
"The Rest of Your Life Please Teach More" makes Lin Zhixue's father emotionally broken

"The Rest of Your Life Please Teach More" makes Lin Zhixue's father emotionally broken

It turned out that Lin Zhixue's father went to the hospital for examination because of stomach ulcers, but he did not want to be stomach cancer. After knowing the truth of the matter, Lin Zhixue suddenly grew up. She and her mother decided to treat Teacher Lin.

However, the conversation between mother and daughter was overheard by Teacher Lin, and after a struggle of ideas. Teacher Lin changed his clothes and fled the hospital.

Everyone has speculated whether Teacher Lin's move is to escape from the battlefield? If you don't want to be healed, it seems that it is right not to tell the patient the truth.

Of course, after hearing the news of his father's escape, Lin Zhixue immediately comforted his mother, and then went with Dr. Gu to find his father.

When Dr. Gu was looking for his father together, Lin Zhixue broke down and burst into tears as soon as he mentioned his father.

Mr. Lin disciplines Lin Zhi school very strictly, but usually works long hours in school. Lin Zhixue, who did not get his parents on his birthday, ran away from home.

"The Rest of Your Life Please Teach More" makes Lin Zhixue's father emotionally broken

When the child runs away from home, it shows that the child has great psychological problems and she needs the love of her parents.

If at this time, when the parents find the child, they hug the child and empathize with the child. Fill the child's "cup of love", then the antagonism between the child and the parent will disappear.

But our teacher Lin, like many of our parents, does not cherish building a good relationship with her children when she finds her children. Instead, he kicked her to the ground and pointed at Lin Zhixue's nose and said: Lin Zhixue, as long as you dare to run again, I will break your leg.

Because Chinese parents believe in "filial piety under the stick" in their thinking, and they believe that being strict with their children is for the good of their children.

However, this kind of education made Lin Zhixue have an emotional breakdown when he mentioned this matter, and she said: This time when I find Teacher Lin, I will definitely say break his leg to see if he wants to run away again.

So why did Teacher Lin run away, didn't he want to die?

"The Rest of Your Life Please Teach More" makes Lin Zhixue's father emotionally broken

Later plots require tissues, so be prepared!

When Lin Zhixue found Father Lin at the train station, Teacher Lin was still boasting to others about how gentle, obedient, and well-behaved his daughter was.

Chinese parents are like this, they are never willing to praise their children in front of their children? But when they are outside, they are sincerely proud of their children.

This is also a strange place, why parents think that hitting their children's self-confidence is to help them progress, it seems that "pride makes people backward, modesty makes people progress" This sentence can hurt people a lot!

When Teacher Lin saw that the "gentle" daughter had become a "fierce" appearance, she did not feel anything bad, but began to be willful again: I want to eat hamburgers.

[Cover your face] Speechless, everyone thinks how this Teacher Lin has suddenly become a child. It is said that adolescent children rebel, but our teacher Lin estimates that he did not rebel when he was a child, and everyone has to rebel once in middle age.

But when they came to KFC, Mr. Lin said: I remember eating hamburgers in the 100 things I had to do with my father when I was a child. I heard your conversation with your mother, and I know you're doing it for my own good. But going to the operating table is very risky, and I don't know if I can get it down, if..., so I remember my hometown with "100 Things to Do with Daddy" when you were a child, I wanted to take it back, and you finished the above things...

[Tears] It seems that our teacher Lin is not in the rebellious period, he just wants to complete the things that he has not done with his daughter in his limited life, so that people will have no regrets.

Oh, yes! That's it, our parents don't have time to accompany their children to grow up slowly when they are young, and when they learn that they have little left in their lives, they want to spend time with their children, but the children have grown up and don't need their own company!

"100 Things to Do with Dad" must be a pity.

The TV series tells several aspects of the current Chinese family:

First, there is a lack of empathy between parents and children, and children's psychological problems cannot be solved. Even when a child becomes an adult, he will have a shadow on this matter

There is a saying that childhood wounds must be healed with a lifetime.

If you can go back to the old days, ask parents to empathize with their children more. Just like what Lin Zhixue said: hug me, hug my headache and cry, and then apologize to me, saying that I shouldn't have scolded me like this before, and that it would be good to me from now on

With this kind of empathy, the child's uneasiness is smoothed out, and the child will not leave a shadow in his heart.

Second, praise when the child has a good performance.

It may be: modesty makes people progress, pride makes people backward. The influence of this sentence, parents are reluctant to praise their children. So such children lack self-confidence.

If parents can give praise when their children have good behavior, this is to build good self-confidence for their children. Let him have the confidence to face all kinds of setbacks in life

Third, have time to spend more time with your children, and don't let some things become regrets.

I don't know if you were moved when you saw Lin Zhixue's "100 Things to Do with Dad".

If you know that you will not be able to accompany your child, do you feel that there are still many things that have not been done between you and your child?

So from now on, we still have the energy to write out the 100 things we want to do with our children. Take the time to make them all happen, and when that day really comes, let's have no regrets.

#肖战余生请多指教 #

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