petals fade, the azalea reveals a unique tranquil beauty.

It is no longer the delicate and dripping when it first opens, but exudes a serene and indifferent fragrance. This kind of beauty may be deeper, more durable, and more meaningful.

The cuckoo is a symbol of perseverance and self-improvement:

In the traditional rhododendron culture, the rhododendron is endowed with a deep and connotative symbolic meaning.

It represents the spirit of perseverance and self-improvement, and is a symbol of "perseverance and self-improvement". When the azaleas bloom, this spirit is more deeply manifested. Although the flowers have withered, the azaleas are still more vigorous.

Picture 09~10): Rhododendron in the leisure square

Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

In the next cycle of life, it will no longer be afraid of the cold, wind and rain, and will always stick to its post, bringing a trace of vitality and vitality to the earth. This spirit is worth learning and inheriting.

Cherish the beautiful moment of "splendid summer flowers":

The poem says: "Life is like the splendor of summer flowers, and death is like the quiet beauty of autumn leaves." When we appreciate rhododendrons every day, we should not only pay attention to the beautiful moment when they are in full bloom, but also cherish the quiet beauty of their flowering moments.

Because at this moment, the beauty of the azalea is more real, more moving, and more connotative. We can take this opportunity to reflect on our own attitude and values towards life, and learn from Azalea's spirit of perseverance and self-improvement.

Image 11~12): Rhododendron in Landmark Park

Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

At the same time, we can also record the beautiful moments of this moment by taking pictures, writing poems, etc., so that this beauty will always be cherished in our hearts.

Hua Xie is the cycle and prospect of life:

Rhododendron withering is part of the cycle of life.

The withering of each flower means the birth of a new life. At the moment of the dying of the azalea, we can not only feel the fragility and transience of life, but also the tenacity and tenacity of life.

This cycle of life allows us to see the hope and future of life. As the ancients said: "Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers." "The fall of the azalea is not the end, but a new beginning. They incorporate their vitality and beauty into nature, providing more nutrients and strength for future life.

Picture 13~14): Rhododendron planted in a roadside flower bed

Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

Cherish every moment in life, every beauty:

Although the withering of azaleas takes away the splendor and beauty of spring, it also brings us a profound inspiration for life. It tells us that life is short, but we can make life more meaningful and beautiful through our own efforts and struggles. At the same time, we should also learn to cherish and be grateful for every moment and every beauty in life.

Let's take Azalea as an example of life and pursue our dreams and goals with perseverance and self-improvement!

Picture 15~16): Asymptotendic azaleas

Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return
Falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers: azalea thanks! Spring goes to spring and will return

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