
Can be deformed! Lego console

Moko is a LEGO designer from Japan who has designed many works on mecha and morphing themes.

In my personal opinion, Moko is considered to be one of the designers of the best mecha moc works in the world.

His work is quite elaborate, and sometimes videos of presentations of his work are shared on its Tubing channel.

In addition to the pure presentation videos, sometimes some assembly video tutorials are also made.

The work shared today is moko's share on its Tubing channel, while also providing a complete assembly tutorial.

A GameBoy game console that can be directly deformed!

Can be deformed! Lego console
Can be deformed! Lego console

The degree of restoration of the game console mode is still quite high, and at a glance, it can make people think that this is a GameBoy.

In the robot mode, the head, body and limbs are also made intact.

The ingenuity of the work is not only in this strange deformation design idea.

Even better, it's a modded piece within the set. All parts are from the LEGO 71374, a Nintendo console set.

As usual, I made a small demonstration video

About the tutorial

The videos on YouTube are mostly reproduced on major video platforms, and you can find them yourself.

Original Video Title:

[GAMEBOY-ROBO] LEGO 71374 Nintendo Entertainment System Alternative Build

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