
Neonatal yellow pox, do you know?

Neonatal yellow pox, do you know?

Neonatal jaundice is one of the common symptoms in the neonatal period, especially in early newborns, the incidence rate can reach more than 80%, neonatal jaundice is due to abnormal bilirubin metabolism, causing increased levels of bilirubin in the blood, and the appearance of skin, mucous membranes and scleral jaundice as a feature of the disease, the disease has physiological and pathological divisions, physiological jaundice appears in 2-3 days after birth, peaks in 4-6 days, subsides in 7-10 days, and the duration of premature babies is longer. Pathological jaundice requires different treatment options depending on the condition.


How to determine whether it is pathological jaundice?

Neonatal yellow pox, do you know?

1. Jaundice occurs 24 hours after birth, and the daily serum bilirubin rises by more than 5 mg/dl or > 0.5 mg/dl per hour;

2. Long duration, full-term infants > 2 weeks, premature infants > 4 weeks, and even continue to deepen and worsen;

3. Recurrence after resolution or onset of jaundice within one week to several weeks after birth, all of which are pathological jaundice;

4. Accompanied by anemia or fading of stool color;

5. There are abnormal body temperature, poor appetite, vomiting and other manifestations.


Hazards of neonatal jaundice

Now, many parents of newborns do not understand the harm of neonatal jaundice, nor do they pay enough attention to the problem of neonatal jaundice, resulting in their lack of common sense in this regard, and they do not treat their children in time, resulting in some serious consequences.

So what harm does jaundice do? In fact, most jaundice will subside naturally, but there will be a very small number of children who will have serious conditions.

Jaundice will make the baby have poor appetite, vomiting, abnormal body temperature, fatigue and weakness, mental atrophy, and even liver enlargement, etc., if not found and treated in time, it will lead to nerve damage to the baby, affecting the baby's vision, hearing, and serious will also lead to cerebral palsy or even death; even if the baby survives after treatment, there will also be eye movement disorders, hearing impairment, enamel hypoplasia, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, epilepsy and other sequelae, seriously endangering the baby's life and health.


How can neonatal jaundice be prevented?

Neonatal yellow pox, do you know?

1. The appearance of neonatal jaundice is likely to be related to the invasion of humid heat and humidity by the pregnant mother, therefore, during pregnancy, the pregnant mother should pay attention to the diet, but eat raw and cold, but hungry and full, and avoid alcohol and hot things;

2. After the baby is born, the scleral jaundice should be closely observed, if jaundice is found, it should be treated as soon as possible, and the color change of jaundice should be observed and the progress and retreat of jaundice should be understood in a timely manner;

3. Pay attention to observe whether the baby has symptoms such as mental malaise, drowsiness, difficulty sucking milk, panic, strabismus, limb rigidity or convulsions, etc., so as to detect and deal with severely ill children in a timely manner;

4. Pay attention to protect the skin, umbilicus and buttocks of newborns from being clean and clean to prevent broken infections;


How to do a good job of home protection?

Neonatal yellow pox, do you know?

1. Pay attention to the color of your baby's stool

Pay attention to the color of the baby's stool, if the liver biliary tract has a problem, it will turn white, but not suddenly white, but more and more light, if coupled with the body suddenly yellow again, it must be brought to the doctor;

2. Observe your baby's daily life

As long as you feel that the baby's skin looks more and more yellow, the spirit and appetite are not good, or the body temperature is unstable, easy to scream and cry and other conditions, you must go to the hospital for examination;

3. Carefully observe the jaundice changes

Jaundice is yellow from the beginning, from the foot to retreat, but the earliest yellow, the latest to retreat, so you can first observe from the eyes, if you do not know how to see, experts suggest that you can press any part of the body, as long as the pressed skin appears white, it does not matter, is yellow to pay attention to;

4. Don't get too dark in your home

After the baby is discharged home, try not to let the home be too dark, the curtains should not be pulled too tightly, the baby is close to the natural light next to the window during the day, the electric light can not be turned on or not, it does not matter, there will be no impact;

5. Breastfeed frequently

If it proves that it is because of jaundice caused by insufficient feeding, the mother must feed food frequently, because milk secretion is a normal physiological response, frequent suction will stimulate hormones, the more milk secreted, do not think that the baby does not eat enough or because of persistent jaundice, just use water or sugar water supplementation;

6. Do not abuse drugs

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