
24 topics to talk to your kids about before bedtime

24 topics to talk to your kids about before bedtime

◎ 1 If you could become an animal, what animal would you most like to become? (Imagination)

◎2. How about we tell a little secret of our own, in exchange? (Privacy Issues)

◎ 3. If one day, I am captured by a big monster, how will you come to my rescue? ( Security Awareness)

◎ 4. If you were at home yourself, would you open if you didn't know someone knocking on the door and coming in? (Awareness of prevention)

◎ 5. If you are a teacher, how do you manage obedient and naughty students? (if ability)

◎6. If your mother is not happy, how do you coax your mother? (Caring ability)

◎ 7. If there is a question that you think your answer is correct and the teacher says it is wrong, what will you do? Will you stick to your answers? ( Subjective Awareness)

◎8.What do you think a good family looks like? (Happiness Cognition)

◎ 9 What would you do if a classmate said bad things about you in the class many times? (Conflict Resolution)

◎ 10. Do you think there are many advantages or disadvantages to going to school, and what is the purpose of studying? (Learning Values)

◎11.Which kid have you been chatting with the most lately? ( Social Issues)

◎ 12 If you were given 100 pieces, how would you spend it? ( Money Management)

24 topics to talk to your kids about before bedtime

◎ 13 If a strange aunt tells you after school that mom and dad can't come and let her pick you up, will you go with her? ( Anti-deception awareness)

◎14.What talents or hobbies do you think you have? (Self-awareness)

◎ 15.If you were to be a mom and dad for a day, how would you arrange our day? ( Parent-child interaction ability)

◎ 16.Mom doesn't want to listen to stories, can you tell one to Mom? (Knowledge Reserve)

◎ 17. You practiced very hard and lost an important game, how do you feel? ( Resistance to setbacks)

◎ 18.What do other children say about you at school, do you think they are right? ( Self Impression)

◎ 19. If you are in trouble, who do you want me to protect you like? (Crisis Management)

◎ 20. Under what circumstances do you think others are lying to you? ( Social Maturity)

◎21.What if you are cooking with a rice cooker and the power goes out? (Self-care ability)

◎ 22. How many kinds of chores can you say, the more the better? ( Family Life Observation)

◎ 23. Who is the most powerful in your heart and who is your idol? ( Ideal Yourself )

◎ 24. If we go camping on the weekend, what should we prepare? ( Planning Capabilities)

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