
Why postpartum tummy skin is sagging Causes of postpartum tummy skin

After the girl gives birth, her stomach will not lose weight for a while and a half, and her stomach will show a relaxed state. What happens to the sagging skin of the stomach after childbirth? Why does the stomach appear to be loose after childbirth? Let's analyze the reasons for this.

Physiological causes

One of the main reasons for the postpartum belly skin laxity is because of physiological reasons, October pregnancy will lead to the expansion of the pregnant woman's belly with the gradual development of the fetus, so the postpartum pregnant woman's belly will continue to relax for a period of time, and the sagging condition of the pregnant woman's postpartum belly needs a period of time to recover.


At the same time, because of the relationship between varicose veins, it will also cause the skin on the stomach of pregnant women to become loose after childbirth. The physical condition of pregnant women is very different from when they are not pregnant, and the various indexes of the body will change a lot, and the symptoms of edema of varying degrees will occur due to the influence of various factors. Although the symptoms of postpartum maternal edema are gradually improving and recovering, it is difficult to return to the previous state in a short period of time, so varicose veins are also a common cause of sagging skin in the stomach after pregnancy.

Why postpartum tummy skin is sagging Causes of postpartum tummy skin

Improper diet

Pregnant women are in urgent need of supplementary nutrition after giving birth, and if they eat improperly, they will become one of the culprits of postpartum stomach relaxation. Pregnant women are weak after childbirth, so they need to be adjusted through diet, at this time, if the pregnant women's postpartum diet is too greasy or a big supplement, resulting in excessive nutrition caused by the body fattening of pregnant women, but will aggravate the phenomenon of postpartum belly skin laxity.

Why postpartum tummy skin is sagging Causes of postpartum tummy skin

Lack of exercise

Some pregnant women do not recover in time after giving birth, and they are prone to lack of exercise, which in turn leads to the inability to tighten the stomach in time. Due to the relationship between the baby growing slowly in the mother's belly for ten months, the woman's stomach will definitely be enlarged, and the recovery of the pregnant woman after childbirth will be particularly important. If pregnant women are bedridden for a long time and lack of exercise after childbirth, it is difficult to exercise the skin on the stomach to restore a firm state.

Why postpartum tummy skin is sagging Causes of postpartum tummy skin

Source: Station Cool Author: Nina Buday

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