
Experience Suit 3.23 Update: Mulan strengthens the fallback, and the vampire suit weakens

In the March 23 update of the King's Glory Experience Suit, a wave of adjustments were made to Mulan and the "Soul Return Passive" of the Blood Soul Blade, the Blood Blade, and the Sanction Blade.

Experience Suit 3.23 Update: Mulan strengthens the fallback, and the vampire suit weakens

Note: Although this adjustment gives specific change data, but to be honest, some do not understand, but also have to analyze the brothers together to analyze whether it is strengthened or weakened

Mulan: Light Sword one skill many parameter adjustments

One Skill (Empty Crack Chop) First Stage: Speed 1666>1200 One Skill (Empty Crack Chop) First Stage: Movement Time 0.198s>0.264s One Skill (Empty Crack Chop) Second Stage: Speed 1600>1250 One Skill (Empty Crack Chop) Second Stage: Movement Time 0.2s>0.264s Epee Form Damage Reduction: 40% >45%

In the previous experience suit version update, the displacement effect of the next skill of mulan light sword form was optimized, so that its overall displacement speed was improved well, but as a balance, the damage reduction under the heavy sword form was reduced from 50% to 45%. Since the increased movement speed is more and the loss of damage reduction is small, it is considered a reinforcement.

Experience Suit 3.23 Update: Mulan strengthens the fallback, and the vampire suit weakens

Unfortunately, after the last adjustment, Mulan has a lot of bugs, and even has to temporarily block it to solve. In this evening's update, Mulan made a series of confusing adjustments: the speed of the next skill in its light sword form was reduced, and the movement time was extended, although the data was very accurate, accurate to one thousandth of a second, but it was still incomprehensible.

There are several specific questions: first, whether the specific wave of data changes is relative to the formal service, or relative to the experience service after strengthening; second, if it is relative to the experience service, then whether it is weakened compared to the formal service; third, this speed refers to the penetration speed or the damage speed, or the reaction speed of the skill; fourth, what is the relationship between the speed and the movement time, because the speed is reduced, so the movement time is long, or the two are independent of each other; fifth, Why the previous announcement said that the heavy sword damage reduction was reduced from 50% to 45%, and this time it was changed from 40% to 45%, was it corrected or the announcement was written incorrectly.

Experience Suit 3.23 Update: Mulan strengthens the fallback, and the vampire suit weakens

I have to say that the recent changes to the King's Glory experience suit are more and more careless, especially the descriptions of various copywriters are really suspected of opening, far less compact and meticulous than the skin. The brother-in-law can only make a guess according to the existing situation, that is, assuming that the content of the adjustment this time is compared with the experience suit version of Mulan, then this wave is to strengthen the mobility of a skill and then regress, so that the displacement effect is no longer difficult and outrageous; as for the adjustment of the injury reduction coefficient, my analysis is wrong.

If the above guess is correct, then Mulan is likely to lose 5% of the damage reduction in vain without optimization of a skill, and the announcement shamelessly writes the weakening of the damage reduction as a strengthening.

PS: After the article was published, Glory of the King finally realized the copywriting error of the announcement, and the final revised copy was:

One Skill First Stage Collision Volume: 400>450 One Skill Second Stage Movement Time: 0.4s> 0.264s One Skill Second Stage Speed: 800>1250 One Skill Second Stage Collision Volume: 400>450 Epee Damage Reduction: 50% >45%

Experience Suit 3.23 Update: Mulan strengthens the fallback, and the vampire suit weakens

This version of the announcement is very clear, because the data of the official service version is compared. That is, Mulan in the experience suit, at present, compared with the formal suit, the touch volume of one skill and two stages has been improved, and the speed of displacement has also been accelerated, as a balance, its damage reduction coefficient has been weakened by 5%. It can be seen that it is still a continuation of the previous adjustment plan, but there is a slight regression in the value.

Soul Rejuvenation passive adjustment

Passive-Echo: Regen: 400 (+40* Hero Level) > 400 (+15* Hero Level)

Experience Suit 3.23 Update: Mulan strengthens the fallback, and the vampire suit weakens

In the recent update of the experience suit, a new mid-level vampire equipment called the Blood Soul Blade has been added, which has been adjusted to fill the gap between the Vampire Sickle and the Advanced Vampire Suit, and a passive called The Soul is added to all Vampire Suits, which will automatically get a continuous health regeneration effect when the health volume is below 30%. This update has weakened the effect of this blood return, and the specific amount of recovery has been reduced from 400 to 960 to 400 to 610 points, so that the endurance of shooters and assassins is not so outrageous.

Experience Suit 3.23 Update: Mulan strengthens the fallback, and the vampire suit weakens

Finally, according to the test in the experience suit, give you a popular science of the mechanism of the soul return passivity: First, the soul return blood and the conventional blood return, will be seriously injured passive containment and the bonus of the eye of the undead bird; second, the mechanism of the soul return is more special, the only mechanism is the amount of blood, as long as the amount of their own blood is below 30%, and the amount of blood has changed (such as being attacked, sucking blood / returning blood, or purchasing equipment) then it will directly trigger the soul return passive and return blood, Much smarter than Xiahou Huan's passivity.

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