
The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

In 1974, known as the "Eighth Wonder of the World", the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang broke through the ground, and the huge legion that once guarded the undead of Qin Shi Huang was displayed in front of the world. The discovery of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses provides us with rich information for studying the military of the Qin Dynasty. In the process of research, experts also found an interesting phenomenon, that is, all terracotta warriors, are single eyelids. This seems to confirm a long-standing view that has been formed in the academic community for a long time, that is, the traditional Han people are single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of the integration of Han People with other ethnic groups. Is this really the case? Xiaobian has a different understanding, next, let Xiaobian reveal the secret for you:

The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

We all know that the shaping of the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang is basically based on real life. At that time, the craftsmen took the real Qin soldiers as the model and used delicate techniques to basically restore the Qin Army of that year, so that each terracotta army had thousands of faces from the appearance, attire, and even the demeanor, and there was no repetition. Thousands of terracotta warriors are extremely elaborately made, especially the most wonderful paintings of the face, with white eyes, black eyes, and even the pupils of the eyes. However, experts have discovered a peculiar phenomenon. Although the Terracotta Warriors and Horses have thousands of faces and no repetition, they have a common physical feature, that is, they are all single eyelids.

The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

What's going on here? Were the craftsmen negligent in making the Terracotta Warriors? This statement clearly does not make sense. The Tianzi No. 1 project itself is so delicate in its production process that it is obviously impossible to have such a loophole. The second possibility is that the original Qin people were all single eyelids, so the craftsmen faithfully reflected this detail when they made terracotta warriors with reference to the Qin soldiers. At that time, everyone was single eyelid, and none of them were double eyelids, was this possible?

The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

In fact, for many years, there is really a view in the academic community that because of the relationship between species, all Han people originally had single eyelids, and the double eyelids that appeared later were the result of the integration of Han people with other ethnic groups. To put it bluntly, it is after the integration with other ethnic groups that some genes of the Han people have changed, and only then have people evolved from the original single eyelid to double eyelid.

The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

Is this really the case? There are many people who support this view, but the editor has a different understanding.

We can first understand the problem of single double eyelids from the cultural relics that have been excavated. According to general saying, the largest ethnic integration in ancient mainland China should be during the Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, so it can be understood that double eyelids should not appear until after the Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties. This point of view seems to be fine, unearthed from the Western Han Dynasty Changxin Palace lamp, the little girl holding the lamp eyes, although small, but definitely double eyelids. Looking at the paintings of the Tang Dynasty, many of them clearly depict the double eyelids of the figures.

The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

Before the Southern and Northern Dynasties, were people single eyelids like terracotta warriors? This is not the case. Judging from the jade people unearthed from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, it is a pity that many of them are double eyelids. Looking at the pottery figurines in the Spring and Autumn Period, double eyelids abound. There is a cultural relic is the Warring States period metal man lamp, from the costume point of view, wide robe large sleeves, right side, typical Han people look forward to, but if you enlarge the eyes to see, you will find that it is still double eyelids.

The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

Therefore, Xiaobian believes that double eyelids are not just the product of national integration. So, what is the real reason why there are single and double eyelids? At the end of the day, this is because of the results of certain genetic differences in humans. However, the difference in the genes of the species does not come from the integration of different peoples, but from the adaptation of human beings to the natural environment.

The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

At the beginning, people living in cold areas, because of the cold weather, in order to adapt to the cold environment, the fat under the eyelids began to accumulate, so the Chinese ancestors in this area should be single eyelids. The weather in the south is warmer, or people move to warm places to live, as the climate warms, the fat in the single eyelid, because it is useless, is slightly evolved, and the single eyelid gradually becomes a double eyelid.

The Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang are all single eyelids, and the double eyelids are the result of gene fusion, which Xiaobian thinks is not right

So double eyelids are actually just the result of human adaptation to nature. Here, Xiaobian also has a more interesting idea: after the appearance of double eyelids, there were not many at first, but people found that double eyelids generally look better. Therefore, people with double eyelids are easier to find a partner and more likely to breed the next generation. In this way, the double eyelids will naturally increase, and eventually the single eyelid will begin to be equally divided. This should also be regarded as a natural selection.

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