
The years have not spared, and I have not spared the years

I like a sentence from Mu Xin: Years do not spare people, and I have never spared years.

Meaning, with the passage of time, people will slowly grow old, but the fullness of my life has never been in vain. A life full of colours and no regrets.

Some people are twenty years old, life is rigid, lifeless, no pursuit, showing an old attitude;

Some people are eighty years old, love life, positive and optimistic, dare to pursue, full of youth and vitality.

The poet Samuel Ullman once wrote:

"Youth is not peach face, dan lips, soft knees, but a deep will, a magnificent imagination, a hot love; youth is the deep spring of life in the gushing stream." 」

Youth is not a year, but a state of mind.

The years have not spared, and I have not spared the years

◆ If the heart is young, what is the fear of aging in the years

《Huanxi Sha Youshui Qingquan Temple》

Song SuShi

The short soaking creek of Lanya under the mountain, the sand road between the pines is pure and mud-free,

Xiao Xiao Twilight Rain Zi Zi Rule Cry.

Who says that there is nothing less in life? The water in front of the door is still possible!

Hugh will sing yellow chicken with white hair.

Throughout the ages, like Su Shi, the most admirable thing is not his talent, but his freedom.

Youth is only once for people, as the ancients said: "Flowers have a day of reopening, and people are no less." "It's an irresistible law of nature.

In fact, the old age of life is not in the years, but in the heart.

The writer Haruki Murakami once said: "People do not grow old slowly, but they grow old in a flash." ”

Not from the first wrinkles, the first gray hair, but from the moment you give up on yourself.

As long as the soul is always young, why be afraid of getting old?

Hurried years, long and long, never treated anyone kindly, nor did they treat anyone thinly. Since we are too late to be seriously young, we may as well choose to grow old seriously.

The years have not spared, and I have not spared the years

◆ All tastes are life

"Ugly Slave Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall"

Song Xin abandons the disease

The teenager does not know the taste of sorrow and loves to go upstairs.

Fall in love with the upper floor, and worry about giving new words.

And now I know all the sorrows, and I want to say goodbye.

I wanted to say that I would like to rest, but I said that it was a cool autumn.

When I was young, I thought that I understood the sorrows of life and talked about the unsatisfactory life, as if I was a wise man who penetrated the world, could see the truth of life clearly, and faced the suffering of life.

After experiencing some things and experiencing some setbacks, I found that the real sorrow was unspeakable. Some things do not know how to say, to whom to say, can only digest themselves.

When the others asked, we just looked up and smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine." ”

Because, this is life, all kinds of tastes, only self-knowledge.

The years have not spared, and I have not spared the years

◆ Since the years cannot be retained, calmly face the second half of life

"Dingfeng Wave: The Second High Left Tibetan Ambassador Junyun"

Song Huang Tingjian

The sky is leaking in the middle of a thousand miles, and the house is like a boat all day long.

And to the Chongyang Tianye Ji, drunk, the ghost gate closed outside the Shu River.

Mo Xiao Old Man JuQi Shore, Jun Look, How Many Huang Ju on Hua Qiang?

The opera horse Tainan chased two thanks, galloped, and patted the shoulders of the ancients.

Don't make fun of me, I'm old but still have the spirit.

Please see, how many people have chrysanthemums on the old man's head? The bard fills in the words, which is comparable to the two thanks of the poems of the opera horse Tainan. Riding horses and archery, galloping across the road, the hero catches up with the ancient characters.

When he is old, he is still generous and heroic, riding horses and archery, drinking and having fun, such a temperament, living off a prime-age person.

May we go through half a life, still feel the infinite beauty of the sunset, and harvest the happiness of the world.

In the second half of life, wind or rain, or sunshine or snow, may we all face it with a happy heart of a child; happy and forgetful, and fear old age!

The years have not spared, and I have not spared the years

◆ Learn to let go of a light body, no regrets and no fear for the rest of your life


Don Rohan

Gain is to sing and lose, sentimentality and hatred are also leisurely.

There is wine in this day and drunk in this day, and tomorrow is sad and tomorrow is sad.

If you have wine today, you will drink a drunk, and if you have worries tomorrow, you will wait for tomorrow to worry again.

Even if there are three thousand troubles, it is better to laugh at them.

No one's life, the sun and the moon will always accompany; no one's life, laughter and laughter will always accompany.

The rest of our lives are few, learn to reduce the burden of the obstacles, we can move forward gracefully; look down on the grievances, along the way will be clear and clear.

Have fun in time, have no regrets, and have no fear, so that you will feel that life is so beautiful.

The years have not spared, and I have not spared the years

◆ May the years be quiet and good, and live up to the good

"Gift of Dreams"

Don Bai Juyi

The day before yesterday, the King's family drank, and yesterday the King's family feasted.

Pass me today, meet three times in three days.

When the song talks about itself, persuade each other to drink.

Make a toast for me, and make three wishes with jun.

One wishes for peace in the world, and the other wishes for a strong body.

Three wishes to come to the old man, and count to meet the king.

Bai Juyi met with his friend three times in three days, gave this poem to his old friend, and told his wish in the poem:

The first wish for peace in the world;

Second, I hope that the old friend's body can still be strong;

The third wish is that when each other is old, they can still get together from time to time and drink wine.

There is no particularly big wish, only that the old friends are in good health and can get together often.

The years pass silently, the seasons change in a hurry in the spring flowers, autumn moons, summer rains and winter snows, and friendship is the sails of the four seasons.

Time rushes through friendships, friends, like the stars in the sky, although they may not always be remembered, but you know, they are always there.

The years have not spared, and I have not spared the years

◆ The years are not spared, and I have not spared the years

"Jiang Chengzi · Michigan Hunting

Song SuShi

The old man talked about juvenile madness, left pulling yellow, right Qingcang,

Nishiki hat mink fur, thousand riding roll Hiraoka.

In order to repay the city with Taishou, shoot the tiger and see Sun Lang.

The drunken chest is still open, the sideburns are slightly frosted, why bother?

In the clouds, when will Feng Tang be sent?

Will draw a bow like a full moon, look northwest, shoot the wolf.

In the fourth year of Xi Ning (1071), Su Shi was transferred away from the Capital Division for opposing Wang Anshi's change of law, ushering in the first point of frustration in his life.

In the eighth year of Xi Ning (1075), Su Shi also wrote this poem "Jiang Chengzi" during his tenure in Mizhou.

At this time, Su Shi was more than 40 years old (Su Shi died at the age of 66), and his hair was slightly gray.

But Su Shi had bypassed the years, and when he looked back on the past, he would certainly not regret his wasted years, nor would he be ashamed of his inaction.

As long as you do what you think is right, why worry about the old age, why worry about the unfairness of the situation?

Only by being a generous person can we truly gain freedom, see through life, recognize life, and love life.

The years have not spared, and I have not spared the years

In fact, how we live our lives ultimately depends on how we look at it.

Whether it is bitter or sweet, whether it is joy or helplessness, it is all within their control.

If you think boiled water is tasteless, add some sugar;

Feel the onion spicy eyes, just scramble an egg;

Feel the mountains stretching, stop and enjoy the scenery.

Life, it is not difficult to say, it is not simple to say simple! Live every day with your heart, live up to the good times of every day, and leave too many regrets!

When we cherish life, keep a yearning for dreams, and continue to love life, the power that belongs to the essence of life will continue to flow out.

Finally, may you look back on the past and say with a clear conscience: "The years are not spared, and I have never bypassed the years!" ”

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