
The Libra Totem Guide: The Crow, a symbol of wisdom

The Libra Totem Guide: The Crow, a symbol of wisdom

Although the crow may not have the exotic flamingo or hummingbird colors

But in the depths of those black feathers was unparalleled wisdom

Crows are considered one of the most intelligent animals on earth

There are also primates, elephants and cetaceans.

When hunters are nearby, crows often warn other animals

Crow groups also observe each other at various activities

Learn from the mistakes of others

If the crow were a Sufi poet, he would say to you, "This will pass." ”

The crow reminds you that one thing we can be sure of is that things are bound to change

Rejecting change is like living in a state of denial

So the crow spirit reminds you to be flexible rather than rigid

Be open to new experiences,

Whether it's learning a new skill or inviting new friends into your life

Sometimes those things you're afraid to try

It's exactly the thing that will surprise you

The Libra Totem Guide: The Crow, a symbol of wisdom

People with the spirit of a crow have extraordinary abilities

You can see everything far beyond the surface

Uniquely observant and intuitive

Their curiosity about the world around them

Determines their creative thinking and problem-solving skills

In their words, this is purely an artistic pursuit

People who use crows as animal totems are not only insightful

And they are also very concerned about their own behavior

Live your own life while constantly doing self-analysis

They can't live a "life without scrutiny" comfortably.

Usually stick to the high standards they set themselves

The Libra Totem Guide: The Crow, a symbol of wisdom

Crows have a very strong protective power

They pay great attention to protecting their territory and nests

They come in the form of teamwork

Try to fend off intruders who are much bigger than yourself

This power, when transmitted to humanity, translates into vigilance and courage

Especially in terms of the safety and well-being of loved ones



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