
On the day of Grandpa's burial, nine crows fell on the roof, Grandma: Hurry up and stock up on grain

author:Sport pineapple 3W9w

爷爷下funeral day,屋头落了九只乌鸦

Deep in one of China's ancient villages, there is a custom that when someone dies in the family, the family will bury them according to traditional customs. And on a rainy afternoon, the old Zhang Tou in the village died. Lao Zhang Tou was a kind old man during his lifetime, and was deeply respected and loved by the villagers. His death left the entire village in an atmosphere of mourning.

The funeral was scheduled for the afternoon of the next burial day, and the villagers came to pay their respects and send Lao Zhangtou on his last journey. However, just as the coffin was about to be buried in the ground, the sky suddenly became overcast, and nine black-feathered crows flew from nowhere and landed on the head of Lao Zhangtou's house. They stood there, silently watching the funeral unfold, as if waiting for something.

The villagers were stunned by this sudden turn of events, and whispered one after another. In the traditional view of the countryside, crows represent bad omen, and their appearance often portends disaster and misfortune. Lao Zhangtou's wife, we call her Grandma Zhang, saw this scene, and her face showed a solemn look.

"Stock up on food." Grandma Zhang whispered to the children and grandchildren around her.

The children and grandchildren looked at each other, not knowing why. Hoarding food? Why stock up on food? This is a time of peace, not a time of war or famine. But out of respect for the old man, they did it anyway.

As the funeral ended, the nine crows seemed to have completed their mission and flapped their wings and flew away. However, the shadow they left behind hangs over the hearts of every villager.

In the days that followed, a series of strange things happened in the village. First the livestock suddenly became restless, and then the crops in the fields inexplicably withered. The villagers began to feel uneasy, and an inexplicable sense of fear spread through the village.

"This crow has appeared strangely." The old people in the village gathered together and discussed, "I'm afraid that Lao Zhangtou has any unfulfilled wishes?" ”

When Grandma Zhang heard these discussions, she didn't feel good in her heart. She knew that the appearance of the crow was no accident. She decided to go to the wise man of the village, an old man who was proficient in divination and feng shui, to ask for clarification.

On the day of Grandpa's burial, nine crows fell on the roof, Grandma: Hurry up and stock up on grain

After listening to Grandma Zhang's narration, the wise man frowned. He took out the tortoise shell and copper coins and began divination. After some deduction, he told Grandma Zhang heavily: "These nine crows are afraid that they are a sign of an impending disaster." You have to be ready. ”

Grandma Zhang's heart tightened after hearing this, and she hurriedly asked, "What kind of disaster is it?" How can we respond? ”

The wise man sighed and said, "Judging from the hexagram, this is a catastrophe that has affected the whole village. You need to come together and face it together. ”

Grandma Zhang returned home and relayed the wise man's words to her family and villagers. Everyone was apprehensive, but at the same time, they knew that the only way to get through this was by working together.

As a result, the villagers began to organize spontaneously, hoarding food and necessities, fortifying their houses, and preparing for disasters. They help each other and work together, and the atmosphere in the village becomes more harmonious.

However, as time passed, disaster was delayed. The villagers began to wonder if the wise man's divination had gone wrong. Or is the appearance of the crow really just a coincidence?

Just as everyone was letting their guard down, a sudden storm hit the village. It was a violent storm that the villagers had never seen before, as if it was about to swallow the whole village. But fortunately, thanks to the villagers' preparation and solidarity, the village finally survived the disaster unscathed.

After the storm, the villagers were overwhelmed with emotion. They understood that the nine crows were not a bad omen, but messengers who reminded them to unite and face difficulties together. Since then, the people of the village have cherished the importance of friendship and solidarity with each other.

And Grandma Zhang also knows that all this is the protection of Lao Zhangtou's spirit in the sky. Whenever she sees crows flying in the sky, she smiles and thanks them. Because she knew that it was Lao Zhangtou who was guarding this home and village in his way.

Of course, there is another, more mysterious and far-reaching explanation for those nine crows and the storm that followed. In the ancient legend of the village, the crow is regarded as a messenger connecting the two worlds of yin and yang. When they appear in groups, it often means some kind of providence transmission.

On the day of Grandpa's burial, nine crows fell on the roof, Grandma: Hurry up and stock up on grain

Some old people privately said that Lao Zhangtou's death was not accidental, and that he may have foreseen the impending disaster, so he turned into a crow to remind the villagers. Although this statement is impossible to verify, it has brought endless reverie to the villagers. Whenever night falls and the stars are shining, they will gather together to tell this mysterious and far-reaching story, as a way to express their nostalgia and gratitude to Lao Zhangtou.

Over time, the village gradually regained its former tranquility. But the storm and the legend of the Nine Crows remained forever in the hearts of the villagers. They have learned to appreciate the present, to be united, and to believe that in the face of difficulties, if we all work together, we will be able to get through them. And the story of Lao Zhangtou and the nine crows has also become a beautiful legend in the village that has been passed down through the ages.

However, just when the villagers thought it was all over, a new challenge crept in. This time, the challenge does not come from the natural world, but from the strife of human society. A greedy merchant learns that there is a rare herb in the village and tries to forcibly occupy the land to extract it.

Faced with this sudden change, the villagers once again felt helpless and afraid. But just then, nine crows reappeared over the village. They hovered and chirped, as if to boost the morale of the villagers and remind them to face challenges and defend their homes.

Inspired by the crows, the villagers regained their confidence and courage, and they united to negotiate and fight with the merchants, eventually succeeding in protecting their homes and precious herbal resources. This experience made the villagers more aware of the importance of unity and courage, and it also filled them with endless gratitude and respect for the nine crows, who are the patron saints of the village and have been praised from generation to generation.

With the passage of time, the village has become more and more prosperous and harmonious, and the legend of the nine crows has become known to more and more people, becoming a cultural card of the village, attracting countless tourists to visit and feel this mystery and beauty. And whenever a tourist asks about this story, the villagers proudly tell the story of courage, unity and protection.

In that ancient village, the legend of the Nine Crows is more than just a story, it has become deeply embedded in the lives and culture of the villagers. Whenever the village faces a difficult or challenge, the nine crows seem to appear in people's hearts, giving them strength and courage.

However, the good times did not last long, and the village was once again facing a new crisis. This time, it was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. A powerful nearby force is trying to encroach on this fertile land. They sent in squad after squad of soldiers to try to bring the villagers to their knees by force.

In the face of this sudden invasion, the villagers felt unprecedented fear and powerlessness. They knew that on their own, they would not be able to compete with the well-trained soldiers. However, just then, the nine crows reappeared.

It was a night, moonlit and starlight. The villagers gathered in the center of the village, worries and fears written on their faces. Suddenly, the crow of a crow was heard in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw nine crows hovering in the sky, making loud calls.

On the day of Grandpa's burial, nine crows fell on the roof, Grandma: Hurry up and stock up on grain

"It's them! It's nine crows! One of the villagers exclaimed.

Suddenly, the villagers seemed to see hope. They knew that the nine crows had always been the patron saints of the village. Now, they have reappeared, presumably to give strength and courage to the villagers.

Sure enough, encouraged by the nine crows, the villagers regained their confidence. They began to actively prepare fortifications, organized self-defense forces, and prepared to meet the invaders.

The battle began. Although the villagers were limited in strength, they fought to the death against the enemy with their wisdom and courage. Nine crows also circled in the sky, making loud calls, as if cheering on the villagers.

After several days and nights of fierce fighting, the villagers finally repelled the enemy. They knew that this victory would not have been possible without the protection and encouragement of the nine crows. Since then, the nine crows have become even more sacrosanct in the hearts of the villagers.

Over time, the village gradually regained its former tranquility and prosperity. But the villagers know that they can have a happy life today without the protection and protection of the nine crows. Therefore, they hold a grand sacrifice every year to thank the nine crows for their gifts.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, a strange disease suddenly broke out in the village. The disease was menacing and soon spread throughout the village. Many of the villagers fell ill, and some even lost their lives.

In the face of this sudden disaster, the villagers once again felt helpless and afraid. They went around asking for medical advice, but to no avail. Just then, nine crows reappeared.

This time, instead of hovering in the air, they flew directly to the beds of the patients. They gently touch the foreheads of the sick with their mouths, as if to pray for their blessings and healing.

A miracle happened. Under the touch of nine crows, the patients' conditions began to gradually improve. They felt a warm rush into their bodies, allowing them to regain their vitality.

On the day of Grandpa's burial, nine crows fell on the roof, Grandma: Hurry up and stock up on grain

Soon, the disease in the village was completely eradicated. The villagers know that it is a gift from nine crows. They came to the crow's habitat to offer their sincerest thanks and respect.

Since then, the status of the nine crows in the hearts of the villagers has become more exalted and sacred. They are not only the patron saints of the village, but also the faith and hope in the hearts of the villagers. Whenever faced with difficulties or challenges, the villagers are reminded of the legend of the nine crows and the strength and courage they bring. They are convinced that as long as they have faith, hope, courage, solidarity and the spirit of mutual assistance, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges!

In that ancient village, the legend of the Nine Crows has been passed down for hundreds of years. Their existence is not only a belief and symbol, but also a spiritual pillar for the villagers in the face of difficulties.

With the passage of time, life in the village gradually returned to its former peace and tranquility. However, the legend of the Nine Crows will never go away. When night falls and the stars shine, the villagers come together to tell this mysterious and far-reaching story. They used it as a way to express their gratitude to the nine crows and to pass on this faith and courage.

Today, the village has become a tourist destination. Tourists come here to experience the mystery and beauty and listen to the legend of the nine crows, while the villagers always enthusiastically share their stories and beliefs that keep the legend alive from generation to generation.

In that ancient village, the legend of the Nine Crows has become a timeless memory and cultural heritage that will continue to inspire people to forge ahead, unite and face life's challenges and difficulties!

And the nine mysterious crows also seem to be silently guarding this land and the people here in the distant sky, witnessing their growth and changes, giving them endless strength and hope.

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