
Xinhua All Media + | misunderstanding of autism, how many have you won?

"I've been feeling a little lonely lately, am I getting autism?" "I've heard that people who get autism are geniuses, is that true?" "People who get autism are too withdrawn"...

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day (also known as World Autism Day), and there are many misconceptions about this group. To this end, the reporter interviewed experts on children's psychological behavior, answered these misunderstandings one by one, and called on the public to understand and tolerate the autistic group.

Xinhua All Media + | misunderstanding of autism, how many have you won?

Having loneliness does not mean having autism, autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and true autistic people do not feel loneliness.

Xinhua All Media + | misunderstanding of autism, how many have you won?

They are not all geniuses, only a few autistic people have high IQs. Most people with autism have a talent in one aspect, but it is just an illusion created by film and television dramas.

Xinhua All Media + | misunderstanding of autism, how many have you won?

They are not lonely and cold, but they are sick, and autism does not mean that they are lonely.

Xinhua All Media + | misunderstanding of autism, how many have you won?

Children's autism needs early detection, early diagnosis, and early intervention, and the treatment effect will be better.

Xinhua All Media + | misunderstanding of autism, how many have you won?

For many years, Zou Shipu and her colleagues have been committed to the popularization of autism knowledge and early screening of autistic children, and the public account of Jiangxi Children's Hospital also provides free autism screening services.

Xinhua All Media + | misunderstanding of autism, how many have you won?

Reporter: Yu Gang

Edit: Tian Tian

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

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