
Summer is coming, baby bathing is crucial, seven points for mothers to know!

Bathing is very comfortable, generally parents with conditions at home will let the baby soak in the bath, so that the baby can relax the body.

However, the baby's ability to regulate the temperature and the adaptability of the skin are relatively weak, so although the baby can take a bath, he cannot soak for too long.

So how long is the best time for a baby to bathe?

The baby bath is about 20 minutes long, and parents can add some plant essential oils to the baby's bath water, which can effectively help the baby loose blood and activate the network.

However, the baby cannot soak in the bath every day, and long-term bathing will affect the baby's skin.

Summer is coming, baby bathing is crucial, seven points for mothers to know!

There are many precautions for bathing your baby

First, choose a good time to soak.

I don't pay attention to the bath before and half an hour after the meal.

Because in the half an hour before the meal, the baby's stomach is relatively empty, and it is easy to collapse when sweating in the bath.

If you give the baby a bath after a meal, the baby is not easy to digest, and it is easy to have a reaction of nausea and vomiting. It is also best not to bathe your baby before going to bed, because overexcited your baby will not be able to sleep.

Second, pay attention to replenishing the baby's water after soaking the baby after soaking the bath.

Because the baby may have chest tightness after bathing, if the appropriate drinking water can effectively alleviate the baby's discomfort.

Third, the amount of water must be gradual when soaking in the bath.

At first, it is best to soak the baby only below the heart, and wait until the baby slowly adapts to the position of the shoulder.

Summer is coming, baby bathing is crucial, seven points for mothers to know!

Fourth, the bath time should not be too long

The bath time should not be too long, so as to reduce the waterproof temperature and cause the newborn baby to be uncomfortable.

Even if your newborn baby loves to play with water, it's best not to let him bathe for more than 10 minutes.

Fifth, choose a mild, non-irritating baby shower gel

Baby's skin is more sensitive and delicate, and there is a slightly acidic natural protective film on the surface, so it is necessary to choose pure and gentle, additive-free baby cleaning products so as not to irritate the baby's skin.

Secondly, in the summer, the number of baths for babies becomes more frequent, and it is important to buy a shower gel that can soak in the bath!

Summer is coming, baby bathing is crucial, seven points for mothers to know!

Babies love to sweat in summer, the body and head are always covered with the smell of sweat, this shower gel composed of oatmeal essence retains the fragrance of the plant, so that the baby's body emits a faint "cookie" fragrance after bathing is very good!

Sixth, there is no need to take frequent baths

Some mothers are afraid that their newborn babies are too hot and bathe them several times a day.

For babies under half a year old, there is basically no amount of activity, which can be washed 1 to 2 times a week, and the number of times is appropriately increased in summer;

For children over one year old, you can wash about 2 to 3 times a week, and once a day in summer.

Many parents think that children sweat easily in the summer and bathe their children two or three times a day. In fact, the child's skin has a layer of sebum film and oil film, which is a natural barrier.

If it is too clean, it will destroy this barrier and easily cause the child to be injured and infected.

Seventh, apply baby oil immediately after bathing

Using the moisturizing effect of baby oil, we protect the skin that has absorbed the moisture and do not let the water lose.

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