
Glory of the King: "True Wound Flow" Zhuang Zhou is on fire, and tandu output is not wrong, netizens: it is time to weaken

As players know more and more about the game, there are a lot of strange outfits and playing styles in the canyon, such as Shen Mengxi, who carries a wild knife, the damage is very considerable, using its own high mobility, you can help your teammates easily play an advantage, and you can make up for the damage when fighting in the team, so everyone must use it flexibly in terms of outfitting, don't use it without brains.

Glory of the King: "True Wound Flow" Zhuang Zhou is on fire, and tandu output is not wrong, netizens: it is time to weaken

Recently Zhuang Zhou's "true injury flow" gameplay is on fire, before many players said that Zhuang Zhou is a mixed hero, but now the hero has successfully landed on the auxiliary T0 list, the heat has risen sharply, although Zhuang Zhou is an auxiliary hero, he has no control skills, but he can help his teammates to uncontroll, and his own frankness is not low, a big move of Zhuang Zhou at the critical time can determine the trend of team battles.

Glory of the King: "True Wound Flow" Zhuang Zhou is on fire, and tandu output is not wrong, netizens: it is time to weaken

And the "true injury flow" gameplay of Zhuang Zhou, by many players like, Zhuang Zhou still walk the auxiliary position, but carry is a punishment, after the purchase of small yellow knife, we all know that the small yellow knife can cause real damage to the enemies around, and can also improve their own movement speed, and Zhuang Zhou although playing the pure meat of the auxiliary bit, but his two skills can be stacked damage, after passive stacking, equivalent to bringing two pain masks, the damage is very considerable, with the movement speed bonus effect of the wild knife, as long as it is glued by Zhuang Zhou, It can be said that the chance of escape is very small.

Glory of the King: "True Wound Flow" Zhuang Zhou is on fire, and tandu output is not wrong, netizens: it is time to weaken

Zhuang Zhou carries a small yellow knife, the hero has the ability to invade the enemy field area when he is at the first level, because the passive comes with purification and acceleration effects, there are really not many heroes who can kill Zhuang Zhou at the first level, "true injury flow" Zhuang Zhou, using the superposition damage of the wild knife and the two skills, when the team fights, only need to rush into the crowd on the line, it can be said that the Tandu output is not wrong, the full level of Zhuang Zhou, belongs to the kind that cannot be controlled and cannot be killed, very annoying.

Glory of the King: "True Wound Flow" Zhuang Zhou is on fire, and tandu output is not wrong, netizens: it is time to weaken

If you want to play the "true wound flow" Zhuang Zhou, you can frequently invade the enemy field area, disrupt the rhythm of the enemy's wild, remember, because most of the shooters need protection, must be between the development road and the middle road to travel support, one is to explore the enemy's field of vision, the second can also ensure the safety of the shooter.

Glory of the King: "True Wound Flow" Zhuang Zhou is on fire, and tandu output is not wrong, netizens: it is time to weaken

Later, if the overall frankness of the team is higher, Zhuang Zhou mainly revolves around the shooter to protect the safety of the shooter, on the contrary, there are more explosive heroes in the team, Zhuang Zhou directly enters the crowd to resist damage, and can also use the real damage of the yellow knife to make up for the damage for the team, the hero is not difficult to get started, that is, Meng Xin can also be easily controlled, and now Zhuang Zhou can become a T0 level auxiliary, indicating that his strength is indeed not low, and even some players suggest that Tianmei weaken it.

Glory of the King: "True Wound Flow" Zhuang Zhou is on fire, and tandu output is not wrong, netizens: it is time to weaken

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