
To the top of the million airborne landing list, what is the traffic password of Xiaohongshu in March?

Pay attention to the new red data, the new list of the Little Red Book data products

In order to help everyone better understand the brand marketing strategy and content trends on the Little Red Book, Xinhong launched the March monthly list, starting from the aspects of brand launch and creative popularity, analyzing the monthly list data and providing reference for practitioners.

The long tail effect of the Winter Olympics content is obvious

The plot video attracts the attention of users

According to the "Creative Popularity List" TO30, sports and life creators accounted for the largest proportion of the total, reaching 66.66%.

Looking at the March list data, it can be found that the top four are sports accounts, and their popular content is mostly related to the Winter Olympics, and although the event is over, the popularity of related topics has not decreased.

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@ Only about sports released a total of 1727 notes, covering the winter Olympics hot content, NBA highlights, college sports daily, etc., the account is rich in content, a variety of topics, a total of 235.46w likes, airborne in March top.

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In addition, the multi-article art and sports students released by life masters @ Ding Zhengmeizi are also loved by users, among which "the skirt of the dancer can support all the beauty in the world!" "It tells the story of the hard training of dance students and finally the recognition of professional teachers, which has resonated with many users."

▲ Talent Little Red Book interface

In addition to the popular categories, The Popular @ Skincare Sister Gu Yiyi showed the beauty of the small skills through the form of comics, the form of novel attention; waist talent @ Wang Naiying with the "Disney Princess" role-playing series of videos, won a total of 161.8w interaction.

Business notes have increased significantly

Anti-string funny videos spread strongly

From the perspective of business cooperation among talents, compared with February, the overall number of business notes interactions in March showed an increasing trend.

Life blogger @Tubi Fan_33 sister cooperated with the "QQ Star" and "Pizza Hut" brands to produce 2 business notes, ranking first in the list; followed by @Ding Zhengmeizi and @TongsMa Amanda, respectively, gained 24.08w and 22.51w interactions.

Here's how the TOP30 business influencers are ranked:

One of them is decorated with the multi-angled @Qingdao aunt Zhang Daxia and "Pico" cooperation " This is not what you will look like when you become a parent in the future! ", soft implanted PicoVR all-in-one machine, won 7.02w, far higher than other business notes.

Through the comparison with the traditional parent image, the video shows the state of contemporary young people after becoming parents, and the content is suitable for users, which has attracted many viewers to directly call "This may be my old age life".

The positioning of the account is an anti-string funny plot, by one person playing the role of mother and son, the basic main line of the story is that the mother and son love and kill each other in their daily lives, fighting wits and courage, such account characters are clear and eye-catching, the audience is wide, easy to trigger discussion and dissemination.

In addition to the popular content, what are the new actions of the brand in the planting of Xiaohongshu? What are the new trends? This can be seen through the "Commercial Launch List" and "Brand Planting List" of Xinhong.

Increase investment in The Mystery of the Sea Blue

Strength Pizza Hut Business Notes received high attention

According to the "Commercial Release List" data in March, among the top 30 listed brands, the beauty category accounts for 1/2, and in the small red book dominated by women, the investment in beauty and personal care and food brands should not be underestimated.

In terms of delivery effect, "Aquamarine Mystery" increased its investment in March, winning the first place with a note interaction of 58.59w; followed by "Zuma Long", with an interaction volume of 56.88w; the third is "Pizza Hut", with an interaction volume of 43.15w.

The detailed ranking of the list is as follows:

Compared with the beauty brands that have put hundreds of notes, Pizza Hut has only 26 notes in March, but the categories are very rich, ranging from parent-child daily light comedy to hidden welfare stickers, as well as picnic must-have list guides... It covers many categories such as food, tourism, mother and baby parenting, of which food accounts for the highest proportion, reaching 42.2%.

▲New Red - Brand Marketing - Brand Search - Grass Growers

Judging from user feedback, the business notes of "Pizza Hut" have been well received, and users have a positive attitude towards it, and of the 3280 reviews collected, 1391 are positive comments, and the comment hot words include positive words such as "delicious, pizza, Pizza Hut".

▲ Xinhong - brand marketing - brand search - public opinion analysis

The growth rate of the game industry is obvious

Sports content is very popular with users

Judging from the grass planting notes, "Disney", "Glory of the King" and "Oreo" rely on the output of high-quality grass notes, ranking in the top three of the "Brand Grass List", and the fourth "Peace Elite Mobile Game" jumped to the fourth place with 301.26w interactive number.

The detailed list is shown in the following figure:

Through the March "Brand Planting List", it can be seen that the recent growth rate of the game industry is obvious, and the "NBA" of sports and sports is also widely welcomed by users.

The "NBA" grass planting notes type is mainly based on "NBA live fun facts" and "wonderful clips on the field", and the first "all is money" shows the superb shooting skills of NBA live photographers, which is praised by 13.58w.

With the diversification of the content of The Little Red Book, pan-knowledge, technology digital, games, sports and other content are growing rapidly.

Based on the monthly list in March, summarize the recent trend of the Little Red Book industry:

1. The hot spots of the Winter Olympics continue to ferment, setting off a national sports fever;

2. Pan-entertainment video dissemination is strong, and the entertainment and life-oriented notes are deeply loved by users;

3. Brands have increased their investment efforts, and the strength of food brands should not be underestimated;

4. The game sports content grows rapidly, and the content of the Little Red Book platform is more diversified.

Note: The list statistics time is from March 1 to March 31, which originates from Xinhong's statistics and collation of public data, and does not represent the official views of Xiaohongshu.

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