
20 billion draped curtain Twitter, mad Musk gathers to colonize Mars "three-stage rocket"

20 billion draped curtain Twitter, mad Musk gathers to colonize Mars "three-stage rocket"

I am the richest and poorest on the surface

Shuangwen did not have this ending, heavy users became shareholders, and Internet celebrities bought the platform with their backhands.

According to documents released by the SEC, Musk recently spent about $2.64 billion (about 20 billion yuan) to frantically buy more than 70 million shares of Twitter stock, effortlessly surpassing The former head of Twitter Jack Dorsey (2.25% of the shares), who currently holds 9.2% of Twitter's shares, becoming its largest external shareholder in one fell swoop.

Musk's principle is no principle, before he said that social networking is dead, Twitter is dead, when he wants to engage in social media, no one thought he was talking about Twitter.

Such magical news directly led to the closing surge of 27% in Witt's stock price, the biggest increase since the November 2013 IPO.

Just when everyone thought that Musk would enter the board of directors, break the real into the Internet industry, and drastically reform Twitter, it turned out that he changed again.

As the largest shareholder, after a long period of momentum, Musk suddenly announced that he would not join Twitter's board.

Twitter Mania

As we all know, in addition to Trump, who runs trains with his mouth, Musk, the world's richest man with a mouth full of "running rockets", is also a heavy social user.

Trump is estimated to be the most popular president in U.S. history, and the energetic president can still "point out the country" on Twitter every day in addition to working in a large number of White Houses, and even been jokingly called "Twitter governance".

On Twitter, the hard-working and crazy president has more than 88 million followers, posting an average of nearly 400 tweets a month, and more than 200 tweets a day at its craziest.

20 billion draped curtain Twitter, mad Musk gathers to colonize Mars "three-stage rocket"

The only person who can compete with Trump for the "Twitter maniac" may be Silicon Valley Iron Man Musk, who is the most Twitter-loving man among CEOs.

The middle-aged man, an internet addict who "lives" on Twitter every day, has a record of going live and posting on Twitter, whether at work or at midnight.

He is a real Silicon Valley internet celebrity, since 2009, he has sent more than 17,300 tweets, an average of more than 120,000 likes, and more than 81 million fans, making him the first big V besides entertainment stars.

Tesla does not have a public relations department, and traditional car companies need hundreds of people to achieve marketing tasks, musk can do it directly on Twitter.

As a heavy user of Twitter, Musk has repeatedly relied on Twitter to promote Tesla, virtual currency, space rocket is not enough, in addition to the endorsement platform of his own company, he will reply to netizens, but also answer questions, not only work, but also daily...

The same Internet addict, Twitter maniac, Trump's ending is very sad.

Last January, trump called up thousands of "diligent kings" to attack Capitol Hill over questioning election fraud.

Sichuan fans are also very powerful, Wu Yangyang went to thousands of people at once, and the Sichuan fans who were angry from the heart turned their heads and went straight to the US Capitol Hill not far away, and some people directly walked along the wooden podium of House Speaker Pelosi, swaggering through the Congress hall, and waving to the camera with a smile.

And after that... The rally turned into a violent activity, and there was even a smash-and-smash.

"I don't agree with you, but I swear to defend your right to speak to the death", the American technology giants have found the simplest and most brutal way - bombing!

Twitter directly "permanently banned" Trump's personal account, Apple and Google App Store removed Trump's social platform Parler, Amazon removed Trump-related online stores, Facebook indefinitely froze Trump's Facebook account and ins account, so far, the six major US technology giants have joined forces to complete the joint ban on Trump.

As a result, Trump has no social software accounts commonly used by ordinary Americans, no channels to speak out, and has become isolated in the field of self-media that he is best at.

This kind of thing will most likely not happen to Musk, with the successful investment in Twitter to become its largest external shareholder, now Musk can be described as a huge wealth of left hand, right hand super media, plus "crazy devil" human protective body, do practical things and run rockets with their mouths flying together.

Rocket three-piece set

Born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa, Elon Musk, a white kid who grew up in South Africa, wrote his life wish at the age of 15: "My mission is to save mankind. ”

At the age of 17, Musk moved to Canada with his mother, then went to the United States to study, first obtained a double degree in economics and physics at the University of Pennsylvania, and then dropped out of the two-day doctoral program in materials science at Stanford in California, thus starting the entrepreneurial career of a Silicon Valley superstar.

In 1995, Musk created the "American Yellow Pages" Zip2, Zip2 Company, which is simply equivalent to the "Baidu Map + Dianping + original Alibaba" complex, and in 1999, the team successfully sold Zip2 to computer manufacturer Compaq for $300 million.

Musk, who sold Zip2, started a second business, this time he founded a third-party payment platform PayPal, successfully solved the problem of trust guarantee for Internet transactions, and in 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay, and he received $180 million in cash.

In the era of Internet gold rush, Musk jumped to become a billionaire in only 7 years, becoming another benchmark for young fame in Silicon Valley.

20 billion draped curtain Twitter, mad Musk gathers to colonize Mars "three-stage rocket"

After earning money, Musk began to chase poetry and far away, for the realization of the space dream of his youth, more than $100 million at hand was smashed into SpaceX and Tesla.

In 2002, Hawthorne, California, Musk founded the commercial space company Space X, with the goal of reducing the cost of space transportation, and the corporate vision is to colonize Mars.

In 2003, Silicon Valley engineer Martin Eberhard and his long-term business partner Mark Tapening co-founded Tesla Motors, due to lack of financing, the two people's money quickly burned out, Musk spent $6.3 million shining debut, and step by step through capital operation successfully squeezed out the original founder, and finally officially became Tesla CEO in October 2008.

SpaceX suffered a bankruptcy crisis in 2008, when the Falcon One rocket failed three times in a row, and the company was so poor that there was only $40 million left on the books, and Musk had to borrow money from friends at one point.

Successfully listed on the NASDAQ in 2010, Musk, who was desperate, made $630 million on the opening day, successfully resolving SpaceX's financial crisis.

This successful investment in Twitter, Musk gathered the "three-stage rocket" necessary for colonizing Mars, and realized the closed loop of capital.

Tesla's high valuation is one of the main sources of Musk's wealth, multi-asset, cash-short Musk, the original intention of investing in cryptocurrencies, is to find money for Tesla, Tesla was exposed to quality problems, when the stock price plummeted, Musk began to incarnate as a big man in the coin circle, frequently standing for Bitcoin.

20 billion draped curtain Twitter, mad Musk gathers to colonize Mars "three-stage rocket"

According to SEC filings, in January 2021, Tesla bought $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin and wanted to use bitcoin as a payment method. In just one month, the 1.5 billion investment has become 2.1 billion, and the monthly income is comparable to Tesla's net profit for the whole year of 2020.

Musk in the next big game, on the one hand, must stabilize or increase Tesla's market value, the most direct way is to give his company a shout on Twitter; on the other hand, to quickly obtain cash flow in the way of "speculation", it is also a strong shout on Twitter, in the end, it is inseparable from Twitter.

Space X has raised $6.6 billion in 51 rounds of financing since its inception, which is obviously a drop in the bucket in the face of huge expenses, and Musk must multi-prongedly continue to transfuse Space X's money-burning projects.

One of Musk's optional weapons is the virtual coin he has always preferred. As a loyal fan, Musk has long advocated virtual coins through Twitter, and a few words can make the price of coins rise and fall sharply. In March, Musk claimed that he owned Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin and did not intend to sell them, and the price of the three virtual coins rose sharply.

Buying Twitter not only means that Musk has the ability to break the wrist with public opinion supervision and avoid repeating the mistakes of Trump's "ban", but also means that Musk is opening up the closed loop of "social + payment".

With Twitter's social network and Tesla's entity, coupled with Musk's previous sweep of Dogecoin, the addition of financial derivative services such as virtual currency, while continuously pushing up the valuation of Tesla and virtual currency, a steady stream of financing for Space X.

Musk even offered to send tweets on Mars in five years' time— in 2025. Thinking of Musk actively promoting SpaceX's Mars landing plan, this goal, although unlikely to be completed on time, is not a fantasy.

Run a rocket with your mouth full

Musk has a set of "social media tactics", very good at bo attention, looking for gimmicks, so that he and the company are always at the peak of traffic, successfully with their own strength, saving the publicity costs of several companies.

As a model of technology, Musk is well known for his career fanaticism.

He works at least 100 hours a week, sleeps in the company 2-3 days a week, in order to promote himself to sleep less and work harder, the "bed" in the office is filled with cement, and the mansion is sold out before and after, and the bag is rented near SpaceX company.

20 billion draped curtain Twitter, mad Musk gathers to colonize Mars "three-stage rocket"

There are also rumors that it is for reasonable tax avoidance

Although you are the richest man, you are famous for talking about efficiency + cutting doors in terms of life.

He likes leather coats with black T or shirts, wearing clothes or whatever is very simple, child Grimes ran out a while ago to spit on him, the mattress is broken and reluctant to buy new ones, eat peanut butter for 8 consecutive days.

The shrewd "net red" Musk, can be called a marketing ghost, the terminator of the internet celebrity, these years on Twitter, he often alarmist, crazy talk, scare the big guy.

When Zuckerberg encountered the "Facebook leak door", Musk "stepped on it" and directly deleted the Facebook accounts of all his companies, including Tesla.

When buffett was heard to say in an interview that he would "not invest in Tesla's stock," Twitter tweeted that Buffett was "boring" and did not give the big guy a little face.

20 billion draped curtain Twitter, mad Musk gathers to colonize Mars "three-stage rocket"

Gates praised Tesla, turned around and bought the Porsche Taycan, which Musk listened to, and immediately launched an attack mode on Gates, "To be honest, when I talked to Bill Gates, I really didn't leave any impression."

The former richest man, Bezos, did not provoke him, but he was also intimidated by him more than once, Bezos invested in anti-aging companies, musk also had to be afraid: "If it doesn't work, he even has to sue the god of death!" ”

These social media riots have been so far, Musk casually sent a "seven-step poem" can be on the domestic Internet hot search list in one day.

Along the way, Musk's every step is accompanied by slander, humiliation, ridicule, accusations, this crazy person who claims to "immigrate to Mars", plunged into burning money, making money, burning again, earning again... The infinite cycle model, with huge assets but little cash, is said to be "the richest and poorest on the surface".

But the crux of the matter is that there is always a steady stream of investors, established investors, and capitalists lining up to "send money" to Musk.

At a time when the public seems to have lost their ambition and hope for the future, everything Musk does is actually regaining his passion for science and conquering the unknown.

In the era of fame and fortune, there is also such a person, full of adventurous spirit, after achieving great success in the secular sense, still driven by the heart, suicidal to realize their industrial dreams.

What drives them to advance the world may really not be fame and fortune, but a strong sense of mission and achievement, as well as valuable lifelong curiosity.

It's a story of a middle-aged man single-handedly picking up space, so either continue to witness success or, as a fireworks, watch it.

20 billion draped curtain Twitter, mad Musk gathers to colonize Mars "three-stage rocket"

Many people may not know that Trump is a staunch supporter of Musk, the two have a good personal relationship, and it is rumored that Trump has helped Musk successfully enter China and Germany through various personal relationships, opened up the Asian and European markets, and achieved a big reversal to the richest man.

Recently, many Republican lawmakers and conservative media have issued calls to unblock the "permanently banned" Trump Twitter account.

In the 2024 US election, I don't know if Iron Man will come to a "tiger return to the mountain" that shocks the world.

This article only represents the author's personal views, text and picture materials are publicly collected and sorted out on the Internet, not for commercial purposes, if there is any infringement, please contact us.

Some of the references are as follows:

[1] "After buying Twitter for 20 billion, Musk announced that Twitter was dead" Wu Xin

[2] "Musk Curtain Twitter, Social Media Gathers the Four Heavenly Kings" Yan Fei

[3] "Musk's 1.4 trillion net worth became the world's richest man, and the madness behind the people before the devil is full of heart tricks" Fan Lord

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