
The road of life leads to inner peace

The road of life leads to inner peace

If the heart is quiet, the mind that sees people and things must be as straight and wide as the horizon.

The lack of waves in conception is superficially similar to numbness, but the numb person has to refuse any joy in order to avoid pain.

So the quiet heart is not numb, but joy and sorrow no longer have substantial power. Joy is like a cloud, and sadness no longer has the pain of the skin, and when all the sensations are mixed together, it is like the neutralization of acidic and alkaline substances, the proper ratio, reaching the vast state of mind of the horizon.

All our feelings come from reality, and any perception can be the source of a flood in the heart.

Inner peace is not the removal of external disturbances, it is not the source. Instead, it reaches a certain state of inner silence. If there is no accumulated water potential in the heart, no matter what the external force is, there will be no more flash floods.

This feeling of stopping the water in the mind is a state of tranquility.

Many people wish they could get closer to inner peace. But I feel that there is a danger in it.

The road of life leads to inner peace

The danger comes from numbness.

The mind is like stopping water and the heart is like a mallet tree can also achieve a state of tranquility, and the way a person reaches it determines the difference in the final state.

For people with good hearts, sadness and despair do not ultimately bring hatred, but may lead to deep disappointment.

This abandonment of the world is like a wall that is deep enough and thick enough to isolate man from himself. When a person only asks inward and cannot get out of the self, it becomes numb.

Numbness isn't the only way to gain peace, but it's a terrible way to do it.

When we talk about the yearning for tranquility, what we are saying is a state of indisputable existence. Being indisputable is not about not being a world affair.

If tranquility means deepening the gap with the world and from life, then it is better not to ask for yearning.

When a person expounds his understanding of inner peace, he must have a smile in his eyes. Although it is impossible to describe such a state in a comparative way, the so-called quiet heart will definitely allow a person to have a better state of life.

It seems to me that everyone is on the road to tranquility, as long as they are not tempted by numbness.

Reading Notes:

In each ensuing day, I stayed in the illusion, leisurely, spending my years, no longer being shocked by anyone or anything, and I had a thousand silences.

— Yves Nawal

A Maverick Cat

Text: Flipping through the books in his spare time

Reading, emotion, life; there is warmth in the text;

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