
Employees who were fired for paid toilet use claimed 200,000 yuan a day and squatted in the toilet for more than 6 hours a day!

author:Meow meow meow dumb

It's a jaw-dropping, bizarre story. An employee named Mr. Zhang has been under tremendous pressure for the past few years, and he has had to squat on the toilet for more than six hours a day to cope with the high intensity of work. However, something amazing happened! The company even fired him on the grounds of "low work efficiency"! This made Mr. Zhang angry, and he was well aware of his right to paid toileting.


As employees, we all have the rights and protections we deserve, and one of the most basic is the right to paid toilet use. However, today we are going to talk about a brave employee who defended his rights and started a fierce claim journey with the company in order to fight for the rights he deserves.

Employees who were fired for paid toilet use claimed 200,000 yuan a day and squatted in the toilet for more than 6 hours a day!

In our regular workday, have you ever wondered if sitting in the office for long periods of time can have a negative impact on your body? Some people may choose to take a break from the toilet to relieve fatigue. However, for Mr. Zhang, it turned out to be an unexpected nightmare.

For several years, Mr. Zhang has been carrying great responsibilities and pressures in his work. In order to cope with these pressures, he gradually developed a habit: squatting in the toilet for long periods of time several times a day to give himself some time to rest and relieve. However, he did not expect that this seemingly innocuous act would become the trigger for his unfair treatment in the company.

A few days ago, the company abruptly dismissed Mr. Zhang on the grounds of "low work efficiency". He was outraged and disappointed because it was a clear violation of his right to paid toileting. Determined not to let his efforts go to naught, he decided to seek legal recourse to protect his rights.

Employees who were fired for paid toilet use claimed 200,000 yuan a day and squatted in the toilet for more than 6 hours a day!
Employees who were fired for paid toilet use claimed 200,000 yuan a day and squatted in the toilet for more than 6 hours a day!

This unique and shocking case immediately garnered a lot of attention and quickly became a hot topic on social media. Everyone expressed their support for Mr. Zhang and questioned whether the company had violated labor laws.

Now, Mr. Zhang has filed a claim of 200,000 yuan against the company, seeking compensation from the company for the losses he suffered as a result of the unfair treatment. He hopes that through such actions, more people will pay attention to the protection of employees' rights and interests, and the company will be able to realize their mistakes.

This incident is not only about Mr. Zhang's personal rights, but also will arouse the attention of the whole society to the phenomenon of inequality in the workplace. We should recognize that employees' right to paid toileting is their fundamental right, and any violation of this right should be punished by law and morality.

We look forward to Mr. Zhang's fair verdict, and hope that through the exposure of this incident, more people will pay attention to and call for the protection of employees' rights and interests.

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