
The Meditation Sharing Series (11) eliminates separation

The Meditation Sharing Series (11) eliminates separation

A vicious circle of attack

The existence of separation tends to plunge us into a state of criticism. When we criticize because of fear or anger, such negative emotions have directly affected the health of our emotions, and it is easy to manifest corresponding painful events in reality. The meditation circle does not advocate attacks, including attacks on negative phenomena that we believe to be. This attack itself is the energy in our consciousness that reinforces negative consciousness and continues to create negative reality. It is still the law by which consciousness creates reality, because you think it is "real," so it shows you something "real" as you wish. The cultivation circle advocates eliminating the belief of separation, so that there will be a lot less negative experiences associated with it in reality, and even if it appears, it will not hurt you so much.

The Meditation Sharing Series (11) eliminates separation

(The attack is actually to punch yourself in the face, if you want to be painless, just stop the attack)

Before I cultivated my mind, I inadvertently recorded my pain in the emotional chase in the novel: you tried to forget, but you never forgot; you tried to pursue, but you lost again and again; you tried to believe, but you were deceived all the time. Why are you so tired? It's because you've been trying to live with yourself... After meditating on this passage, my feelings will be even more profound. In my twenties, I was a spiritual and moral fighter, often resistant to some negative phenomena of reality. As a result, the inner attack criticizes the phenomenon of disappointing oneself, and negative experiences recur. It's like I have a pair of hands that travel through time and space, constantly slapping the face of my future self.

When I got out of the emotional chase, God gave me a girlfriend, and later I wrote a passage in the novel: Sometimes I also think that maybe the mysterious force hidden in the shadows (the "god" who has been creating the dog blood incident) is myself, and I beg the persistent me to let go of this poor me. In the end, it was I who spared myself, and I stopped clinging to the ideal love and allowed the rest of my life to breathe.

In the years when I was a programmer, I was still an angry youth, often saw a lot of unfair news on the Internet, felt that this society was extremely dark, and often had anger and hatred for the world. And in the years I worked, I often encountered all kinds of unpleasant things, my body was often sick, and I often wondered whether life was not something mysterious that I had offended, and why I always had such a difficult and bumpy life.

After I quit my job to write, basically my time was spent on creation, much less time watching the news, and in the early days of freelance work, I had no work pressure and felt more comfortable, and then my life was very calm. One day, I suddenly realized this change, and I really felt amazing at the time, not knowing why I suddenly transferred, and the days of bad luck ended unconsciously.

The Meditation Sharing Series (11) eliminates separation

These two real-world examples have been tested repeatedly in me. Because the original experience was profound enough, when I saw the relevant concepts in the meditation book, I naturally believed them.

A few more words about critical attacks, even from a secular point of view, if the majority of the people in a group are dark inside, there will always be some illegal behavior. Attacks can suppress some phenomena, but dark forces remain, and new crimes will always emerge outside the legal loopholes. What is more important than suppression is to clear the dark side of people's hearts, and when more people get inner light, dark behavior will naturally decrease.

When negative events arise, we should not criticize and attack with hatred and anger. We also don't know what kind of mentality the person is based on to create this reality. We can use the zero-limit method to clean up, take 100% responsibility for this event, and after careful cleaning, the impact of this event on ourselves will end here. Of course, if you can help the victim, you can do anything as long as you don't let yourself get caught up in the emotion of separation. Heart is more important than action.

The Meditation Sharing Series (11) eliminates separation

(The mentality is right, and the "good things" are naturally in line.) [Yiming said good things, not good things, is a good thing])

Eliminate separation

Many of the methods of practice are to break down this system of value judgments at the level of our minds and eliminate the idea of separation. The method used to eliminate separation is basically to observe, to be aware of the thoughts of one's own mind at all times. Once there is a judgment of good or bad, right or wrong, good or bad, and a desire or disgust for something, it is a reminder that we are in separation, and we must remind ourselves to eliminate separation at that moment.

The way to eliminate separation is simple, and when you know that you are in a separation, you naturally have the consciousness not to be driven by emotions and chase or criticize. You can use the zero-limit method to clean up your emotions, restore your calm, and avoid further action because of the emotional touch. Interested friends can also take a look at the "Too Silly Book", there are many daily exercises behind this book, which can gradually clean up the separation of beliefs.

There are ten intraday meditation courses around the world, through ten days of high-intensity meditation, so that students can thoroughly feel the various sensations on their own body. During meditation, the student simply observes the various sensations of the body truthfully, without expectation or criticism. At first, students may not be able to sit still, and after sitting for a long time, various sorenesses will occur in various parts of the body. But the high-intensity meditation persisted, they slowly got used to such soreness, when the pain came, they did not feel uncomfortable, just calmly observed the feeling of pain, the heart did not rise up, in the pain still maintain the inner peace.

The Meditation Sharing Series (11) eliminates separation

Through such exercises, this mentality is also brought into daily life. There is no expectation of the situation of life at all, but only a truthful observation. In this state of mind, there is no distinction between good times or bad times, no matter what happens on what occasion, and by clearing the value judgment system, participants are able to observe the event itself as it is, without desire or fear.

I've seen this in some of the sharing articles of the ten-day students, who at a later stage dare to try foods that they hated, such as ginger and fungus. In the process of eating, he only feels the taste and texture of the food itself truthfully, and such taste and texture will no longer arouse his disgust.

The Meditation Sharing Series (11) eliminates separation

(Actually, the taste of tea eggs is very close to the taste of stinky farts.) With such a reminder, can you be less resistant to other people's stinky farts? )

So far, the ten-day meditation course is what I have seen in various methods, and it should be regarded as the most fundamental and thorough method of mind cultivation. Cultivating the mind is not about giving you superpowers and making you feel good in this world. Rather, it is to let you know how to surrender your heart, feel the tranquility of life in peace, and in a quiet state of mind, naturally create a calm and comfortable reality, and exert your strongest creative ability. When we revel in doing what we love, we naturally have a long-term sense of joy in our hearts. Externally, we are able to unleash our creativity and bring about beautiful changes in the world. For the inner, we have rich spiritual enjoyment and live a life of great fulfillment. In such a state, we have found a balance in life, we no longer need to get more, and we can feel comfortable and satisfied in every moment.

The Meditation Sharing Series (11) eliminates separation

In this series of sharing, I used more than 10,000 words of content to talk about separation and chase, and I just took out some of the most critical content to explain to you. In fact, separation is a major issue in the field of mind cultivation and deserves to be taken seriously. The specific practice of eliminating separation is simple, but it takes a certain amount of time for us to develop the habit of becoming aware of separation, and it is not these methods that you know that you can eliminate separation all the time. It really takes months to keep practicing separation, constantly being aware of the thoughts of the mind, and learning to act without being affected by emotions. Every time we get emotional, we have to consciously calm ourselves down. People who have tried it will know that this thing is not easy, but it can be done by practicing, and everyone must have confidence and practice.