
The laid-off old employee told about the layoff process of the day before, he was still working overtime for 618 until the early hours of the morning, and the reason for the layoff was relatively vague

The laid-off old employee told about the layoff process of the day before, he was still working overtime for 618 until the early hours of the morning, and the reason for the layoff was relatively vague

Jiupai Finance

2024-05-24 23:08Posted on the official account of Hubei Jiupai Finance

Recently, after the strict inspection of attendance rushed to the hot search list on Weibo, Jingdong caused a lot of discussions because of the "cliff-like breakup" of old employees in "521". The reporter noticed that a number of netizens posted content related to's layoffs on social platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Maimai.

At the same time, the layoffs of fresh graduates due to intranet messages also attracted attention, and the topic " forced to check employees' pulse records" briefly appeared on the pulse hot list.

On May 24, David (pseudonym), a former employee of, told Jiupai Finance that it was true that was laying off employees, and most of them were old employees, involving marketing, operations, procurement and sales, and other positions. He also revealed that the layoffs of fresh graduates were due to the fact that their statements on the intranet touched the red line of, and the company's move to check employees' mobile phones was related to this matter.

On the evening of May 24, the reporter contacted Jingdong to verify the above issues, but as of press time, no response has been received.

The laid-off old employee told about the layoff process of the day before, he was still working overtime for 618 until the early hours of the morning, and the reason for the layoff was relatively vague

The picture shows the content of the discussion among netizens on the Maimai platform.

[1] I worked overtime until 1 a.m. the day before I was laid off

David told reporters that he has worked at for 5 years, and at the "519 Old Employee Day", he received a gift symbolizing the "big guy" (old employee).

At around 8 o'clock in the morning on May 21, David came to work as usual, opened the internal software "Jingme" to connect with his colleagues and communicate with the business activities of "618". is also because of the busy "618", he worked overtime until 1 o'clock in the morning the day before.

HR's so-called "chat" is more like a notification. David told Jiupai Finance that the reason given to him by HR for layoffs was relatively vague, with no quantitative reference standard, only saying that his "current state and organization are no longer suitable", and very clearly required that he leave on the same day of communication, and there is no buffer period or improvement period.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, David handed over the office computer, completed a simple handover at 6 o'clock, and then announced the "breakup" with Redundancy compensation is a uniform standard N+1.

There are not a few who left on the same day as David. On May 22, a netizen who was certified as a "Jingdong Technology Employee" posted that "I didn't expect that just after the 519 Jingdong Old Employee Day, the old employee was laid off yesterday afternoon, and the resignation process was all done in half a day, and they were queuing up when they went to resign."

[2] The average annual income of employees decreased by about 371,800 yuan in two years

David believes that from the implementation of specific businesses in the past two years, the purpose of this "optimization" of old employees is to reduce costs and increase efficiency and catch up with profits. "The cost of an old employee can go to two or three new people." He said. At the same time, new regulations such as strict inspection of attendance, control of smoking time, and cancellation of lights are also in line with the strategy of reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

In this context, the layoff of fresh graduates because of their intranet messages touching the red line is only a symptom. Jiupai Finance has seen from's annual reports in the past three years that its expenditure on human resources has increased much higher than the increase in total income. According to the financial report, from 2021 to 2023, the total number of JD employees will increase from about 390,000 to about 450,000 and then to about 520,000, with annual increases of 16.8% and 14.8% respectively, compared with the annual growth rate of's total revenue of 9.9% and 3.7% respectively during the same period.

At the same time, from 2021 to 2023, the average annual income per employee will be about 2.4694 million yuan, 2.3225 million yuan, and 2.0976 million yuan respectively, a decrease of about 371,800 yuan in two years.

As of the close of the U.S. stock market on May 23,'s share price was US$31.2 per share, with a total market capitalization of US$47.64 billion, or about 344.915 billion yuan, down half from three years ago.

Jiupai financial reporter Huang Yiting

[Source: Jiupai News]

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  • The laid-off old employee told about the layoff process of the day before, he was still working overtime for 618 until the early hours of the morning, and the reason for the layoff was relatively vague

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