
Thumbs up to Miha Tour! The original god is full of details: the Paimon crown will fall, and the plot hides the male protagonist's figure

Every hot game must have a lot of merit, and the same is true of Protosthesis. Especially in the stage of new pits, it is necessary to do the best. Such a high retention rate of "Original God" is not only based on the delicate characters and landscapes, but also many players are difficult to directly perceive, but unconsciously increase the countless details of the game experience. Some details are so difficult to perceive that time has passed so long that few players know about them, and they can even be regarded as "Easter eggs". Of course, if you inadvertently discover these hidden details, you can get great satisfaction, just like the youth version of "Columbus Discovers the New World".

Original God game scene

Players who know Chunqiujun know that for the game "Original God", the author has always praised it with advantages, and flaws will be unabashedly said. The world is not black and white, and a thing must have its advantages and disadvantages, and the advantages and disadvantages coexist. And what this article wants to talk about is the 3 excellent details of "Original God" that are difficult to detect without paying attention.

The plot of "Original God" hides a mysterious figure in the cutscene, and when you zoom in, it is another protagonist

"Original God" plot cutscenes are more elaborate, recently, a new friend of Chunqiu Jun, found a mysterious figure in the plot cutscenes. The cutscene is called "A New Storm Has Appeared", and while the protagonist and Amber are walking in Mond City, the sky suddenly darkens and a wind demon dragon runs over. In the plot, the new friend found a mysterious figure, zoomed in, and turned out to be another protagonist. At first, the friend thought that everyone knew, but when he asked, he realized that this was not the case, and he did not know much.

Thumbs up to Miha Tour! The original god is full of details: the Paimon crown will fall, and the plot hides the male protagonist's figure

The plot cutscene hides a mysterious figure

The protagonist and Amber are walking in Mond, and when Twarin flies over Mond, the other protagonist hides behind a stone building on the roof. It turned out that he had been hiding in the shadows, secretly watching the fireflies. I have to say that this is really too fine, so many frames of the picture have been seen!

Thumbs up to Miha Tour! The original god is full of details: the Paimon crown will fall, and the plot hides the male protagonist's figure

The male protagonist of "Original God"

Seeing this, there may be players complaining: "Is the title too wordy to use [another protagonist] to describe"?

Not really. Here, although Mihayou hides the emptiness in the cutscenes in great detail, he misses a big flaw. It is reasonable to say that when the player chooses the female protagonist, the male protagonist will hide behind the stone building.

But when the player chooses the male protagonist, it is still the male protagonist hidden in the cutscene... Isn't it "another protagonist"?

Do you know? Paimon's crown would fall

The original god Paimon character image, Paimon wears a small crown on his head.

The Original God Paimon Crown fell

But you know what? Paimon's crown sometimes falls. When Paimon flipped his body, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the crown of his head suddenly fell. At this point, Paimon flipped around and picked up the crown with his other hand, fortunately not falling into the water.

Thumbs up to Miha Tour! The original god is full of details: the Paimon crown will fall, and the plot hides the male protagonist's figure

Parmon's crown fell

If the Paimon Crown falls into the river, Paimon will not have a crown after the Original God...

But I can't say for sure, maybe a river god drilled out of the river, asked Paimon whether he dropped a gold crown, a silver crown or an iron crown, and finally Pai meng Xiti 3 crowns may not be sure?

"Original God" Mond Tavern, there is a noise near the night, but not during the day

Below the MAP OF THE NPC WHERE MOND SELLS FOOD, there is an unknown tavern.

Thumbs up to Miha Tour! The original god is full of details: the Paimon crown will fall, and the plot hides the male protagonist's figure

"Original Gods" in the city of Mond

The lights are off during the day and bright at night, and when you get close to the window, you hear a loud noise, like a lot of people talking inside.

It is precisely because of the countless such details that the early "Original God" is full of charm. In addition, what other details of "Original God" do you know that are less known? Welcome to the comment area to tell everyone ~

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