
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

A while ago, there was a lot of noise about the squinting dispute, and Uncle Oxygen found that many people confused the difference between squinting and small eyes.

Taking Huang Lizhi with single eyelid fox eyes as an example, do you think that these two types of eye shapes have a strong feeling of squinting?

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Compare one more, which is the small eye? Which is squinting?

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

These two pairs of eyes, who is more like not waking up?

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Did you find it:

Squinting ≠ the absolute size of the eyes, whether a pair of eyes have a sense of squinting, the key lies in the upper corner of the eye.

The upper corner of the eye is an extension of the structure of the medial canthal eyelid, as shown in the area of the drawn line.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The example just given is also by changing the morphological characteristics of the upper corner of the eye, so that a pair of eyes show different moods.

When the upper corner of the eye is covered with more front lines of the corner of the eye, the eyes are more half-open and half-closed, as if they are sleeping.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The picture on the right is more squinty than the one on the left

Everyone knows the inner corner of the eye and the outer corner of the eye, but I haven't heard much about the upper corner of the eye, right?

This concept has not yet been popularized in China, and there is no doctor who can open the corner of the eye, you let the doctor open the upper corner of the eye, he will most likely open a sharper inner corner of the eye.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Sixty percent of people who want to open the inner corner of the eye are actually more suitable for opening the upper corner of the eye

Korean double eyelid surgery pays more attention to whether the eyes are good-looking, so it will take into account the small details such as the upper corner of the eye.

Many people with a good eye foundation, such as Pei Jie, do not need to do a very wide double eyelid, only maintain the existing double eyelid line unchanged, and then use the opening of the eye to adjust the length and width of the eye cleft, change the starting point of the double eyelid fold, you can achieve the beauty of the eyes with both gods and shapes.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The popular narrow double in Korea, open the front and back corners of the eyes, extend the horizontal length of the eyes at the same time, and then open the upper corner of the eyes to naturally broaden the width of the eyes, change the starting point of the double eyelid folds, and effectively achieve the expansion of the eye space.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Contrast cutting a very wide double eyelid, brutally increasing the absolute area of the eye, narrow double + open corner of the eye (inner, upper, outer corner of the eye) can take into account the smooth nature of the eye shape and the dexterity of the eye look, the aesthetics are naturally higher than one level.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Fortunately, she did not cut the big wide double eyelids to become South Korean Chen Zihan

So today Uncle Oxygen takes you to make up for the "upper corner of the eye", which is the eye detail that we have overlooked:

First, from an aesthetic point of view, take everyone to fully understand their upper corner of the eye;

Then through makeup and fine-tuning two ways to teach everyone to adjust the upper corner of the eye according to their facial proportions.


Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The upper corner of the eye determines the degree of eye opening

The same is true of changing the structure of the inner canthal eyelid, the inner corner of the eye changes the left and right length of the eye, and the upper corner of the eye changes the upper and lower width of the eye. Many people are not suitable for opening the inner corner of the eye, but it is suitable for opening the upper corner of the eye, such as rose:

If the inner corner of the eye is opened, the eye becomes longer but the eye distance is contracted, and the proportion of the face is unbalanced;

Her left eye was mildly weak, and the upper corner of the eye was not delicate enough, covering part of the double eyelid and pupil. If you open the corner of the eye, broaden the width of the upper and lower eyes, the starting point of the double eyelid folds is in front, the shape is smoother, the exposure of the pupil is increased, and the beauty is more beautiful.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

If the upper corner of the eye is smooth in shape, different upper eye angles point to different aesthetics.

The upper corner of the eye determines the degree of eye opening (the degree to which the eye is open), and the number of upper eye angles is roughly divided into three gradients:

The higher the degree, the greater the eye opening, the more you have the feeling of opening your eyes; the smaller the degree, the smaller the eye opening, and the more you have the feeling of squinting your eyes.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

If the upper corner of the eye tends to 0 °, the eye opening is small, and the intensity of the eyes is dispersed, which is closer to the appearance of a slight squint.

The straight, pressed upper eyelid lines allow the eyes to convey the ruthlessness of feline observation and hunting.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

There is a saying that European and American stars have more squints, and they are more suitable for squinting.

They frantically reduce the number of upper eye angles and hang their eyes upwards because Westerners have deep eye sockets, narrow eyebrow spacing, and the levator upper eyelids are closely attached to the upper eyelid skin, so they are more tolerant of the blind spots brought about by the flattening of the upper corners of the eyes, and can even play a lazy, comfortable, and labor-free atmosphere.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The number of upper eye angles tends from tending to 45° to 0°

For example, Marlene Dietrich, it is this iconic half-open eyes that make her Germanic temperament perfectly combined with Hollywood, debauchery flows in her eyes, but she is restrained by reason, both a kind of judgment-like seriousness and a mouthful of smoke because of the feminine eye makeup.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Bella and Kendou also create phoenix eyes with a lower center of gravity by constantly lowering the angle of the upper corner of the eye + increasing the end of the eye.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Compared with other supermodel eyes, the eye head is straight + the end of the eye is straight, the center of gravity of the eye is stable and centered, and the temperament is more cold and desireless.

And the eyes are straight + flying behind the eyes, and the center of gravity of the eyes is behind, so that the temperament is high-level and noble at the same time, but also more sullen and, and the sexual meaning is stronger.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The small upper eye angle is not very friendly to Orientals.

Because Asians have eye socket fat and subcutaneous fat, orbicularis muscles, eyelid skin are very thick, and 50% of Asians have Mongolian folds, when the lower part of the eye collapse is serious, a little carelessness will look like the feeling of not opening the eyes, and it is easy to appear sleepy, dull, and decadent.

Even if you have double eyelid surgery, the front line of the double eyelid will be invisible and buried.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Unless other areas are more expressive, the flattering upper corner of the eye can be beautiful:

For example, Komatsu's thick bangs + convex nose and shrunken jaw, with such eyes, she will always play an emotional girl with a heart;

Sugata Shoko's V-shaped wild beauty with anger value + cat-like arrogant upturned nose and lips + visible facial asymmetry, with such eyes, he will always play an unruly soul, wandering outside the rules of the world on the edge of the teenager.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

If the upper corner of the eye tends to 45 °, the eye opening is normal, and the eye strength is moderate, this is the most suitable angle for oriental people to go to the upper corner of the eye, and it can be attacked and retreated.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Different camera angles affect the number of upper eye angles, which in turn affects the style.

When looking down, the angle of the upper corner of the eye increases, soft and cute; when looking up, the angle of the upper corner of the eye is reduced, alienated from the cold, and the old lady is very punk!

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

When Monroe shows childlike innocence, she looks squarely at the camera and unfolds the upper corner of her eye at 45 degrees, clear and clear as if she is going to open the gift in the next second.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

When she looks up slightly and half squints, the upper corner of the eye is infinitely close to 0 °, a pair of impenetrable eyes are difficult to guess, but a pair of eyes can see through the minds of others.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

If the upper corner of the eye tends to 90 °, the eye opening is large, and the eyes are fully open, such as Zhixiu and Liu Renna, the look is more refreshing and clear.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

A while ago, Liu Renna's fans protested that she matched Aidou in "SnowDrop Flower", but from the perspective of facial style alone, Liu Renna was difficult to support the dispatch of the female one.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The negative of the concentration of the eyes is that the whole person seems to be particularly forceful, although sincere but tense.

For example, An Youzhen, round eyes + round brain door + blunt mouth type, typical three good student faces, will also lend you homework to copy the kind.

Even if you try to rebel and look up to make the upper corner of your eye tend to 0°, you are like a class leader who is tired of taking selfies.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Liu Renna's upper eye angle is closer to 90 ° than Zhixiu, the corner of the eye is too round and blunt, looks silly, and looks like staring at people, with the center of gravity in the eye of the figure eight eyebrows, whether in terms of intelligence or audience popularity are not popular.

Her brilliant roles are often female second, and the performance of female first is average.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Wearing sunglasses to cover your eyes, you immediately have the feeling of goddess Fan and female number one

Different eye shapes are matched with different upper eye angles


Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Effect of the upper corner of the eye on the overall proportions

1. Upper corner of the eye and center of gravity

Looking at a certain element alone, different upper eye angles and different eye centers of gravity have their own aesthetics, but how to match is the key to overall harmony and beauty.

For the eyes, only if the facial foundation is regular enough, can there be room for shine on the eyes and use contradictions to rush out of the style:

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

This superior foundation, large eyes, light makeup, heavy makeup, and a change of shape can be changed into a different beauty method

The vast majority of people, on the contrary, maximize facial beauty through more standardized, Peugeot eyes, and save a face with one pair of eyes.

For Asians, the most standard upper corner of the eye + center of gravity is configured to: 45 ° upper corner of the eye + eye center of gravity center of the eye.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

In general:

The more advanced the center of gravity of the eye, the number of upper eye angles tends to be close to 90 °, at this time, reducing the number of upper eye angles will achieve the balance of the amount of the eye;

On the contrary, the lower the center of gravity of the eye, the number of upper eye angles tends to be closer to 0°, and increasing the number of upper eye angles will achieve visual harmony in the eyes.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

So how to adjust this configuration with makeup and fine-tuning?

Rear center of gravity + increase the number of upper eye angles

The first is through makeup: use an oblique brush to open the upper corner of the eye at the head of the eye and increase the number of upper eye angles.

The eyes at the back of the center of gravity are most suitable for creating a parallelogram eye shape, the end of the eye with eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyelashes to increase the weight while lifting the upper eyelid, the atrium of the elderly or the lower eyelid trend upwards, you can add the recumbent silkworm down to the middle section down to make up some circles, to continue to drag the center of gravity down, thereby shortening the atrium.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The second is to open the upper corner of the eye surgery, that is, to raise the 45° part of the upper eyelid connected to the corner of the eye, and rearrange the soft tissue of the eye pulled downward.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The double eyelid line is exposed from the head of the eye, increasing the exposure of the eyeball, and the double eyelid line is smoother and more natural, and the eye shape is more rounded.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Center of gravity of the eye + lower the number of upper eye angles

The most effective way to reduce the number of upper eye angles, that is, to reduce the weight of the front of the eye makeup, whether it is eyebrows, eyeshadow, eyelashes, under the eyes, all placed in the back 2/3 area, piled up behind the ha.

Avoid stacking silkworms in the middle, which can be shadow under the eyes, or crouching silkworms from narrow to wide shapes;

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Start from the highest part of the eye to sweep the eyeshadow, extend the upper edge as straight as possible, and apply a white eyeshadow pencil to the middle and posterior part of the eyelid to expand the eye.

Do not have too large beautiful pupils, otherwise the lower end will be covered by the lower eyelids, and it will look like the eyes are more crowded.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

2. The upper corner of the eye does not change the eye distance, change the pupil distance

Eye distance is close + pupil distance is close, suitable for the upper corner of the eye that tends to 0 °

The most brilliant example of this configuration is Park Ji-yeon, whose eye distance is close and the eye split is long, and the 20° slight side face is always better than the front face, because the eye distance is not visible at this angle.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Originally suspected of cockfighting eyes, if her upper eyelid is raised, the visual perception of eye distance and interpupillary distance is closer, and the facial proportion is close to an imbalance.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

And Park Ji-yeon's current eye configuration coupled with the thick eyeshadow and eyeliner that expands at the end of her eyes allows her to have a strong recognition in a group of female love beans, which can also be seen at a glance when thrown into the pile.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

Eye distance is far/moderate + pupil distance is close, suitable for the upper corner of the eye that tends to 45°

Like Xuanmei and Liu Renna with a moderate eye distance, the upper eye angle is close to 90 °, if you reduce the number of upper eye angles of the two people, it will not only improve the balance of the center of gravity of the eyes, but also open the distance between the two eyes, so that the length of the eye shape looks more compatible with the width of the face, and the intelligence value will also be improved.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

The eye distance is far + the pupil distance is far, suitable for the upper corner of the eye that tends to 90 °

Song Zhiya's eye center of gravity is far in front + the eye distance is farther, and Uncle Oxygen has said before that this is a relatively good configuration.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

If you keep the current eye distance, lower the number of upper eye angles, and add catfish to the catfish

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

If you do not change the number of eye angles and close the eye distance, it is very Zhang Bichen

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

And she continues to strengthen the weight of the eye area through makeup, uses eyeliner and eyelashes to increase the number of upper eye angles one step closer, visually balances the problem of too wide eye distance, and strengthens personal style and characteristics with her words and deeds.

Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes
Many people confuse the difference between squinting and small eyes

First understand your own facial features, and then copy Song Zhiya's makeup

Well, today's upper corner aesthetic will talk about this ~ ~

When we enter the aesthetic pursuit of both form and god, the size of the eyes is not important, and the look between the eyebrows is the most rare.

Compared with the drastic change of eye shape, the upper corner of the eye is a choice that does not destroy personal style, but can be carefully crafted and optimized for detail, hoping that we can maintain our central characteristics while becoming beautiful.

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