
What should children do if their spleen and stomach are cold and they can't eat well?

Children want to eat fruit. I put the dragon fruit in the pot and heated it up. In the children to eat, because the children do not eat very well, the doctor said that people with spleen and stomach deficiency are not good at eating. Try to eat less oil and less salt and less raw and cold. So I have always given children a relatively light meal. If you have a melon or a fruit, I heat it up a little. It doesn't need to be too hot, if it is too hot, it destroys the fiber and vitamins of the melon fruit. If the children at home do not eat well, you can also try this method. Children with spleen and stomach deficiency need to be slowly cultivated for a long time. There is no hurry. The hot dragon fruit children ate very deliciously.

What should children do if their spleen and stomach are cold and they can't eat well?
What should children do if their spleen and stomach are cold and they can't eat well?
What should children do if their spleen and stomach are cold and they can't eat well?
What should children do if their spleen and stomach are cold and they can't eat well?
What should children do if their spleen and stomach are cold and they can't eat well?
What should children do if their spleen and stomach are cold and they can't eat well?
What should children do if their spleen and stomach are cold and they can't eat well?

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