
Qingwei | Flying Sand: It is red dust

Qingwei | Flying Sand: It is red dust

Qingwei | Flying Sand: It is red dust
Qingwei | Flying Sand: It is red dust

Looking at colors is like foam, receiving is like water bubbles, thinking is like a spring flame, all actions are like plantains, and all knowledge is like illusion. - Caption

In this temple at dusk, I sat down alone and looked around, sparsely visited. The wind blows, and the iron horse in the temple makes a clanging sound, which is long and empty, but it shows the tranquility of the temple. In such silence, the love and hatred that flooded my heart gradually calmed down, like a clear spring, and I once again got my own breath. Only when you re-contemplate your own mind can you calmly see the bondage that is tightly troubling you.

A person's life can be different because of another life, or it can change the life they are accustomed to for this purpose. It can be said that this is a kind of abandonment of the self, but it can also be said to be the pursuit of the self. Because, when she understands the meaning of her life, everything is inseparable from her. The Buddha said: Let go of self-grasping. But what about letting her go? What is her meaning in her own life? It's just that the trajectory of life can be changed for her, but after losing the intersection, everything is just empty thoughts. "The Dharmas can only arise from circumstances, and they are not born from conditions." Love is born of this fate, but it is also exhausted by this fate. There is no need to argue, because once the heart is diverted, love loses its meaning.

Life is fickle and dies. And the departure and dispersion of everything is like rain and wind, fluttering in helplessness. In the red dust, I am only feeling it with a sincere heart, and I know that a serious heart can be exchanged for a real life, and it is also a proof that this short earthly world will not be wasted. However, when the other heart has been indifferent and gone, attachment is only a dead leaf in the void, silently falling in the cold. The so-called thoughts are born and die, things are in an impermanent change, there can be no eternal and graspable entity, all birth and death is just illusion, because of confusion and clinging to think that there is, in fact, there is no such thing as existence, there is no such thing as nothing.

The Eight Sufferings of Buddha: Birth Suffering, Old Suffering, Sickness Suffering, Death Suffering, Love And Separation Suffering, Hatred And Suffering, Seeking No Suffering, Five Yin Blazing Suffering. How many people in these five turbid worlds are tormented by the pain of ignorance, and this love is the most painful stab. Falling in love, holding hands, parting, turning away, all kinds of stories turn into complicated red dust, and fleeting happiness instantly turns into sharp blades, mercilessly streaking to the heart. Lamentations mixed into worldly sounds, and in order to get rid of this sea of suffering, the world began to worship, exchanging piety for peace of mind. But the Buddha who picked the flowers smiled, and you can never guess the mystery behind this smile.

If there is no entity in the world that can be grasped, then in a short lifetime, how many clutches and dispersions a person needs to confirm. If it is not eternal, then the pursuit of eternity becomes the seed of suffering, but I understand that life is always condensed in pain. The meaning of the pursuit will lose its voice for a period of time and fall into deep confusion, but if there is no intention to get rid of this red dust, then people always need to seek it in the sea of suffering. Although all things are empty in nature and do not have to cling to it, it is still necessary to maintain a sincere heart, only such a heart will not let itself be lost, will not let life become frivolous and lose its due weight.

Because this is the red dust, the red dust of this lifetime.

Editor: Ma Xuemin

One point number Qingwei Heze creative base

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