
The 10 life mottos of the Analects of the Analects have benefited the deaf and the deaf!

The Analects, the first of the four books, is a book that records the words of Confucius and his disciples, and has been a must-read book for scholars since ancient times. The Book of analects, which has influenced China for more than two thousand years, is the essence and source of Confucianism, and is the concentrated embodiment of Confucius's thought, and as a Chinese, it is indispensable to read it.

First, do not say what is done, do not advise on the matter, and do not blame the past. - The Analects. Eight 3rd

Testimonials: As the saying goes, "it is difficult to harvest from the water", don't mention what has already been done, don't mention it again; don't give advice to what you have already done, isn't that "after-the-horse cannon"? For previous mistakes, there should be no more blame for gains and losses and responsibility.

Second, those who go to the past shall not be advised, but those who come may be traced. - The Analects. Neutrino》

Testimonials: The things that have passed and happened cannot be recovered, so don't say anything more. Things in the future, which have not yet happened, can still be planned.

The 10 life mottos of the Analects of the Analects have benefited the deaf and the deaf!

Third, do not suffer from no position, suffer from so standing; do not suffer from self-knowledge, seek to know also. - The Analects. Li Ren》

Testimonials: Don't worry about the leader not assigning you a position, you should worry about whether you are qualified for the current position. Don't worry about others not knowing you, you should do more things and let others see your abilities.

Fourth, a gentleman wants to be sensitive to words and sensitive to deeds. - The Analects. Li Ren》

Testimonials: As a gentleman, you should be cautious about speaking and not speaking easily, but when you act, you must be agile, sharp, and not procrastinate.

Fifth, virtue is not alone, but there will be neighbors. - The Analects. Li Ren》

Testimonials: Kind, moral people will not be alone, and there will be like-minded people who will come to accompany him.

The 10 life mottos of the Analects of the Analects have benefited the deaf and the deaf!

Sixth, do not be in his position, do not seek his own government. - The Analects. Tabor

Testimonials: Not in that position, not your own responsibility, do not ask, first do your own things well, is the most important.

Seven, people do not know and are not ashamed, are not gentlemen? - The Analects. Learning and Learning》

Testimonials: Others do not understand themselves, nor will they be angry, nor will they resent, is this not the performance of a gentleman? Therefore, when we are misunderstood and wronged, if we think of this sentence, we should not be angry again, otherwise we will become villains.

Unrighteousness and richness are like floating clouds to me. - The Analects. Shu Er》

Testimonials: Gentlemen love money and have a way to get it. The riches attained by moral means have no meaning to a gentleman, like the clouds in the sky.

The 10 life mottos of the Analects of the Analects have benefited the deaf and the deaf!

Ninth, only the benevolent can be good and can be evil.

Testimonials: Only people who are truly benevolent can justly and objectively love and dislike a person. And we ordinary people like and dislike a person, often with emotions, with emotions, with prejudice, it is difficult to be objective and fair.

10. Do not look at incivility, do not listen to incivility, do not speak of incivility, and do not move if you are indecent. - The Analects. Yan Yuan》

Testimonials: Don't look at the phenomenon of disrespect, don't listen to uncivilized voices, don't say uncivil words, and don't do all things that are not polite.

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