
"Absolute Zero" sleeps a little longer ZZZ... 5.13 Is about to reveal the mysterious TV signal

Zenless zone zero (ZZZ or 3Z)

"Absolute Zero" is one of Miha Tours' next key projects, which has been developed for a long time, and may also be related to miha Tours' newly established Montreal studio.

"Absolute Zero" sleeps a little longer ZZZ... 5.13 Is about to reveal the mysterious TV signal

According to the video speculation, this will be an open-world, gunfight-like, two-dimensional FPS game (most likely with elements of virtual reality). What do you think about that?

"Absolute Zero" sleeps a little longer ZZZ... 5.13 Is about to reveal the mysterious TV signal

"Absolute Zero" sleeps a little longer ZZZ... 5.13 is about to be revealed.

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