
Hair just washed and then oily? Reminder: Most likely you did these 5 things wrong, resulting in greasy hair

I had only washed my hair in the morning, but before long, it had become greasy and even emitted an unpleasant odor.

So, you start looking for a variety of ways to solve the problem of oily hair, frequent shampoo changes, frequent shampoo washing, but the symptoms of hair oil are still not alleviated, and even have a tendency to become more and more intense.

Hair just washed and then oily? Reminder: Most likely you did these 5 things wrong, resulting in greasy hair

In fact, as far as the data in clinical hands is concerned, the scalp is also part of the human skin. The reason why hair is greasy is that the original ecological balance of the scalp has been destroyed. When the scalp oil secretion is out of balance, the hair naturally becomes greasy. If left unchecked, there may also be microflora, metabolic imbalance, complete disorder of the scalp state, and even hair loss.

So the question is, what are the behaviors that cause the scalp to be greasy?

Hair just washed and then oily? Reminder: Most likely you did these 5 things wrong, resulting in greasy hair

1. Irregular work and rest

The secretion of oil from the human scalp is directly related to hormonal changes. Relevant studies have shown that if a person has long-term problems such as irregular work and rest, reversal of day and night, and staying up late, it will disrupt the original stable biological clock in the body, and then develop endocrine disorders.

Female endocrine disorders not only affect the functioning of the reproductive system, but also may cause imbalances in skin metabolism. As part of the skin, the scalp has weakened metabolic function and the sebaceous glands secrete vigorously, eventually causing head oil;

Hair just washed and then oily? Reminder: Most likely you did these 5 things wrong, resulting in greasy hair

2. Diet

If you are diligent in observation, you will find that many people who love oily hair are obese and have been dealing with oil for a long time.

The reason for this is because long-term intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods will lead to sebaceous gland metabolism disorders, which will not only induce problems such as facial oil, blackheads, and enlarged pores, but also the scalp will be in a greasy state.

In addition, if you like to eat heavy taste and irritating foods for a long time, it will also affect the secretion of sebaceous glands;

Hair just washed and then oily? Reminder: Most likely you did these 5 things wrong, resulting in greasy hair

3, do not pay attention to the removal of mites

Relevant studies have shown that in the long-term cover of the quilt, pillow and pillowcase, will breed a large number of mites, if you do not pay attention to cleaning and drying, mites are easy to breed on the scalp, by eating the scalp secretion of oil production and reproduction.

The head mites secrete a large amount of lipolytic enzymes, which can stimulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp to speed up. In this case, the hair will not only become more and more greasy, but the hair follicle may also be blocked and gradually atrophied, resulting in hair loss;

Hair just washed and then oily? Reminder: Most likely you did these 5 things wrong, resulting in greasy hair

4. Use hot water for shampooing

Many people who love oil on their scalps blindly believe that only hot water can completely clean their hair and scalp.

As everyone knows, although the degreasing effect of hot water is good, at the same time it will also cause excessive stimulation to the sebaceous glands, resulting in extreme opening of hair scales, which will speed up the speed of scalp oil in the long run. Therefore, in clinical view, the most suitable water temperature for washing hair is actually about 35-40 ° C;

Hair just washed and then oily? Reminder: Most likely you did these 5 things wrong, resulting in greasy hair

5. Excessive cleaning

This is also the most common mistake everyone makes, when the scalp oil is serious, it will often accelerate the frequency of shampooing, or even wash the hair 2-3 times a day. As everyone knows, excessive cleaning of the scalp will also stimulate people's sebaceous glands, and after changes in the scalp environment, the speed of sebaceous glands secreting oil will also accelerate, eventually forming a vicious circle.

The above five factors are common causes of oil in people's scalps. In order to avoid the problem of head oil, everyone should pay attention to the cleaning of scalp hygiene in daily life, choose the shampoo that suits you, and maintain the rules of life and diet.

If the scalp is greasy and has been combined with hair loss, it is likely that seborrheic alopecia is looking for its own signal, and it is necessary to seek medical examination in time.

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