
Green | March

Text/Storm is rising

Green | March

Each month has the color of each month, for example, the color of May is fiery red, the color of June is grass green, and the color of August is golden. What about March's?

In March, after experiencing the cold seals and the dormancy of winter, everything is riveting and racing to grow. "Yangchun Budze, all things are born of brilliance", as if overnight, "spring wind and joy without words, row than flowers and branches full of apricot orchards". You look at the water's edge, "noisy birds cover the spring island", and then look at the shore, "miscellaneous Ying full of Fangdian", it is everywhere purple and red, the frames are colorful and colorful.

The true color of March should be color, just like the poet said, "The poet's scenery is in the new spring, the green willows are only yellow and half uneven", sometimes "two o'clock three o'clock rain", everywhere "ten branches and five flowers".

In March, it is a fashion show of various flowers, "a good night wind blows, 10,000 new flowers", a variety of flowers open for the first time, full of spring in the garden. From the Yellow River to the Yangtze River, Shenzhou is "full of deep and light colors, shining in the green waves", full of flowers; walking through the apricot blossom village, to the "Huang Si Niang's home", "full of flowers." Thousands of flowers, low pressure branches", looking at it from a distance, "Xiao looks at the red and wet place, the flowers are heavy and the official city is heavy", if you are young and colorful.

The color of March must be accompanied by sound to be more vivid, "The fragrant trees are not flowers, and the birds are crying all the way to the green mountains."

This color of March, and the taste, it is a kind of sometimes idyllic, sometimes rich floral fragrance, "sometimes there are falling flowers, far with the fragrance of flowing water."

March always gives people hope and nurtures love, "the spring breeze is full of emotions, blowing me luo open".

Around where I work and live, there are many places to appreciate March, sniff March, taste March, and integrate into March, such as Baotu Spring, such as Daming Lake, such as Thousand Buddha Mountain, such as Wulongtan.

However, because of the epidemic, the colors of March this year are dim and white.

Since the beginning of March, first from Qingdao, and then to the cities of the peninsula and to the mainland, the new crown epidemic has shown a multi-point sporadic situation. In the face of the severe epidemic situation, in addition to the "white soldiers" such as medical personnel, the auxiliary police of the public security police, party members and cadres, and volunteers have become "big white", and they are also fighting in the frontline, supporting the frontline, and staring at the frontline. These "white soldiers", dressed in "white clothes and white armor", they do not hesitate to overdraft their youth and life, race against time, fight against the virus, block the virus behind them, take risks and have nothing to fear.

Also because of the epidemic, many places have been sealed, controlled, prevented and controlled, work and life have entered a "static state", parks have closed, shops have closed, restaurants have been proofed, and people gathering are prohibited. Someone described, "Close the door and open the window, and strictly prevent the virus from entering the home." Private cars are locked and parked in deep warehouses, and collectively plan to seal the city and cut off the source of the epidemic. "At this moment, the mood of many people must be gray. You see, "the peach and plum flowers in the South Garden have fallen, and the spring wind is lonely and shakes the empty branches", thinking that the summer rain lotus can only sigh emptyly, "Yang Hua Yu Pod has no talent, but the sky is full of snow flying".

Green | March

Because of the epidemic, I could not go home for more than a month, could not see my family, and was very depressed. Originally, there were no confirmed cases in Jinan and Tai'an in early March, and it was possible to go back and forth, but because of the work position, the unit was not allowed to go home, it was easy to go back to work, and it was difficult to come back to work, and the procedures and requirements were very cumbersome. In late March, there were confirmed cases in Jinan and Tai'an, and there was no longer even a theoretical possibility of returning home.

We comrades who work in Jinan must have "two points and one line" between the office and the dormitory, and we cannot go out or eat together, so we are left with work, work, and work again, or lie flat, lie flat, and lie flat again. After working for a long time, my brain is groggy, often without power, a blank -

"If the spring grass is sentient, the mountains still contain green." Alone in the room, walking around and unable to walk, lying on the bed tossing and turning, no intention of sleeping, but also occasionally delusional: secretly driving back from the mountain road, the mountain should not be strict! Later, he twisted his thigh fiercely and secretly warned himself: Don't violate discipline, don't cause trouble! The best thing to do now is to work hard with the attitude of a warrior, and only by defeating the epidemic can we be reunited as soon as possible. I hope that the epidemic will dissipate as soon as possible, sweep away the haze weather, and return my mountains and rivers to be unharmed, and the country and the people will be safe.

"Send a message to los Angeles wind and day, next year's spring color double returns." I believe that the colorful March will definitely come back——

(Image from the Internet)

【About the Author】Feng Yunwei, pen name "Rising Storm", policeman, like prose, poetry, Tai'an Writers Association, Shandong Prose Association, Shandong Poetry, Qilu Literature contract writer, in his spare time in relevant media publications published more than 200 works.

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