
What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

The fight against the epidemic is not easy, and the whole people work together.

Recently, the doctor went to the patient community to remove the "double eyelid stitches" across the fence, and friends who want to do double eyelids and do not want to do double eyelids all call _ _ ! (Fill in the Blanks)

Everyone was surprised, "Is it not painful to remove the eyelid stitches?" "Hit a light three times five divided by two and you're done?"

First, the answer - first of all, the double eyelid suture line is almost as thin as the hair, the line is 0.05-0.07mm, the hair is 0.02-0.12mm; secondly, the stimulation of the skin tissue during the stitch removal process is very weak, as long as it is a relatively experienced doctor, there is almost no pain in this process.

With these remarks, Dr. Liu sent to more than a dozen melon-eating and beauty-loving friends overnight (I don't care about pure hilarity), and then, unsurprisingly, received several selfies focusing on the eyes.

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

"Can I save my loose eyelids?" Like xxx (some "sister"). ”

"Colleagues' eyes are much bigger after the Spring Festival! Tuned your double eyelids? ”

"I'm going to have this eyelid, how long is the recovery period?"

Interested friends can continue to look down, 1200+ words of "double eyelid anti-aging", remember to collect after reading Oh!


I heard about the current star

Are both popular fine-tuning double eyelids?

Be confident and get rid of the hearsay. This wave of heat is mainly related to the "collective reemployment" of stars of a certain age. (Of course, this is something we love to hear.) )

In fact, from the first season of "Sister", the momentum of fine-tuning double eyelids began to rise. We can't say which star has worked the eyelids, but double eyelid anti-aging is really useful.

The eye, as the most important organ of the face, the window of the mind, plays a huge role in "social activities", but unfortunately, the facial aging of many friends also begins with the eyes.

Fine lines from the eye area in your 20s or crow's feet when smiling;

Depression of the sagging eye socket of the eyelids to the 30s;

Static wrinkles into the 40s. (Well, without further ado)

It can be said that the aging of the eyes has always played the role of a "signal bomb", accompanied by the whole process of facial aging, which is also the reason why many young sisters are most eager to improve eye aging.

But the solution is different depending on the type.

For example, the skin type/skin tone can be improved by photoelectric means; dynamic wrinkles can be removed; the eye socket depression can be filled properly; and the eye skin is loose - it needs to be intervened by surgery.

Many people "talk about surgical discoloration" and think that surgery is a "big trauma", that is, "breaking the muscles and moving bones".

In fact, eye surgery is known for being "minimally invasive" and "delicate operation". And the way the surgery solves the problem is straightforward, some problems that can't be solved by the five-time Thermage, the operation is all solved in one go.

So when we talk about "double eyelid fine-tuning", what exactly are we talking about?

Come, look at the picture.

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

It is obvious that the aging of the eyes not only has "narrowing of the double eyelids", but also "sagging eyebrows", "narrowing of eyebrow spacing", "increased wrinkles" and other "loose" performances.

Therefore, the core of anti-aging is to solve the problem of relaxation.

Deliberately increasing the "width" of the double eyelids will make it look very fake.

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

Promise me, if the picture reminds you of which star, please don't type it in the comments section.


Fine-tuning the "sister" of double eyelids

It's not necessarily the double eyelids that move

Eyebrows may be moving. In fact, "moving eyebrows" may be a more suitable option for some people.

There are two most common surgical methods to improve "upper eyelid aging", which are divided into sub-brow incisions and heavy eyelid incisions according to the different positions of the incisions, which is often said:

"Eyebrow Cutting"

"Double eyelid surgery"

The basic operation of "eyebrow cutting" is as follows:

The procedure of "double eyelid surgery" is more familiar:

Fine-tuning, fine-tuning, how to adjust to the eyebrows?

First of all, "moving eyebrows" has a good improvement effect on the lateral sagging tail (commonly known as "triangle eyes"), because the double eyelid incision does not improve the lateral area of the double eyelid.

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

Secondly, eyebrow cutting because the incision is under the eyebrow, and the skin thickness of the orbital area is gradually thinned from top to bottom, so eyebrow cutting can remove the thicker skin, retain the thinner skin near the eyelashes, and make the double eyelids more natural. This is nature on the "physiological structure".

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

In the picture, you can see that the upper eyelid is "thick and thin"

And because there is no incision line, there is no need to worry about being seen to have double eyelids, which makes the anti-aging process more natural, belonging to the nature of the "social level".

Finally, the eyebrow cutting surgery has a short swelling period and a quick recovery due to the small damage to the tissue structure of the eyelid area. Double eyelid surgery may be swollen for 2 weeks to 2 months, and eyebrow cutting surgery may be more natural in 1 week to 2 weeks, which belongs to the "time level" nature.

Three aspects of nature define "fine-tuning".

However, the disadvantages of "moving eyebrows" are also obvious - in the recovery period of naked makeup, obvious incision marks under the eyebrows can be seen, and social activities need to be covered by makeup, which is slightly troublesome.

After talking about "surgery under the eyebrows", let's look at "surgery on the eyelids".

First, because the incision is on the heavy eyelid line, the treatment of the double eyelid form will be more flexible; secondly, for the more severe upper eyelid laxity (think of the double eyelids of the elderly), the heavy eyelid incision can directly remove excess skin, so it is an important aid to eyebrow cutting surgery.

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

However, the specific choice of which surgical method still requires the doctor to customize according to the actual situation and specific needs of the beauty seeker. This also redefines "fine-tuning", which is small and effective.

There is no myth of immortality in the world, and rigorous anti-aging technology can weaken the "sense of age", so that we can find some "sense of control" in the torrent of years. The stars on the screen, of course, are not only double eyelids, but also to maintain a tight and mental state in front of high-definition lenses, it is not simple.

But congratulations, you have revealed a secret that quietly resists decay.

How many secrets has plastic surgery saved? See you next time!

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

Reviewer of this article

Dr. Ren Yu of Zhuo Zheng Medical

What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?
What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?
What should I do if the eyelids are getting more and more "loose"?

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