
Never argue with people at different levels

Never argue with people at different levels

The author | AoMei

Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes when I meet someone who holds my own opinion, I want to argue with them to prove my "correctness".

As everyone knows, most of the time, the more they argue, the more unclear the debate, the more angry they are, no one can convince anyone, and later it has evolved into a wrong thing for people, and even a personal attack, and finally ended up unhappy.

Zhuangzi once said: "Great debate does not argue", the highest state of debate is actually not to argue.

People grow up in different environments and experiences, which leads to different worldviews and values, just like I said that the sea is beautiful, but you said that it drowned many people, so you don't like to see the sea, and I forgot the purpose of coming to see the sea.

People at different levels are not on one dimension at all, so never argue with people at different levels.

Never argue with people at different levels


The level of a person's cognition determines the level of his life

When I was a child, I lived with my grandmother in the very poor countryside.

Every year before the New Year, the village has to divide the fish in the pond and put the fish together into baskets, which seem to be similar, but it seems to be a little different. For the sake of fairness, the whole village grabbed lots, and which basket was caught counted as which basket.

One villager caught No. 9, and another villager also caught No. 9... How can there be two number 9s?

In fact, these two villagers, one is No. 6 and the other is No. 9.

The problem is that the Basket No. 9 will be larger than the Basket No. 6 if you look closely, so the two villagers say that they are the Basket No. 9 and are not willing to give in or compromise. In the quarrel, the quarrel and then the hands of the fight, and finally to the village party secretary. The village branch secretary looked over and found that the basket of fish on No. 6 was slightly less than the basket of fish on No. 9, so he took out one of his own baskets and put it into basket No. 6, which calmed down the dispute.

Then the village branch secretary shook his head and sneered: These two fools, that is, a fish so out of the air.

Later, it turned out that this was indeed the case.

A few years later, I returned to my grandmother's small village to see two families arguing over more fish and fewer fish, one with a dilapidated lintel and destitute; the other with four walls and nothing.

A person's whole life is paying for cognition, and the level of a person's cognition determines the level of his life.

Never argue with people at different levels


Arguing with people at different levels is a waste of time

"It is better to compete with the same people than to argue with fools about short and long." The meaning of this sentence is that you can often argue with like-minded people about each other's opinions, but don't argue with stupid people, otherwise the gains will not be worth the losses.

When you think about it, it is.

In life, dealing with others, in the trivial small things, do not be preoccupied, do not be angry because of this, anger will not only hurt your own body, but also consume your own blessings, if you do not control your emotions because of anger, you will also provoke big things and make yourself regret things.

Emotions, anger, anger, etc., are not the way to solve the problem, if you deal with the person, in all aspects are not as good as you, even he can not understand what you say, you still need to calculate with him right and wrong, right and wrong? Arguing with such people is a waste of time.

It is better to turn around and retreat, divert your attention, do what you should do, and isolate them from those people and things that are easy to cause contradictions, and do not worry about them, so as to show your attitude of doing things and start your own level.

Never argue with people at different levels


Not everyone deserves your explanation

I once saw hu ge and Zhuo Wei have such a past on the Internet.

In 2015, Zhuo Wei made a poem with ulterior motives: "Bone Phase Qing Qi Ben is a perfect match, and the song and shadow are reflected in Pujiang", trying to expose Hu Ge's love affair with Jiang Shuying, and also @ Hu Ge and Jiang Shuying on Weibo.

For a time, public opinion was in an uproar, and seeing that the lively melon-eating masses were not too big, they all raised small benches and waited for the two sides to scold each other.

Unexpectedly, Hu Ge just replied tepidly: "The wind rises and blows a pool of spring water." ”

This sentence comes from Feng Yanmi's "Gurudwara Golden Gate", and the Southern Tang Emperor Li Jing once made fun of Feng Yanshu with this sentence: "Blowing a pool of spring water, what is the matter with Qing Qing?" ”

Hu Ge quoted this sentence, saying that the meaning is, I don't talk about love, what is the matter with you?

Without any explanation, few numbers, it seems that the wind is light, but in fact, the meaning is full.

The most brutal revenge is nothing. When someone maliciously slanders you, you might as well calm down and think: Is this kind of person who is not at one level worth arguing? Instead of endlessly arguing with people at different levels, it is better to save time and energy, learn with an open mind, strive to improve yourself, and live as you want.

Never waste time for people who are not worthy, go your own way, do what you want to do, try your best to be the best of yourself, when you are excellent, your feet are full of roads, when you become better, your circle will be pure!

One Point Yixin Messenger

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