
Putin expressed his support for China's reunification, and less than 24 hours later, the EU foreign minister went to the United States to reiterate: adhere to one China

author:Yang Menzhi saw Liu Yang

During Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China, the 10,000-character joint statement issued by China and Russia has aroused widespread attention from the outside world. On the key issues concerning China's core interests, the Russian side gave a clear and unequivocal answer, reiterating that it abides by the one-China principle, recognizes that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, resolutely opposes "Taiwan independence", and firmly supports China's measures to achieve national reunification.

Putin expressed his support for China's reunification, and less than 24 hours later, the EU foreign minister went to the United States to reiterate: adhere to one China

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Similarly, China has also given a resolute response to Russia's security concerns, supporting Russia in safeguarding its own security, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and opposing interference in Russia's internal affairs by external forces.

This detail not only reflects the mutual trust and support between China and Russia, but also shows the firm belief of China and Russia in national sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is worth noting that at the time when Putin expressed his support for China's reunification, the EU also made a statement on the Taiwan issue.

According to the Observer Network on May 18, EU Foreign Minister Borrell accepted an exclusive interview with the American media "Foreign Policy" magazine on the occasion of his recent visit to California.

Borrell also said that the EU will not recognize the so-called "statehood" of the Taiwan region and has no intention of doing so in the future. But then he added that it was necessary to ease tensions in the Taiwan Strait and avoid using "military means" to resolve the Taiwan issue.

Putin expressed his support for China's reunification, and less than 24 hours later, the EU foreign minister went to the United States to reiterate: adhere to one China

EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell

From here, it is not difficult to find that although Russia and the EU have both reaffirmed their adherence to the "one-China" principle, there are obvious differences in specific expressions, and the Russian side has made its statement clearer, and it is very clear that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, so it insists that how to resolve the Taiwan issue should be decided by the Chinese side for itself.

Although the EU also says that it adheres to the "one-China" stance, it also declares that "the possibility of solving the problem by military means must be ruled out." This is actually interference in China's internal affairs.

To put it bluntly, the Taiwan region is part of China's territory, and it is up to China to decide how to resolve the Taiwan issue, and it is not the turn of external forces to dictate it.

In addition, EU foreign ministers keep saying that they want to "ease tensions in the Taiwan Strait," but they never mention why the situation in the Taiwan Strait is tense. The facts are very clear: The Taiwan authorities' collusion with external forces to seek "independence" is the biggest factor leading to instability in the Taiwan Strait. As long as the United States and Taiwan stop colluding, the situation in the Taiwan Strait will be calm, and it will be possible to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue.

Putin expressed his support for China's reunification, and less than 24 hours later, the EU foreign minister went to the United States to reiterate: adhere to one China

U.S. President Joe Biden

Therefore, the EU foreign minister's visit to the United States to reiterate his adherence to "one China" should be made to the Americans in person, instead of using the media to put pressure on China.

Of course, when the EU foreign minister made a special move to talk about the EU's position on the Taiwan issue during his visit to the United States, there was also a part of the intention to put pressure on the United States, just as Borrell said: "Although the EU and the United States are allies, they do not have the same views on many issues."

To put it simply, many of the recent actions of the United States against China have not only failed to take into account the interests of the European Union, but have instead put Europe in a dilemma. In the case of the U.S. announcement of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, the U.S. did not negotiate with the EU in advance.

Knowing that China and the EU have extensive cooperation in the field of electric vehicles, the United States still does not hesitate to wave the stick of sanctions against China, which actually hurts the interests of many European companies in China, mainly represented by Germany.

Putin expressed his support for China's reunification, and less than 24 hours later, the EU foreign minister went to the United States to reiterate: adhere to one China

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

Earlier, in order to boost the economy as soon as possible and alleviate domestic inflationary pressure, the United States introduced an "Inflation Reduction Act", which is actually a "high subsidy" way to attract foreign investment to build factories in the United States.

At that time, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was entering a white-hot stage, the security situation in Europe was unstable, and a large number of foreign capital fled.

What really made the EU "break the defense" was that after being an ally of the United States for so many years, I thought that I had the qualifications to go to the table, but I didn't expect that I was a dish on the table.

Earlier, at the Munich Security Conference in Germany, the US Secretary of State once published the "Table Menu Theory", claiming that in the international system, if you are not at the table, then you are on the menu. The implication is that if you choose to stand with the United States, then you are qualified to sit at the table, and if you choose to stand on the opposite side of the United States, it will be treated as a "dish".

Putin expressed his support for China's reunification, and less than 24 hours later, the EU foreign minister went to the United States to reiterate: adhere to one China

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Blinken's remarks are aimed at scaring some small and medium-sized countries and forcing them to choose sides between China and the United States, but the US one-family approach does not represent the broad rules of the international community, and individual views of the US side cannot represent the voices of all countries. Taking Europe as an example, Germany, France and other countries have recently actively engaged in diplomatic contacts and economic and trade cooperation with China, which shows that a zero-sum game is not advisable, and win-win cooperation is the future.

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