
Danqing Dye Taihang - Guo Jiulin

Danqing Dye Taihang - Guo Jiulin

Introduction to art

Guo Jiulin, born in 1949, a native of Pingding County, Yangquan City, was the vice chairman of the Pingding County Federation of Literature and Literature and the secretary of the party group. He is a member of the Shanxi Calligraphers Association, the Chinese Folk Writers Association, the China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, and the China Yanglian Association. He graduated from Shanxi Pingding Normal School in 1968, graduated from Beijing Humanities Correspondence University in 1985, that is, Beijing Advertising Institute, and was hired as a painter of The China Academy of Painting in 2014, and his calligraphy and painting works have won many awards in the whole country, Shanxi Province and Yangquan City.

Danqing dyeing is too good

□ Lu Feng

People wander among the mountains of the famous rivers, and the ghostly unions of nature are inexplicably moved.

I have seen Mr. Guo Jiulin write a picture of Taihang's vigorous and elegant paintings, which suddenly opened my mind in the sight of thousands of miles. The place that tugged at the heartstrings was the natural emergence of his emotions.

Not long ago, I had a conversation with Mr. Guo Jiulin under the recommendation of my colleague Mr. Feng Yongxi. In the impression, Mr. Guo is a person who is sharp-minded, arrogant to the present world, and has a sincere temperament, and his pen and ink are immersed in his bones, and it should be said that his name is connected with "art" with an equal sign.

Danqing Dye Taihang - Guo Jiulin


The first time I saw Mr. Guo's paintings was when Mr. Feng Yongxi pushed mr. Guo's sketches from his youth on WeChat a few years ago.

Sketching is the foundation of all plastic arts. These works of pen power and emotion are in the era of Dagan Kuai, mr. Guo painted a new picture for Dazhai. The scene of the work "Flat Shoulder Spirit" is clearly divided, the composition is scattered perspective method, the long scroll of the character is the boiling crowd shoulder to shoulder, the water point species, the people on the shallow side of the stream form a long dragon, full of drought-resistant hope, the flow of people is long; the momentum of "Race against the Clock" is strong, capturing the dynamics of many changes in a very short period of time, someone pulls a cart of large battles, the lines are a stroke, the pen is exposed, the dots and lines and surfaces and the dense virtual reality are placed in the overall management. The exquisite pen and ink of the two works determine the overall situation of the composition, the lines are not stagnant or weak, the old spicy is condensed, and the combination of "shape, god and quality" forms a simple and complex intertwined picture. The color, volume and depth of sketching can be read, which is the ability of a skilled painter to understand art with his eyes, and it is possible to paint a large scene with a pen and a piece of paper, and this auxiliary means is the basis for the original intention, the use of the pen, and the achievement of the masterpiece.

Danqing Dye Taihang - Guo Jiulin

Artistic feeling is directly related to the artistic life of the painter. Mr. Guo's artistic creativity is multifaceted, and in his weaving of the Akagi complex of artistic pursuits, sketching should have lasted for a long time. It can be seen that in the face of the real life of thousands of weather, he is full of the mysteries of traditional painting, respects the ancient without showing traces, and can find a solid calligraphic pen in the painting, painting mountains, rocks and weeds into double-hooked and colorful grand plans. He borrows the shape of mountains and rivers to express his feelings in his chest, and his unique painting style and personal experience are intertwined, rendered and mutually accomplished, and the artistic conception fully reflects the original self. In the chain of his long-term creation, tradition has not overwhelmed him, it is he who has mastered tradition and given his works a strong persuasive and infectious force.

"There is poetry in the painting" and "painting endless meaning is endless" are mr. Guo's divine intentions in the heart of the creative watch. The Taihang Mountains of Yangquan made him obsessed, worshipped, and proud, and the feeling of wanting to sing praises was conceived in his chest since childhood. He has a "Jia ShuiYuan Ren" idle seal to remind himself of his constant contact with the soil of his hometown, thank him for the thick soil of his hometown, and let the people of his hometown understand the grand nature in his paintings. He trekked through the sea of art, searching for the soul of Taixing, immersed in the scene, and blended with emotions, just as Su Dongpo said, "Not only is he a supernatural talent, but also a tenacious ambition." "The highest realm of art lies in the discovery that he carries too much, too heavy, too excited passion, has a unique artistic thinking and a keen artistic feeling for objective things, has the spirituality of expressing beauty and rare sharpness, emphasizes the "artistic conception", pays attention to "pen and ink", and pursues "style". He firmly captured the "idyllic poetry", "lonely village with a single waterfall", "mountain dwelling", "rural complex", "magnificent mountains and rivers" and more timeless Niangziguan to the picture, presenting a place that always reveals bright and pure colors, which can evoke the viewer's associations, memories, and imaginations...

Danqing Dye Taihang - Guo Jiulin

Spring is a budding pear blossom fragrance

The exhibition is the driving force and important platform for promoting the art of painting, and one of the advantages of the online exhibition of works is that time and space are not hindered by the inner aesthetics. Recently seeing the "Online Exhibition of Local Artists' Works" carried out by the Yangquan Exhibition Hall, Mr. Guo's framed works can be seen that they are the unique beats of his mental factors and the answers to the puzzles he pursues.

Mr. Guo's Chinese paintings are based on poetry as the soul and books as the bones, the soul is mysterious, and the bones are really standing. Those paintings that "paint when they are born are ripe", "Hujiazhuang Jiashan Temple" and "Xiguan Street", the objects are based on the present, pay attention to reality, and the independent humanistic spirit and technical character benefit from his continuous movement towards life and nature. He has to stop in front of nature in every season, capture the vivid and vivid people, things and ecological principles of Taihang in a space full of light, "search for qifeng to make a draft", the scenery painted is very broad, using the scale of objects and images before and after, expanding the depth of space, and building a realm full of vigorous life images. "Taihang Mengchun", "Taihang Guo Liang Village" and "Pastoral Music" are his unique aesthetic feelings and cognitive dimensions of Taihang, and there are also differences in Taihang's expression methods, seeking a breakthrough in the style of works in regional characteristics. "Yangquan Scenic Scenery", "Guguan Slightly WallEdi ancient post road", "Cangyan Jingxiu", is his familiar creative body, he has into it, so he has affection, out of the outside, so there is a high-level artistic language.

Danqing Dye Taihang - Guo Jiulin

Xibaipo sends charcoal

"Pen and ink should be contemporary." For Mr. Guo, it is no longer an empty slogan. Fortunately, on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the party, he hung a golden badge on his chest that read, "Glory in the Party for 50 Years." His artistic heart is toward the party, and his mood is always difficult to calm down, and he created "Xibaipo Sending Charcoal", where the mist gradually opens in the picture scroll and the mountains are scattered, a long donkey team goes up and down from the right to the middle and then turns over, forming a flowing "S-shaped" curve, so that the whole painting presents a continuous, flowing melody. The fluffy donkey huddled down and trekked, and the donkey driver carried the charcoal block on the donkey's back to Xibaipo, the holy land of revolution, with sincere thoughts, and the scene had the narrative embodiment of "party history in the painting", which strengthened the intimacy of visual experience, narrowed the distance between painting and spiritual might, and also realized the specific theme expression of "deep military and civilian feelings". In the treatment of form and content, the painter deliberately transforms the real form of the real world. In the inlaid charm of ink, the composition of the minfu and the donkey team can be read as his deep contemplation from the inside out, flowing in the pen, and the artistic intuition has been released and stretched. The meaning is not deep, and the field of vision is not to be said to be broad.

Danqing Dye Taihang - Guo Jiulin

Taihang Wei Wei Breeze came slowly

Art is the monologue of the soul, and painting is the carrier that can get closest to the human heart. Mr. Guo Jiulin's paintings bring about a clear and mighty thought and a splendid realm, which is the spiritual manifestation of his "self-confidence, poetry, integration into the meaning of the book, and reconstruction of freehand", and also creates his character full of enthusiasm and fortitude. He uses this deep poetic aesthetic quality to express the unique spirit of his hometown Yangquan, Taihang and Guan Ai, sublimates the temperament of the local landscape and life with love, and shakes people's hearts.

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