
The hospital is responsible for its own profits and losses, and how can it operate without making money

author:Emergency doctor Da Liu

In recent years, the Chinese government has continued to strengthen its anti-corruption efforts in the pharmaceutical industry, and has achieved remarkable results. However, this also poses new challenges for hospitals.

Doctors have said that hospitals are self-financing and cannot survive without making money. Indeed, many hospitals have had to pay for their own profits and often at a loss, putting enormous pressure on the livelihoods of doctors. In this situation, doctors have to face enormous financial pressure. They need to reduce medical costs as much as possible to meet the needs of patients and hospitals without sacrificing the quality of care. This undoubtedly puts forward higher requirements for the professional ability and professional ethics of doctors.

The hospital is responsible for its own profits and losses, and how can it operate without making money

At the same time, doctors also actively participate in the management and operation of the hospital and make their own contributions to the development of the hospital. In the era of anti-corruption in medicine, doctors need to work harder to ensure the normal operation and development of hospitals. At the same time, the government and society should also give more support and attention to doctors, so as to motivate them to devote themselves more to the medical cause and make greater contributions to the people's health.

The hospital is responsible for its own profits and losses, and how can it operate without making money

Regarding the issue of hospitals being self-financing, some netizens proposed that hospitals could not be allowed to be self-financing, so as to improve the medical environment for ordinary people. At present, the national pharmaceutical field is experiencing an unprecedented anti-corruption storm, directly pointing to various corruption phenomena in the fields of medicine, medical equipment, medical devices and medical treatment. These actions have attracted wide attention from the public and the media across the country, and also reflect the deep concern of society about corruption in the medical field.

The problem of corruption in the medical field has its roots in the self-financing and self-financing system of public hospitals. Over the past few decades, public hospitals have been forced to rely on their own revenues to sustain their operations due to insufficient government funding. This has led to the emergence of problems such as over-examination, over-medication, and over-treatment in hospitals, which has exacerbated the financial burden of patients. To solve the problem of corruption in the medical field, it is first necessary to fundamentally solve the problem of financial security of public hospitals. The government should increase financial investment in hospitals to ensure the normal operation and development of public hospitals, so as to reduce medical costs and improve the quality of medical services.

The hospital is responsible for its own profits and losses, and how can it operate without making money

Internationally, there are some successful experiences to learn from. For example, Hong Kong has implemented centralized drug procurement and significantly increased government financial investment in public hospitals, effectively addressing corruption in the medical sector. Therefore, we have reason to believe that with the joint efforts of the government and all sectors of society, the problem of corruption in the medical field will be effectively dealt with, and the health rights and interests of the people will be better protected.