
Epidemic at home, filter out inefficient - not just spitting

There was no update for a week, and it was really more than just slack.

In fact, I've been working from home since last Tuesday. My younger brother Xiaobei was sent to my mother's house by me early (the workers really couldn't work and manage 2 children). Still, during my first full week at work from home, I still felt more tired and angry than I used to.

What exactly went wrong?

First of all, it is the reduction in efficiency brought about by frequent interruptions of thinking, and the negative emotions brought by this inefficiency.

A lot of my work is done after a while, and the focus requirement is very high. But when the children are around, it is almost impossible to go uninterrupted for 20 minutes at the beginning, resulting in the same workload, and I now have to spend more time.

In addition, this inefficient state itself is particularly prone to anxiety and anger.

Secondly, it is forced to take on part of the work that has been outsourced, resulting in an increase in workload.

It is said that it is true that it is precious to lose it and know that what it originally had is precious. While working from home, I was forced to take on at least two tasks that were already outsourced. One is to make lunch and dinner (the part-time worker aunt is in a state of long-term inability to go out like me). The second is home silence for children.

Indeed, during the first week of working from home, cooking caused me a lot of trouble. For example, you will be afraid of running out of food, so you follow the online strategy, 0 o'clock to set a food alarm clock, 7 o'clock to grab the dish alarm clock, sleep state is not as good as in the past. In addition, the four-person meal, from washing vegetables to cutting vegetables to washing vegetables, is also laid out in time, and no matter how fast my hands are, I have to accept the reality that the lunch break time has been completely encroached upon.

Let's talk about the children's home silence. In the past, he went to institutional evening nursery after school. During the more than two hours of staying in the institution, the home meditation and teaching aids were completed by the agency. Now, having to adapt to everything from sitting back and enjoying myself at once has also brought me a new workload.

What's more, I've found that my teammates are almost blind to all the increased workload due to the pandemic, which also sows negative emotions.

The third is the feeling of powerlessness caused by being forced to look directly at the inefficiency of children and difficult to change.

Distance produces beauty, in the past I always felt that fat treasure's learning efficiency is not low, and learning habits are not too bad. However, when you really spend time with him day and night and have to look at every detail, you will find that there are too many places that you can't look at. This inefficiency is in stark contrast to the self-discipline (self-demand) to which one is accustomed, and several prompts have not helped.

I'm not in a good state, tired, and prone to getting angry, but as I said in the title, I don't stop at spitting itself, I've been thinking about how to improve. Here are some good ways to try it out:

First, tell the children that their mothers are at home, but at work, they can't always respond to needs.

From the second week, I set up a small table in the bedroom so that I could physically isolate myself from fat treasures who were taking online classes and doing their homework in the living room or small room. Then I told him very clearly that eleven o'clock in the afternoon to 1 o'clock (my lunch break) was the time he could ask me for advice. In fact, most of the homework upload and revision deadlines are at night, even if you focus on answering questions at noon, you will not delay any content.

Children may have a lot of companionship needs (consciously or unconsciously), but the selective refusal of parents (must be firm) is the first step to ensure their work efficiency and work quality, only in this way can they finish work on time and fully accompany them at other times.

Second, use the rare large amount of time to open up new horizons.

Although deep down I very much hope that children can go back to school, I have to say that "going to school" at home also has the benefit of homeschooling, that is, the child's disposable time has suddenly increased.

Because I didn't have my first class until 9 o'clock, I had 30 minutes more time to listen to English every morning; because I had a lot of free time, the Chinese and English novels that had been on the cabinet for a while were opened. With the opening of the new world, the number of times he called his mother naturally decreased.

Epidemic at home, filter out inefficient - not just spitting

(The first time I read a long story with basically no pictures)

Third, adjust your mindset and accept the slow pace of your children.

Recently I was thinking about a problem, maybe in school, children are also grinding and rubbing, not so efficient.

Therefore, when I feel that I can't look at it, it is not necessarily the problem of children, but my own scale itself is too demanding.

So I changed my way, I made the daily missions, advanced the rhythm and decided by himself, completed quickly, there would be no additional tasks, but I could play with the toys by myself.

In the end, I found that when I let him take the rhythm by himself, it didn't seem so bad.

Fourth, go to bed early and get up early, and maintain adequate rest.

Yes, although you don't have to go to work, people always seem to be like this, and the more you don't need to get up early (working from home saves commuting time), the easier it is to go to bed late.

At the beginning of the second week, I pulled my sleep time to eleven o'clock, slept enough, and felt that the state of the person was much better.

In fact, there was originally another one here, lunch as far as possible takeaway delivery to solve (for their own lunch break, and to alleviate the pressure of grabbing vegetables), but considering the new policy yesterday, it may be a little difficult to call takeaway in the near future.

Finally, add a lot of paragraphs in social networks, brush music on the weekend, if you want to filter inefficient on weekdays, the most important thing to stay away from is the group chat and circle of friends that people are constantly pouring.

Epidemic at home, filter out inefficiency - this sentence is not only said to children, but also to themselves. May every time at home witness the common progress of us and our children.

Epidemic at home, filter out inefficient - not just spitting

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