
Why is FAW Toyota's future traffic password in 2022?

After the Spring Festival, China's auto market also ushered in a real sense of the beginning of the year.

Under the background that the current domestic market is in the collective transformation of car companies and the market pattern is expected to be reshaped, this is the key node for each car company to review the previous year and actually land the layout of the new year.

As FAW Toyota, which has made significant progress in sales and product layout in 2021, it has naturally attracted widespread attention in the industry: facing the objective conditions of the same production and marketing dilemma, why can FAW Toyota 2021 go further in sales? In 2022, when the market vitality is gradually recovering, how will FAW Toyota fight the "battle of this year"?

With these questions in mind, we will start from the key performance inventory of FAW Toyota in 2021 today and explore the "internal strength" behind it. And take this opportunity to look forward to the development trend of 2022, which is a key year that determines the future transformation and development.

【"Market emo, and I'm strong"】

In 2021, the domestic auto market as a whole is full of turmoil.

The lack of core crisis caused by the epidemic has caused many car companies to reduce production and sales, which in turn has led to a direct decline in performance. Although most car companies have shown a posture of going against the trend, the reality is to focus on how to stop losses in the countertrend.

If you want to choose an annual word to summarize the car company's 2021, "emo" is definitely the most appropriate one. For the joint venture car company, it is necessary to add a "more" word.

Let's see what the situation is.

First, the new forces attacked. The "Wei Xiaoli" of the first camp has steadily captured the attention of users in terms of sales and tonality, and the zero run and Nezha of the second camp are also constantly rising.

This was followed by the development of its own brands. From the previous price war has been transformed into a value war, category war, and market segment war. This is followed by luxury brands constantly exploring prices to further tap the appeal brought by the brand premium, with the intention of competing for more markets.

At the moment when the stock market format is still in the stock market as a whole, everything is squeezing the space that originally belonged to the joint venture brand.

This has caused the overall market to be in an emo state: there are car companies that create anxiety among each other because of internal competition, and there is a sense of crisis caused by the uncertainty brought about by the epidemic.

Compared with the emo state of the market environment, FAW Toyota still maintains a strong listing momentum in 2021.

In the whole year, it produced 832,000 units, an increase of 7% year-on-year, and sold 860,000 units, an increase of 8% year-on-year, with a cumulative user of more than 9 million. This is FAW Toyota's performance on the sales side in 2021.

On the product side, it is the orderly force of new car listing and brand high-end. The first is the new Corolla model, which has created a new sales growth point. Secondly, the listing of Asiatic Lion, Crown Land Release, and Ling Fang has accurately cut into the competition between market segments and category markets. In particular, the latter two have also brushed a wave of goodwill in the way of subverting the traditional new car listing model.

On the operational side, FAW Toyota achieved 15 million operating fans through the contact integration of the private domain traffic platform in 2021. And through the fission of fans, the annual referral sales also reached 40,000 units.

At the enterprise operation end, FAW Toyota is also making both internal and external efforts.

In addition, we will continue to rapidly promote the transformation of digital intelligence, increase the business coverage from the previous 70% to 90%, and significantly improve the efficiency in terms of lead management and service processes. Externally, we will ensure production and grab resources, exert efforts through various channels, and save 175,000 chip resources throughout the year, laying a solid foundation for subsequent production and marketing.

The market emo, while FAW Toyota is strong.

Behind the firmness, in essence, is the car company's clear understanding of development.

Focusing solely on products and ignoring the accumulation of operations and operations often makes car companies unable to cope with industry changes. Therefore, only by expanding the dimension of development and doing in-depth implementation in each dimension can we ensure that car companies can develop in a healthy state.

In essence, this requires car companies to have a closed loop of their own development. Judging from the performance in 2021, FAW Toyota has obviously passed its own closed loop.

"Play this piece of closed loop, we are familiar!" ”】

In the domestic automotive market, those who can complete reverse growth and maintain benign development in an uncertain environment are usually shaped under the premise of a large and stable enterprise system.

The so-called self-development closed loop refers to the development of responding to market changes from the perspective of car companies participating in market competition; in terms of operation mode, it is closely connected with each link and it is difficult for external car companies to fully replicate.

For FAW Toyota in 2022, this closed loop is composed of four major aspects: research and development, production, management and sales. They will determine the prospects for future brand development.

Combing through the recent information of FAW Toyota in 2022, we can also find that the focus of this year's work is to build a three-dimensional brand based on these four aspects.

First of all, at the R&D end, it is necessary to accelerate the self-reliance of R&D.

In terms of technology, FAW Toyota will try new technologies in advance, make technical reserves, strengthen the application of big data, improve the accuracy of product planning, and meet the real needs of users in terms of application scenarios and customer experience. In terms of products, we will continue to build more locally competitive local models according to the characteristics of the Chinese market with the Asian Dragon and Asiatic Lion as the main line.

Secondly, at the production end, do a good job in the management of new models and product lines.

Overall, the success of the new car listing continues to build a niche advantage.

First, under the opportunity of the return of the Crown brand and the launch of new models, we must continue to differentiate under the image of "mid-level car benchmark". Second, continue to promote the reputation of Corolla models and the further penetration of Asia Lion and Ruifang SUVs in market segments, and continue to create its "national-level" attributes. Third, with the launch of the pure electric model bZ4X, we must establish the brand recognition of the FAW Toyota brand in the BEV pure electric era. Fourth, continue to strengthen the existing advantages of hybrid models in terms of performance, safety and value.

In addition, on the management side, accelerate the transformation of digital intelligence.

The overall goal is to improve work efficiency, and according to market changes and their own advantages, the future development trend of the forward layout.

From a detailed point of view, at the enterprise level, it mainly plays the following dimensions: First, it is the strategic dimension, taking digital intelligence as the support point for business and work efficiency improvement, and cultivating a forward-looking perspective. Secondly, it is the landing dimension, which empowers the business with data and improves the overall operational quality from the company to the user. Finally, it is to build a core technical team for digital and intelligent transformation. For car companies, the key to the success of digital and intelligent transformation lies in who has more high-quality talents.

Finally, on the sales side, do a good job of creating incremental intervals.

According to FAW Toyota's plan, there will be a series of ambitious goals during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. The first priority is to complete the million sales in 2022.

2022 is a "big year for new products" for FAW Toyota. In addition to the local redesigned models, the new models that fill the gap in the product line and the bZ4X, which is truly electrified, will become the focus of this year.

High-end brand, new energy brand market share and sharp label of subdivided models will also be the challenge of FAW Toyota on the sales side this year. The key part is how to innovate marketing methods.

Product strength has never been the short board of FAW Toyota, and innovative marketing will accelerate its creation of new increments.

From the perspective of actual implementation measures and vision, the relationship between FAW Toyota in research and development, production, management and sales is mutually promoting and influencing.

This kind of self-development closed loop based on three-dimensional construction also confirms the law that must be observed by the upward development of car companies: the vision affects the pattern, the pattern plays left and right, and the playing style determines life and death.

【"Traffic password" is in 2022】

Several trends are emerging in increasingly pronounced fashions in 2022:

First of all, it is the major traditional car companies to accelerate the layout of electrification transformation, and the market segment has developed from the previously opened state to the new models to accelerate competition in the segmentation range.

Secondly, joint venture large car companies are giving the Chinese market greater leadership in technology development and product planning, and participating in the competition with a more proactive attitude.

In addition, the organizational changes within the car company and the operation mode of user center will be conveyed in a more customized context with the help of innovative marketing methods and media ports. Users' understanding of brands and products will break through the inherent cognition.

The market and car companies are currently at a key node of transformation from the inside out, who can grasp these trends, who can get more opportunities in the future market. Therefore, 2022 is the year to really break the "traffic code".

In 2022, FAW Toyota's deep cultivation in the four dimensions of research and development, management, production and sales will play a decisive role in the future development under the premise of the current industry trend.

From the perspective of prediction, the most important impact of FAW Toyota in 2022 after the deep cultivation of these four aspects may be to form a clear brand value differentiation for other joint venture car companies while harvesting more users.

After all, under the siege of new forces, independent and luxury brands, joint venture brands in addition to products, the real need to worry about how to achieve brand premium through products.

With a sense of premium that users recognize, it can be directly converted into sales.


Judging from the achievements of FAW Toyota in 2021, the results of the three dimensions of product, operation and operation prove that it has passed through the development closed loop. The development plan for 2022 is the deepening of the closed loop.

For FAW Toyota, its closed-loop advantage is based on a sound enterprise system, while car companies also have a dynamic and comprehensive perspective in the field of vision, and can accurately layout various businesses in a forward-looking manner. Therefore, faw Toyota's advantage that makes it difficult for other car companies to replicate is that the closed loop has self-growth and development.

Under this style of play, 2022 is bound to become a key year to determine the future rapid development. Now, let's see how this year's FAW Toyota has taken every step out.

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