
The American version of Mondeo is 20,000 more expensive than camry, but it is 50,000 cheaper in China! Ford Conscience found?

It is reported that the starting price of Mondeo's low match is about 155,000, which is still a relatively large downward adjustment space than the current pre-sale of 159,800.

Of course, this is just a folk speculation, according to the conventional pricing standards, low pricing must not exceed 160,000 is an established fact.

Mondeo is not low in the U.S. market.

The American version of Mondeo is 20,000 more expensive than camry, but it is 50,000 cheaper in China! Ford Conscience found?

For example, after the price increase of the last generation model, the price is at least 38,000 US dollars, the price of the Sprot version is after 40,000, of course, there are about 30,000 ordinary models.

In contrast, the Camry sold in the US market is actually slightly lower in price. The entry-level Camry costs around $25,000, and the top model costs less than $40,000.

Although Mondeo has been discontinued in the U.S. market and cannot find a direct comparison model at the moment, it is clear that the price of Mondeo and Camry in the U.S. market is similar, and the price of Mondeo's mid- and high-end models is slightly higher.

The American version of Mondeo is 20,000 more expensive than camry, but it is 50,000 cheaper in China! Ford Conscience found?

Mondeo is currently withdrawing from the U.S. market and cannot find the Fusion on Ford's official website.

The fundamental reason for withdrawing from the market is that in this market, American consumers recognize Ford pickup trucks and high-strength work vehicles and SUV products, so Ford's sequence adjustment is to go to the car industrialization, and there is indeed a problem that Fusion's competitiveness is not as good as the Camry, but this does not mean that Fusion is not as good as the Camry in the U.S. market.

After all, consumers in the U.S. market still recognize Ford as a local brand.

The American version of Mondeo is 20,000 more expensive than camry, but it is 50,000 cheaper in China! Ford Conscience found?

In the past two years, the domestic market has shown a negative state of ford's brand strength, mainly because of the slow iteration speed of Ford's domestic models for a long time, and the brand competitiveness has shown insufficient form in the passenger car market, so the downward development is obvious.

But that doesn't mean Ford won't make special adjustments.

The strategic retreat of the US market sedan plan can only be said to be that Ford Sedan has made adjustments in the US market, and the technical reserve force determines that Mondeo is still a very worthy model to choose.

After all, as of today, Mondeo's global sales have reached the order of 5 million, and it is still a true god car.

The American version of Mondeo is 20,000 more expensive than camry, but it is 50,000 cheaper in China! Ford Conscience found?

The new Mondeo launched by Changan Ford in the domestic market has two very strong attractions, one is to continue the competitiveness of overseas high-value products, and the other is to continue the overseas low-priced and civilian pricing strategy.

Simply put, the product force is still global, but the price is slightly lower than that of overseas markets.

Generally speaking, enterprises will not do this, unless the enterprise encounters upward resistance, actively abandons the core brand value and a certain profit margin, generally such products are large enough for users to choose.

The American version of Mondeo is 20,000 more expensive than camry, but it is 50,000 cheaper in China! Ford Conscience found?

The pre-sale price of 159,800 is not high, and it is a very low price in the global market.

For example, in the US market, the same configuration of Mondeo is about 10,000-20,000 yuan higher than the Camry price, but in the domestic market it is lower than the Camry price of 20,000 yuan.

In addition, we need to know that the top version of the Camry is about 50,000-60,000 yuan more expensive than the current price of Mondeo.

The most important thing for a car is the power structure, especially the fuel car, Mondeo gives you a 2.0T+8AT power architecture, less than 160,000 budget in the past you will not think about the passenger car market, now Mondeo gives you.

The American version of Mondeo is 20,000 more expensive than camry, but it is 50,000 cheaper in China! Ford Conscience found?

Camry is still a high-low strategy, low-end 2.0L high-end 2.5L, the price gap is very large.

This means that in fact, from a practical point of view, Mondeo's full range of 2.0T is more practical, which is something that many domestic cars can't do, and it is not easy to give such a price as The main model of Ford.

In the past period of time, I gave applause to Citroën, because the C5 X car dared to think and dare to do, and the price of the 1.6T medium-sized RV was more than 140,000, setting off a price storm, but now it seems that Mondeo is more terrible, directly making a real mid-level car price more than 150,000, and the whole series of 2.0T power architecture.

The American version of Mondeo is 20,000 more expensive than camry, but it is 50,000 cheaper in China! Ford Conscience found?

I don't think it's Ford's conscience, but I admire Mondeo's approach.

The reason is that it allows those who have a demand for strong power to buy the same powerful car consumer group with less budget, after all, the comprehensive analysis, Mondeo's size, safety, sense of technology, power and brand culture, are currently the first echelon of 15-200,000 products.

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