
The bricklayer bought a murderous mansion and became rich half a year later, Taoist priest: There is a three-flower gathering spirit array below

author:Sport pineapple 3W9w

The bricklayer bought the mansion

As night fell, the moonlight was obscured by thick clouds, and only the faint street lights sprinkled on the silent town streets. A bricklayer named Li Si hurriedly walked home with a worn-out tool kit on his back. Although Li Si is a skilled bricklayer, he lives frugally on weekdays, and the clothes on his body have been washed a little white.

On this day, the real estate agent in the town approached him and said that there was a very cheap murder house and asked him if he was interested. Li Si has been looking for a suitable house and wants to have a home of his own, and when he heard the word "cheap", he was immediately moved.

"How cheap?" Li Si asked.

"The price is well below the market price because there was a murder in that house." The intermediary whispered, with a bit of mystery and fear in his eyes.

Although Li Si had some worries in his heart, he finally decided to buy the murderous mansion when he thought of being able to have a home of his own.

On the day I moved in, the sky was overcast, as if even God was not optimistic about this decision. There was a cold smell in the house, as if something was peeking at everything in the dark. But Li Si is a bold man, and he doesn't care much about this.

However, since living in this murderous mansion, strange things have continued one after another. In the dead of night, Li Si could always hear some subtle noises, like someone whispering in the dark. At first, he thought it was rats or the night wind, but gradually he noticed that the sounds seemed to have a pattern, as if they were conveying something.

One night, Li Si was woken up by the strange sound again. Intrigued, he decided to get up and find out. He followed the sound and came to the back garden of the house. I saw that under the moonlight, three flowers of different colors were extremely charming, and they surrounded a small mound, as if absorbing something in the mound.

The more Li Si looked at it, the more frightened he became, these three flowers he had never seen before, but they gave people a strange beauty. He couldn't help but reach out to touch it, but suddenly felt a strong wave of vertigo.

The bricklayer bought a murderous mansion and became rich half a year later, Taoist priest: There is a three-flower gathering spirit array below

When he woke up the next day, Li Si found himself lying in bed, and the memories of last night came flooding back. He hurried to the back garden, only to find that the three flowers had disappeared without a trace.

As the days passed, Li Si's life began to change. His bricklayer's business suddenly improved, and people kept coming to his door to ask him to work, and some people were even willing to pay a high price to ask him to work in other places. Although Li Si was puzzled, he didn't think much about it, but secretly congratulated himself that his good luck had finally arrived.

In just half a year, Li Si became rich. Not only did he pay off all his debts, but he also bought a new car, renovated his house, and lived a good life.

However, just when he was at his most beautiful, a Taoist priest happened to pass by his house, but he showed a solemn look. The Taoist priest told him: "There is a three-flower spirit gathering array under your house, and your recent wealth has a lot to do with this formation." But this formation is not a good omen, it absorbs the aura of the leyline, and it also absorbs your vitality. If this continues, I am afraid that your life span will be greatly reduced. ”

Li Si was shocked when he heard this, and he hurriedly asked the Taoist priest to help crack this array. The Taoist priest pondered for a moment, took out a few magic weapons from the cloth bag he carried, and began to practice. After some complicated rituals, the Taoist priest told Li Si that the Sanhua Gathering Spirit Array had been destroyed, but the yin qi in the house was still heavy and needed time to slowly dissipate.

Li Si breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and thanked the Taoist priest for his kindness. Although he lost the opportunity to get rich, he got his life back. Since then, he has cherished his life more and worked harder. And the murderous mansion has gradually returned to its former tranquility with the passage of time.

However, the matter is not quite over. Li Si began to wonder what those three mysterious flowers were, and why they could form such a strange formation. He began to ask around, even looking through ancient books, hoping to find answers.

One day, he stumbled upon a record in a yellowed ancient book: "The gathering of three flowers is a strange thing in heaven and earth, and it is either a blessing or a curse." The three flowers are born in the yin land, absorb the spirit of the leylines, and gather into a array. When you meet a good person, you will be blessed, and if you meet a wicked person, you will have a lot of disasters. ”

After reading this record, Li Si was afraid for a while. He thought of his experiences after living in the murderous house, and he couldn't help but feel emotional. He knew very well that although he was not a great good person, he was by no means a wicked person. It was a fluke that he was able to escape this time.

He closed the ancient book, took a deep breath, and decided to do good deeds from now on to make up for the shortcomings of the past. He began to actively participate in the town's public welfare activities to help those in need. His act of kindness gradually became a good story in the town, and people praised him for his change.

The bricklayer bought a murderous mansion and became rich half a year later, Taoist priest: There is a three-flower gathering spirit array below

And the murderous mansion has become more and more warm with Li Si's changes. The gloomy atmosphere of yesteryear has long since dissipated, replaced by the warmth and tranquility of home.

The story of Li Si has been circulated in the town for a long time and has become a legend to warn future generations. People all know that what happened in that murderous mansion has also understood a truth: good and evil are rewarded, and heaven is reincarnated. Only with good thoughts can we truly live and work in peace and contentment.

And the truth about the Sanhua Gathering Spirit Array has gradually been forgotten by the world with the passage of time. Only Li Si himself knows that those three flowers brought him not only wealth and fright, but also a spiritual baptism and an opportunity for growth. He is grateful to the murderous mansion and the three mysterious flowers that allowed him to find the true meaning and meaning of life.

So far, the story of the bricklayer Li Si and the murderous house has come to a successful end. But the discussion of good and evil, good and evil, good and evil, will never stop. In this world full of unknowns, only by maintaining a kind and awe-inspiring heart can we go further and more steadily.

However, just when people thought it was all over, a serendipitous discovery reopened the mystery of the story.

It was a sunny afternoon, and the town's primary school was doing a routine archaeological learning activity. Led by their teachers, the children went to a wasteland outside the town to dig up. Just when everyone was digging hotly, a primary school student suddenly dug up a hard object. He carefully dug through the dirt and found that it was an ancient stone tablet.

The stele was engraved with ancient words and patterns, among which were three distinctive flowers, exactly the same as the three flowers that Li Si saw in the back garden of the murderous mansion.

The discovery caused an immediate sensation. Archaeologists rushed to conduct a detailed study of the stele. After some interpretation, they were surprised to find that this stele actually recorded an ancient legend.

Legend has it that the Three-Flower Spirit Gathering Array was not formed naturally, but was specially laid by an ancient mage in order to protect the water and soil. These three flowers, which represent wisdom, courage and kindness, come together to form a powerful protective shield that guards the land and its people.

However, over time, this legend gradually fell into oblivion. The Sanhua Spirit Gathering Array also lost people's worship and maintenance, and gradually became an ordinary murderous mansion. It wasn't until the appearance of Li Si that this ancient legend was reawakened.

The bricklayer bought a murderous mansion and became rich half a year later, Taoist priest: There is a three-flower gathering spirit array below

When this discovery spread throughout the town, people were full of respect and gratitude for Li Si. They came to the murderous mansion one after another to offer flowers and incense to express their respect for the Sanhua Gathering Spirit Array and their gratitude to Li Si.

Li Si was also very shocked and moved after learning the news, he didn't expect that he would be closely connected with such an ancient legend, and he didn't expect that his good deeds would be able to awaken people's memory and respect for this legend, he felt extremely honored and proud, and also strengthened his determination to continue to do good deeds.

Since then, the murderous mansion is no longer a representative of the eerie and terrifying, but has become a cultural symbol of the town and a holy place in people's hearts, and Li Si has also become a hero and model in the town because of this legend.

The aftermath of the bricklayer and the murderous house

With the discovery of the stele and the revelation of the legend of the Sanhua Gathering Spirit Array, the town ushered in unprecedented excitement and attention. Not only local residents, but also tourists and scholars from other places have flocked to see this mysterious stele and the legendary murderous mansion.

Li Si's life has also undergone earth-shaking changes as a result. Instead of being an obscure bricklayer, he has become a celebrity in the town, and he has even been asked to tell his story and share how he came to be connected with the Three Flowers Spirit Array.

In the face of sudden fame and attention, Li Si was not fluttering. He knew that all of this was brought about by his good deeds and his awe of the unknown. Therefore, he strengthened his belief to continue to do good and continue to help those in need.

However, as the fame grew, it also attracted some unnecessary troubles. Some people began to question Li Si's experience, thinking that he was deliberately hyping up, and some even began to maliciously attack and slander him.

In the face of these doubts and attacks, Li Si did not choose to escape or fight back. He chose a more peaceful way to respond - to prove his innocence and kindness with practical actions.

He began to be more actively involved in public welfare activities, not only donating money and materials, but also personally going to the field to help those in need. His acts of kindness gradually won people's recognition and respect, and those doubts and attacks gradually dissipated.

The bricklayer bought a murderous mansion and became rich half a year later, Taoist priest: There is a three-flower gathering spirit array below

At the same time, the murderous mansion has also become a major attraction in the town. Many people come here to find out. In order to satisfy people's curiosity, Li Si deliberately renovated and decorated the house and turned it into a small exhibition hall.

The exhibition hall displays not only replicas of the ancient stone tablet and three mysterious flowers, but also bricklayer tools and works made by Li Si himself. People can learn about the legend of the Sanhua Gathering Spirit Array and the story of Li Si here, and they can also experience the work and art of the bricklayer with their own hands.

Over time, the mansion's fame grew, and it even attracted some producers of movies and TV series to shoot here. Li Si also made many friends in the entertainment industry because of this, and his life became more colorful.

However, no matter how life changes, Li Si always maintains that kind and awe-inspiring heart. He knew that everything about himself started from that murderous mansion, and it was the Three Flower Spirit Gathering Array that gave him the opportunity to change his fate. Therefore, he always had deep respect and gratitude for the house and the three flowers.

He even began to study ancient books and spells, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the secrets and powers of the Three Flower Spirit Gathering Array. He hopes that one day he will be able to reproduce this ancient formation and bring good luck and blessings to more people.

By chance, Li Si really found an ancient book about the Sanhua Gathering Spirit Array. He began to study it with ecstasy, hoping to find the secret to restarting the formation.

After a long period of research and practice, Li Si finally mastered the method of restarting the Three-Flower Spirit Gathering Array. He decided to restart this ancient formation on a special day—the day he discovered the Three-Flower Spirit Gathering Array.

That day has finally arrived, and the people of the town have gathered in front of the murderous mansion to wait for a miracle to happen. Li Si stood in the center of the house and began to chant ancient mantras and make specific gestures to activate the formation.

As the incantations were recited and the gestures were completed, people were amazed to find a mysterious light beginning to fill the area around the house. The three mysterious flowers also reappeared and slowly bloomed their petals.

At this moment, an auspicious cloud suddenly floated in the sky and sprinkled a golden light, enveloping the entire town, and the people cheered and thanked the Three Flowers Spirit Gathering Array for the blessings and good fortune.

The bricklayer bought a murderous mansion and became rich half a year later, Taoist priest: There is a three-flower gathering spirit array below

Since then, the town has become more prosperous and rich, and the people have lived happily ever after. And Li Si has become one of the most respected and beloved figures in the town, and his story has been passed down from generation to generation as an eternal legend.

However, Li Si was not complacent because of this. He is well aware of his responsibility and mission - to continue to protect this ancient legend and formation, and pass it on.

In order to achieve this mission, Li Si began to write a book about the Sanhua Gathering Spirit Array, and compiled his years of research and practical experience into words to pass it on. He hopes that this book can help more people understand and master this ancient formation and carry it forward.

After years of hard work, the "Three Flowers Gathering Spirit Array Cheats" is finally completed. This book not only records the history and principles of the formation in detail, but also contains Li Si's own experience and practical experience. Its publication caused a sensation and attracted the attention and popularity of countless people.

As the books became best-selling and spreading, the fame of the Sanhua Spirit Gathering Array also grew. More and more people are beginning to try to learn and apply this ancient formation to change their fate and life. They expressed their gratitude and respect to Li Si, believing that he had allowed them to find hope and strength.

Li Si saw that more and more people were benefiting from the Sanhua Gathering Spirit Array, and he felt extremely relieved and satisfied in his heart. He knew that he was halfway through his mission - to pass on and carry forward the ancient legends and formations. The next thing he has to do is to continue to do good deeds and accumulate virtues, and protect this ancient legend and formation until the day he grows old.

As a result, in the afterglow of the setting sun, people can often see a figure wandering around the murderous mansion - that is Li Si, who has spent his life guarding this ancient legend and formation, and passing it on, becoming an eternal legend.