
The green | a bouquet of flowers in the spring

Text/Zheng Yongtao

The green | a bouquet of flowers in the spring

One sunny spring day, I went out from the unit to run an errand, and when I came back, I found that a new flower shop had opened opposite the unit. I was a flower lover, so I stopped and hurried into the flower shop.

Here, it is really a delicate, romantic, warm place, a world of flowers. All kinds of flowers are naturally placed on the ground, on the windowsill, on the wooden table, on the bar, and in mid-air there are several pots of long hanging green roses. Next to the window is a set of quaint tables and chairs, on which is a set of exquisite purple sand tea sets, waiting for people with mood to taste tea. On the plain white wall, several large and small wooden lattices are nailed, and some bamboo tubes and handicrafts are placed in them, which further enriches the artistic atmosphere here. Beautiful light music floats slowly and lingers in the living room. Among the flowers, the young female shopkeeper concentrates on the flowers, and it is impossible to tell whether the flowers are more beautiful or the people are more beautiful.

Being here, I suddenly have a feeling of paradise, and at the same time, I also have a trace of the bleakness of the world. In the midst of the flowers, the mind is in this state, always thinking of nothing, doing nothing, just staying quietly for a while, making a moment of escape from the world, looking for the return of the soul in an instant.

The green | a bouquet of flowers in the spring

When I sat in a chair in a daze, I looked at a bouquet of flowers on the table that was in full bloom, and suddenly remembered something. I thought that in this life, I have never sent flowers to others, nor to my lover. Thinking of this, she felt quite sorry, so she suddenly decided to send a bouquet of flowers to her lover in a way that caught her off guard. Ask the female shopkeeper who is cultivated by the fragrance of flowers, she said that the classic red rose is the most representative of love flowers, meaning "I love you", the meaning of a rose is "you are my only", and the flower language of the newly arrived daisy is "love hidden deep in the heart", if you use a bouquet of daisies to set off a rose, it means that you have been deeply in love with her in your heart. The flowers are beautiful, and the female shopkeeper interprets it very well. Without saying a word, I immediately ordered a bouquet of flowers on her suggestion and asked the female owner to deliver it on her behalf.

So, on that spring day, I sent my first bouquet of flowers. And my lover also received the first bouquet of flowers I sent her. After the surprise, happiness still haunted her for many days.

This bouquet of flowers that I decided to send on the spur of the moment brought me a lot of feelings and thoughts. In the busy life, in the increasingly accelerated rhythm, what position should we put the love between husband and wife? And how should we take care of and manage it? There is no doubt that there should not only be affection between husband and wife, but also love throughout. And love, too, needs to be cared for and managed. Perhaps, as the female shopkeeper of the flower shop said, life needs a sense of ceremony, and love also needs to be kept fresh. I think that as long as we really value love and cherish love from the depths of our hearts, we will continue to have new ideas to add a sense of ceremony, and there will be new ways to care, manage and preserve love. Everything depends on our attitude towards love, and if we have a good mentality, we will turn our lives into poetry and turn love into flowers.

A spring day, a bouquet of flowers, a lesson.

(Image from the Internet)

【About the author】Zheng Yongtao, pen name native, male, born in 1984, from Handan, Hebei, graduated from the department of Chinese of Jiangxi Dayu University, a member of the Chinese Prose Literature Association, a member of the Hebei Writers Association, a member of the Hebei Provincial Essay Literature Association, a director of the Handan Writers Association, and the chairman of the Handan Feixiang District Writers Association. His works have appeared in many newspapers and periodicals such as "People's Liberation Army Daily", "Rule of Law Daily", "People's Public Security Daily", "China City Daily", "China Women's Daily", "Language Learning Newspaper", "Composition Weekly", "Hebei Daily", "Hebei Legal Daily", "Hebei Farmer Daily", etc., and published the essay collection "Born and Raised". He served in a certain unit of the Air Force stationed in Beijing.

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